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59 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

This was a couple of months ago, and despite living around that part of Fife, she does wash things.

I'll mention the card thing to her though (although she considers it to be a fruitless 'her word against another' situation), thanks people.

Darn!! Sorry to hear that, I find nothing more disgusting than a spittle assault because that's what it is an assault! I had to deal with quite a few when I was in the "Job" and nothing gave me more satisfaction than coming up with a DNA match and going to Jail the F**ker.

As an aside if some piece of S**t ever spits on use wipe it off with a tissue and save it for the Police, a quick DNA elimination sample from you and the Police are off and running . 

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I have no idea how they are  still in business tbh,   must be making enough from ripping off off idiots who can’t work a basic website.  Those who shouldn’t be allowed outside alone, nevermind another country.
I used Trailfinders for a trip to Canada 3 years ago. Flights, hire car, hotels in 5 different places, excursions...I could have done it all myself I guess but it would have taken a damn sight longer.
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Just now, Forest_Fifer said:
2 hours ago, parsforlife said:
I have no idea how they are  still in business tbh,   must be making enough from ripping off off idiots who can’t work a basic website.  Those who shouldn’t be allowed outside alone, nevermind another country.

I used Trailfinders for a trip to Canada 3 years ago. Flights, hire car, hotels in 5 different places, excursions...I could have done it all myself I guess but it would have taken a damn sight longer.

More understandable for multi-stop holidays.   Generic holiday resorts or city breaks are incredibly easy and yet many seem happy to pay 2-3x more vs Booking it themselves.

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1 hour ago, Hedgecutter said:

This was a couple of months ago, and despite living around that part of Fife, she does wash things.

I'll mention the card thing to her though (although she considers it to be a fruitless 'her word against another' situation), thanks people.

Still worth sticking a report into the police because she has been victim of an assault.

1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Card wouldnt be any good. Bit too technical to get into but theres no realistic chance of getting the details that way. That said had she reported it early enough with the spittle and cctv etc then its sorted. 

Really surprised at that oh well till should have CCTV at them

1 hour ago, madwullie said:

Yeah is spitting on someone in this context not a criminal offence now? 

Aye it's assault and really grim during a pandemic

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Just now, Bairnardo said:

Few posts in here of late that belong in the Square Go thread.

Imagine telling someone in a supermarket you will stand as close to them as you like emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png What sort of rocket logic is that

Never witnessed this before but have seen a fair good arguments in store about social distancing. Don't think people understand how to social distance.... or don't give a f**k

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Never witnessed this before but have seen a fair good arguments in store about social distancing. Don't think people understand how to social distance.... or don't give a f**k
I must admit I havent seen any flashes myself or been involved in any but it probably ranks even worse than inexplicable road rage on the utter c**t scale
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Few posts in here of late that belong in the Square Go thread.

Imagine telling someone in a supermarket you will stand as close to them as you like emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png What sort of rocket logic is that

I posted about it back when it happened. I'll see if I can find the original post.

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On 29/04/2020 at 11:21, Gaz said:

Classic Boomer Bingo at Tesco this morning.

Old boy and his wife cut in front of me in the queue, then said "sorry son, you squeeze past". When I pointed out I had no intention of 'squeezing' past he got all uppity and said I was making a fuss about nothing. I told him just to go ahead as I wasn't interested in arguing. Ran into him again in the shop a few aisles later and him and his wife are both standing in the middle of the aisle looking at the shelves. He saw me wait and said "you'll be waiting a while, I'll be here for a good few minutes". I asked him politely to stand to the side with his wife so I could get past and he started shouting at me and walking closer, saying "I'll fucking come close to you". His wife ushered him away saying "leave it, he's just an arsehole".

Some absolute weapons.

This was it, end of April time.

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Is there any actual evidence that social distancing has made any tangible difference whatsoever? It might regulating the overall number of people and so the likelihood of an infected person in an environment but it's not creating some sort of magical force field to stave off protection.

I'll maintain distance in a queue but there's no chance that I'm waiting all fucking day for Senga and her mate with their two trollies parked across an aisle to stop blethering to create 2 metre distance to pass, or indeed any other useless dithering clowns to get out of the way in a public space. They can put up with a breach of their 2 metre protection every single time until they learn some spatial awareness.

Edited by vikingTON
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23 minutes ago, virginton said:

Is there any actual evidence that social distancing has made any tangible difference whatsoever? It might regulating the overall number of people and so the likelihood of an infected person in an environment but it's not creating some sort of magical force field to stave off protection.

