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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I think the point is that hydroxy was declared to be of very little benefit a few months ago and we didn't buy loads of it. Nothing materially has changed since then, aside from Trump deciding (because his donors, because he fancies, maybe he's not even taking it and its all a distraction, because whatever) to take it prophylactically. He is now claiming the admittedly not great trial which he pushed to happen only returned the results it did because it is anti trump. 

All this is by the by, given he has no medical training whatsoever, and nothing at all has changed from various agencies deciding it had little to no benefit, it seems a "bit strange" that we should chuck any money at it at all entirely predicated on the fact that trump has decided to take it. 

Edited by madwullie
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Surely if all these Americans start buying it and reducing demand or driving the price up, then it's worth having a stash of the stuff for the people who actually need it for the several illnesses it is proven to treat?

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But as has been said, it is proven in the treatment of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in the treatment and prevention of malaria. Trump being an arse doesn't change that.
I did some checking on which drugs are used to treat Lupus - it turns out that hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and chloroquine (Aralen) are the standard treatments. Given that there may be around 300,000 (mainly women) with Lupus then £35million may not actually be that much.

If that had been stated then I don't think many would complain - by using the excuse of needing it in case clinical trials on Covid-19 prove effective they are just opening themselves up to ridicule.
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Is there any particular reasoning so many businesses are making staff redundant rather than just keeping them on furlough for the time being to let them earn some money for a few more months? Is there some sort of “rule” against that?

I can’t get my head round a business letting someone go (in an environment where they’ve next to no chance of finding a job) rather than letting them get 80% of their salary for a few more months at no cost to the business. 

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1 hour ago, bendan said:

No, you'd have been in a purple-faced rage about the government giving money to 'their mates' in big business while people rely on food banks.

You seem to know me pretty well - i.e. not at all.

Am I upset that Fucking Sir Bastárd James Cúnting Dyson has sucked a few more millions from our coffers while delivering fúck all? Absolutely, and I'd have to wonder about anyone who wasn't. That's straying from the point, mind.

Im not aware of many multi-national corporations whose fortunes are built on nitrile gloves and ffp3 masks, but I'm happy to be enlightened.

Anyone who actually has taken notice of my posting over the years will know that I am quite willing to pay my share of tax, however much that may be, provided it is used for the common good,for example as contingency for a "once in a lifetime" emergency which might well occur , oh I dunno, by the law of averages, once in my lifetime.

To paraphrase an erstwhile Chancellor, they simply aren't interested in fixing the roof while the sun's shining.

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1 hour ago, bendan said:

No, I'm comparing buying PPE and ventilators to buying medicine in situations where we have no idea whether we'll need them or not 

Fine, except Cygnus clearly identified the biggest threat our Healsth service would face. So, possibly maybe just the inkling of a smidgen of an idea, then.

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Buying up a necessary drug that may become scarce is arguably a sensible idea.  I’m sure this caring Tory government will do it as a matter of policy from this time forward.

Buying up a drug because the biggest fuckwit to ever hold public office claims, without any proof, that it is effective in battling COVID-19 is batshit mental.

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6 hours ago, madwullie said:

Don't imagine Johnston is answering his phone atm. Has anyone actually heard why he's not attending these briefings? 

Let the junior muppets take the flak for this mess, he'll probably make a grand appearance once it's over.



7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Buying up a necessary drug that may become scarce is arguably a sensible idea.  I’m sure this caring Tory government will do it as a matter of policy from this time forward.

Buying up a drug because the biggest fuckwit to ever hold public office claims, without any proof, that it is effective in battling COVID-19 is batshit mental.


Be nice to Donny in the hope of a post brexit trade deal....

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Could be worth getting a stash in for people who need it for Lupus or Malaria etc in case fuckwit Americans buy it all up. 

Well, all except 35 million's worth, anyway.

Is this to be today's theme, then? Let's spend money on drugs because, well you never know.

I suppose if it's stops anyone asking why "The App!" hasn't saved us all yet. Or ask why CockHand's goals have changed from "delivering" to providing capacity for" via "supplying" tests.

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1 hour ago, bendan said:

But as has been said, it is proven in the treatment of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in the treatment and prevention of malaria. Trump being an arse doesn't change that.

Mr Muscle is proven in the treatment of manky ovens. Fancy giving that a shot?

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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Well, all except 35 million's worth, anyway.

Is this to be today's theme, then? Let's spend money on drugs because, well you never know.

I suppose if it's stops anyone asking why "The App!" hasn't saved us all yet. Or ask why CockHand's goals have changed from "delivering" to providing capacity for" via "supplying" tests.


From conversations LUPUS UK has had with pharmaceutical companies who manufacture this drug for the UK we understand that, due to increased demand in March 2020, some wholesale suppliers completely depleted their stock of hydroxychloroquine in some regional depots.


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14 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


Buying up a drug because the biggest fuckwit to ever hold public office claims, without any proof, that it is effective in battling COVID-19 is batshit mental.

If that were the reason, that would be mental.

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46 minutes ago, Snafu said:




This last post on a reread snagged me like getting caught on a tree branch while walking past and I remembered the receptionist called Brenda. Now just to clarify I take it Brenda is employed by the company that runs the building where you have your office? And you occasionally hire family members to help out every now and then, hire them and then pay them when the work is done?

And just one more thing, are you using the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) to make ends meet right now?


Oh, well played, Snafu. The fantasy businessman is more of a general, mossie-in-the-bedroom style irritant for me. To pick up that wee snippet and recall Brenda, then lay out his nonsense in order like that, is excellent work.

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43 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

£35m might be a “drop in the ocean” but there are many better things it could be spent on.

Maybe you’re just taking the piss now.

Nah, he's taking the malaria drug - come on, mate, keep up.

Although taking the piss might be just as effective - anyone got Bear Grylls' number?

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9 minutes ago, bennett said:

Let the junior muppets take the flak for this mess, he'll probably make a grand appearance once it's over.




Be nice to Donny in the hope of a post brexit trade deal....

Second point might actually be closer to the truth. It's basically an ad campaign run by the potus. Can't see that institution regaining any of the half arsed gravitas it might have had once he finally gets to f**k. 

First point, aye, people can criticise NS all they want, but at leat she has the balls to stand up in front of the press every day and discuss the decisions she makes. 

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53 minutes ago, Snafu said:




This last post on a reread snagged me like getting caught on a tree branch while walking past and I remembered the receptionist called Brenda. Now just to clarify I take it Brenda is employed by the company that runs the building where you have your office? And you occasionally hire family members to help out every now and then, hire them and then pay them when the work is done?

And just one more thing, are you using the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) to make ends meet right now?



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