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I heard on the R4 evening news someone from down south say that they had applied for a test "and got offered an appointment in Aberdeen".
I take it no-one in Aberdeen has a) had to wait for a test or b) been offered one in, say, Plymouth then?
I just wondered if there was a bug in the test allocation system which given the depressing history of government IT projects wouldn't surprise me 

I saw reports that people in London were getting offered tests in London if they put in Aberdeen postcodes so they were gaming the system by doing that. No idea if it’s true or not.
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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

This kind of nonsense and your reaction to Boris's 6 limit and moonshot as some kind of move to the Swedish model, when if the SG had announced it your head would have exploded from splutter bouncing off your keyboard, is the reason I'm finally putting you on ignore. Or I would if I could remember how.

I suspect in your indignation you're getting me mixed up with someone else.

I haven't been on this thread for over a fortnight, I've never commented on the '6 limit' or 'moonshot', and I'm in general a supporter of the Scottish government's policies (although I'm nudging very quickly into the 'she's going the wrong direction and being far too cautious' camp).

Fill yer boots though, if it makes you happy 🙂



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I heard on the R4 evening news someone from down south say that they had applied for a test "and got offered an appointment in Aberdeen".
I take it no-one in Aberdeen has a) had to wait for a test or b) been offered one in, say, Plymouth then?
I just wondered if there was a bug in the test allocation system which given the depressing history of government IT projects wouldn't surprise me 

All to do with lab space. The English system is essentially broken at this stage due to the reliance on ‘Lighthouse’ labs. I believe, unless it’s changed, that the Lighthouse lab in Glasgow only takes public tests from Glasgow Airport in Scotland. The rest are analysed in NHS labs. The Glasgow lab also takes the full quota of care home tests (staff and residents twice weekly).

So in summary, if you’re being tested anywhere except from Glasgow Airport you should get a result without much issue in Scotland (it happens, obviously, but looks like virtually all are within 48hrs). In England? Honestly, it’s a lottery. Of Tuesday’s announced English cases, more than half were from last week. 25% were four days old, and 16% were five days old. There was even 4% a full week old meaning you’re just as likely to get a result within 24 hours as you are a week.

Johnson promised all results within 24 hours by the end of June, for some context. And I haven’t even mentioned the fact that media investigations are showing it’s impossible to get a test in the top 10 English hotspots, so what’s going to happen to figures over the next week or so? Shockingly they’ll all come tumbling down.

It really can’t be stressed enough how much of a disaster this is. We’ll have absolutely no idea if current measures are working because the data is essentially wildly wrong.
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15 minutes ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Is a second proper lockdown even possible without extending the furlough scheme?

Other than the obvious reasons and of course all the poor folk who were getting ill, the first lockdown was enjoyable in a way for some people, with nice weather and a chance to relax at home. Not sure many people would fancy it in October. 

Absolutely no chance, there is not enough money for that.   

Furthermore the lockdown was based on ensuring no overwhelming of the NHS and was also heavily reliant on predictions that the virus was going to be a lot more damaging than what it was.   It has proven not too be for the vast majority of the population and yet again Ferguson was miles out with his cataclysmic predictions.

They will probably continue with local restrictions, and at worst recommend some people shield, though I think it will be only a recommendation 

So in essence I don't think the public will accept another full lockdown and secondly the money isn't there to fund it.

The key thing in all of this is can NHS cope, well clearly it can.   The positives are up, well the schools are back, pubs open etc etc, it's no surprise.  We are testing more people than ever before a lot of positives are asymptomatic.  

We really need do get on with our lives though unfortunately the media etc have a lot ot people terrified.


Edited by Tynierose
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Arseholes were complaining about Catherine Calderwood well before she broke lockdown rules. Several articles in the usual rags denegrating her and calling for Hugh Pennington to be brought back from the scrapheap.
Whereas no one is questioning Jason Leitch's qualifications despite him being a fucking dentist.
Casual every day misogyny
Calling bullshit. Absolute crap.

Plenty of grief for the likes of Leitch, Boris, Hancock, Witty etc.

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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Can't see us going back to full lockdown again.

Local lockdowns yes.

Which countries went through the first wave with local lockdowns rather than a full lockdown?

I suppose you could make an argument to say the US did, though that gives a little too much credence to the idea that their response was in any way planned or coordinated. 

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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Can't see us going back to full lockdown again.

Local lockdowns yes.

Which countries went through the first wave with local lockdowns rather than a full lockdown?

Japan? - they didn't actually have lockdowns as such but state of emergency instead so effectively the same

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13 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Can't see us going back to full lockdown again.

Local lockdowns yes.

Which countries went through the first wave with local lockdowns rather than a full lockdown?

I'd like to hope not. I don't think there's the will for it for one, and it'll damage the government severely given we were told that we were making a temporary sacrifice and all the rest of it. In particular, we were told that it was necessary to avoid overwhelming the NHS and, unless that really is at risk of happening, there is no justification for another lockdown. 

Viewers in Scotland were also promised a grown up conversation that has yet to happen. 

Local lockdowns in places like Leicester and Bradford are however going to have to become a lot harsher in future, as they are simply not working. Bolton the same - cases still rising higher per 100k despite well publicised testing delays. 

8 hours ago, Rob1885 said:

I can see Hancock getting his jotters pretty soon. Been shown to be woefully out his depth throughout this saga.

Me too. The Government is going to need a fall guy pretty soon and his department continues to f**k up just about everything it possibly can up within its remit. That's even overlooking the fact that he is an utter, utter lightweight as well. 

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13 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I'll guarantee you that if there was a daily news broadcast detailing the number of casualties involving cars...'and today there were 6 people killed on our roads, 12 knocked down, and 3500 involved in minor accidents'....within a month people would stop driving cars and would be terrified crossing roads.

To give you a proper reply, apologies for mixing you up for someone else before, we all know that driving is dangerous so we take precautions, like wearing seatbelts and checking mirrors, looking over the shoulder for the blind spot when overtaking, keeping a safe braking distance from other cars etc. If wearing a face mask made driving safer we probably would.


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the travel threshold of 20 cases per 100k in 7 days makes grim reading today.

The Paddies are way in excess.   i wonder if there is the political will to make FCO advise against traveling to Dublin

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Wait - folk are lying to check if there are spaces and then complaining that there aren't spaces? Is this a thing?

"I didn't expect the beach to be *this* busy!" says man who drove for two hours to go to the beach

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