I'll maintain distance in a queue but there's no chance that I'm waiting all fucking day for Senga and her mate with their two trollies parked across an aisle to stop blethering to create 2 metre distance to pass, or indeed any other useless dithering clowns to get out of the way in a public space. They can put up with a breach of their 2 metre protection every single time until they learn some spatial awareness.

For me the reason I asked her to move away was because she was coughing and spluttering, create distance and get as far away from any droplets as possible. 

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22 minutes ago, virginton said:

Is there any actual evidence that social distancing has made any tangible difference whatsoever? It might regulating the overall number of people and so the likelihood of an infected person in an environment but it's not creating some sort of magical force field to stave off protection.

I'll maintain distance in a queue but there's no chance that I'm waiting all fucking day for Senga and her mate with their two trollies parked across an aisle to stop blethering to create 2 metre distance to pass, or indeed any other useless dithering clowns to get out of the way in a public space. They can put up with a breach of their 2 metre protection every single time until they learn some spatial awareness.

It's an airborne disease * so you would think it must 


* mind you 9 month ago when I caught it having been at tannadice and the ice hockey that weekend with thousands of other people we were all told just to wash our hands so f**k knows 

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

Still worth sticking a report into the police because she has been victim of an assault.

Really surprised at that oh well till should have CCTV at them

Aye it's assault and really grim during a pandemic

Would be staggered if the harddrive of the cctv system still had unsaved footage from two months ago. Most systems 7-14 days, some good systems 28 days. 

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Is there any actual evidence that social distancing has made any tangible difference whatsoever? It might regulating the overall number of people and so the likelihood of an infected person in an environment but it's not creating some sort of magical force field to stave off protection.
I'll maintain distance in a queue but there's no chance that I'm waiting all fucking day for Senga and her mate with their two trollies parked across an aisle to stop blethering to create 2 metre distance to pass, or indeed any other useless dithering clowns to get out of the way in a public space. They can put up with a breach of their 2 metre protection every single time until they learn some spatial awareness.
The problem is that the worst offenders are usually maskless clatty mouthbreathers.
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9 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

It's an airborne disease * so you would think it must 


* mind you 9 month ago when I caught it having been at tannadice and the ice hockey that weekend with thousands of other people we were all told just to wash our hands so f**k knows 

There's a reason why there's a time limit on the close contact criteria though. The idea that you're getting the 'rona from two minutes queueing at the shops - never mind the fury back in the spring about runners - seems far-fetched to say the least.

Let's recall that the 2 metre measure was introduced in the first place because the dentist believed that only east Asians had the thousands of years of Confucian cultural values required to wear a face covering, in between firing infected patients into care homes and giving the green light to an Old Firm game going ahead a few days after the events you mention. Not exactly the pinnacle of evidence-led decision-making then.

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56 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

All spot on, and of course the bible basher was proudly proclaiming that masks were a pile of shite blah blah blah.

The only thing that has saved the SG from an absolute kick in has been the clowns in Westminster and a press that has had its tummy tickled now for over a decade.

And yes before im accused of being anti snp etc from the usual suspects I voted for independence and would do tomorrow, I was also a party member for ten years however it should not be forgotten the volume of f**k ups and lies told during the last nine months.    The grown up conversation that never happened, the using the science when it suits to justify ropey decisions, Calderwood,  ferrier, nursing homes, masks, schools, morons like Devi belittling mental health issues etc.

You British b*****d !!!

I would agree with all of that but I still think, given everything thats gone on, the Calderwood wasn't all that bad. I like a woman with big hands tho.

The Welsh tho....!!

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6 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

My mum had this issue at the B&M in Leven (no surprise I hear you say). 

Had a woman shouting at her for having the audacity to ask for more space when she barged in front for something, and when my mum got the exit she met the same woman who had been waiting on her and gave her more verbal abuse before spitting on her shouting "I hope you get Covid now".   My mum then spoke to the store staff but they seemingly said they couldn't do much about it as they supposedly had no CCTV.

These shops don't really need CCTV as they have the added security of a cardboard cutout policeman standing at the door watching for trouble 


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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

All spot on, and of course the bible basher was proudly proclaiming that masks were a pile of shite blah blah blah.

The only thing that has saved the SG from an absolute kick in has been the clowns in Westminster and a press that has had its tummy tickled now for over a decade.

And yes before im accused of being anti snp etc from the usual suspects I voted for independence and would do tomorrow, I was also a party member for ten years however it should not be forgotten the volume of f**k ups and lies told during the last nine months.    The grown up conversation that never happened, the using the science when it suits to justify ropey decisions, Calderwood,  ferrier, nursing homes, masks, schools, morons like Devi belittling mental health issues etc.


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