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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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41 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Without meaning to be overly simplistic about it, how in the f**k are the people vulnerable enough to be still dying of this actually catching it.

Also, why is Nicola Sturgeon fear mongering with talk of "putting our children's lives at risk"? I am a parent and I personally would put my kids back into school tonorrow.

My kids were in school until the last day and are now in 1-3pm four afternoons a week. My friends kids been in hub all way through as she works in ICT. None of the kids have been ill.

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28 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:


Forget BLM or wee Tommy's Home Guard - ten thousand or so arseholes got together to get pissed in fields in the north of England at the weekend, for no other reason than they wanted to get pissed. Police action? They are (one assumes) investigating the sexual and knife attacks, but the breaking of lockdown or even Public Order offences? Not so much

It's called a rave M8.

Young people have lost months of their youth due to a virus that has little to no effect on them. Anyone who begrudges them a blowout is a miserable git. 

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6 minutes ago, RH33 said:

My kids were in school until the last day and are now in 1-3pm four afternoons a week. My friends kids been in hub all way through as she works in ICT. None of the kids have been ill.

This is what pisses me off. 

There is a significant proportion of the population who kept a large part of their normal routines due to being key workers but there is little interest in their experiences from the people who think any easing of lockdown will be the apocalypse.


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Teachers themselves are surely at very little risk. They are within 2m of very few (if any) pupils when at the front of the class, and, when it becomes 1m, none.
We are encouraged to circulate in the class and pretty much forbidden to stand behind a desk of we can possibly help it after an idiotic inspection from HMIe which had one member who had a bee in their bonnet about two things which are of little importance to learning and teaching or to behaviour but to her was the most important aspect of our jobs. Even if that wasn't the case, it'll only be old school teachers and the lazy/incompetent/winding down teachers who stand/sit behind their desks all day. And that's in the secondary schools, Primary teachers are up and about and literally next to the pupils pretty much the whole day.

Having said that, we'll pretty much be behind our desk in this new system and in Fife certainly it looks like we'll just be "teaching" generic stuff about health and wellbeing, values etc. and not subject specific stuff unless we get back to normal. I'm certainly not going in this week to set my desk up for 2m social distances as I'm pretty sure we'll be back to normal or at the very least down to 1m distancing by the ring we go back in August.
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Teachers themselves are surely at very little risk. They are within 2m of very few (if any) pupils when at the front of the class, and, when it becomes 1m, none.


What utter bollocks.


As a teacher I am constantly working 1-to-1 or in small groups - even more so when pupils are working on computers.


The days of chalk and talk are long gone.


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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:



What utter bollocks.

As a teacher I am constantly working 1-to-1 of in small groups - even more so when pupils are working on computers.

The days of chalk and talk are long gone.


Well aye,  but you could have a class full, do less of that and it's still better than this blended BS


ETA, with less children being blatantly left behind which is precisely what is going to happen .

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17 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

What utter bollocks.

As a teacher I am constantly working 1-to-1 of in small groups - even more so when pupils are working on computers.

The days of chalk and talk are long gone.


Maybe they can be the "new normal"

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51 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Well aye,  but you could have a class full, do less of that and it's still better than this blended BS

The idea that part time schooling is preferable to full time teaching on the basis that teachers would have to spend more time at the front of the class is bizarre.

Neither are ideal, but having 100% of teaching delivered by a qualified teacher is infinitely better than any % overseen by a parent, especially so if that same parent has their own job to do.

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Last week there were 2 admissions to ICU of confirmed Covid-19 patients.

Thats just 0.3 per day. 

Looking at the last 3 weeks (so essentially the full of phase 1) there have been just 9.

In terms of hospital admissions, the data runs a little behind, but the 7 day average as of 11/06 was exactly 5.

When you look at the point of the lock down (Protect the NHS. Save lives) these figures are remarkeable for a country hesitant to move out of Phase 1.

I can't picture how much lower the SNP would realistically like these to go.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

It's called a rave M8.

Young people have lost months of their youth due to a virus that has little to no effect on them. Anyone who begrudges them a blowout is a miserable git. 

What drivel you talk, I like most of my peers would rather have a beer on Zoom and make sure we can all get together after this and meet up for the first time in months at a funeral.

The need for a 'blowout' is not now but when it comes I'll be booting the arse out my liver

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2 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm a parent* too, and I don't want my daughter teaching up to eighty kids a day who come from homes where she has no idea of compliance levels. Safety can be maintained, or at least the risks mitigated, if appropriate Control Measures are in place. Fact is, they're not.  Johnson's simplistic slogan of the day, that schools are safe, means nothing until we know what CMs are in place to differentiate the environment. Without that clarification, what he's saying is, "back to normal, serfs!" for EVERY environment.

If your daughter is in a vulnerable risk category then of course she shouldn't re-enter a classroom, in the same way that those groups shouldn't be forced to re-enter any other workplace. If she isn't then the risk is infinitesimally small and so it's actually get back to work time just like non-essential retail staff.

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I dont think I'm an overly positive viewpoint re the numbers on here, or overly critical of the govt but heres how I see it currently, this is what I understand and so am happy to be corrected by folk who know more. Regarding the relaxation of measures and the potential second wave....

Once we relax measures, the following things can be safely assumed to act against a second wave, even supposing we open everything including schools etc.

A previously discussed, more diligent population. Hand washing, masks, maximising distance, minimising contact with other unnecessarily etc. Forget arbitrary distances. Just a population who are aware of the risks.

Tracking and tracing small outbreaks, with targeted localised measures if needed, with huge testing capacity available.

Significantly greater knowledge of the risk groups, and shielding of those risk groups, specifically those likely to require hospitalization.

Even greater diligence from those in the above groups (big assumption unfortunately)

Then let's assume that some, but less, people still get hospitalised. We have....

More beds.

More ventilators

More CPAP machines

A drug that significantly reduces the chance of a patient dying.

Why cant we place a higher priority now on the damage that is being done by factors which we are using to mitigate a disease that we are better prepared to fight?

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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Why cant we place a higher priority now on the damage that is being done by factors which we are using to mitigate a disease that we are better prepared to fight?


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41 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I can't picture how much lower the SNP would realistically like these to go.

I think it's irrelevant really. The longer we stay like this, the longer they go without having to make some meaningful decisions. I think the will and the desire to get back to normal at the soonest possiblity just isn't there. Going into lockdown was an easy decision - coming out of it is the hard part.

There's Oliver Dowden talking about grassroots level sport from July and some fans back in stadiums in time for the new season down there. This might prove reckless, who knows. At least it's on the agenda down there. These things just aren't being spoken about here. And, to my mind, because the SG are afraid to make the big decisions necessary.

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My problem is that at this point, and IMO, short of a vaccine or silver bullet treatment, we have come as far as is possible against this virus. Not getting society back to normal now is as good as saying its vaccine or a fucked world forever.

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3 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:
Maybe they can be the "new normal"

Chalk and talk doesn't work - you'll engage with around 3-4 pupils if you are lucky whilst the rest switch off.

Getting parents' to teach kids certainly won't work, so it doesn't solve anything.

This is not aimed at you in particular, but maybe teachers need to find innovative ways to keep the class engaged rather than just say "we can't"

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