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5 minutes ago, virginton said:

If you think that Italy's measures have been equivalent to east Asia's at a similar case rate then you're a moron as well, Italy's lockdown only came after the horse had already bolted and it was spreading like wildfire.

The countries that took a decisive, no fucks given approach at the start of their outbreak are doing far better than those that have taken delayed half measures. Which is what the history of just about every other epidemic could have told us anyway.

Singapore didn't f**k about, not sure if you could have scaled it up to Italy or the UK though. Zero deaths so far.



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6 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
12 minutes ago, WATTOO said:
This is when the Unions such as USDAW, & the GMB should be making demands regarding basic  pay and terms and conditions for their minimum wage and zero hours workers, many of whom will be expected to keep the country operating at great personal risk and also that of their families. They'll also be subject to abuse, both verbal and possibly even physical.
For decades they've been screwed over, but things have suddenly changed and the "lowly" supermarket check out girl or the "expendable" delivery driver or the "invisible" shelf stacker and warehouse worker are now the people that society in general are relying on to keep them alive.
Is that worth more than £8.21 per hour do you think ???
I'd say so.

12 weeks off if you have an underlying illness. Full pay but 2 weeks of them you need to use as part of holiday entitlement

I mean generally though.

The average "median" wage in the UK for a full time worker is apparently £35,423.00, compare that to what your full time store worker is being paid. After that we have our Government saying that nobody is worth entering our country unless they're going to be earning £30,000 minimum although they are looking to now lower this base to £25,600.00. That's still 40% MORE than your average full time shop worker which tells you how valued these people actually are.

Again, who gets paid that sort of money working in the warehouse or check out of a supermarket or as a delivery driver ??

The goalposts have now changed and that's why the Unions should be using this to their advantage (that's what they're paid for).

Who says a train driver is worth £53,000.00 p/a or a market trader £300,000.00 p/a but a shopworker is only worth £18,000.00 ??

As I say, it's time for change.


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6 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

I managed to get some bog roll this morning (plan B was to nick it from work. May still do that anyway). 

But, o panic buying twatty masses, there are alternatives to bog roll:

sphagnum moss (if there's a marsh near you)

the Romans used a sponge on a stick

or use cats- soft and absorbent. 


Cats are sharp at every corner.

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8 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Well 12 weeks is about a quarter of a year or not far off so i know in my place that would be about a quarter of my annual leave. Its not ideal but its a decent compromise especially if the other 10 weeks are full pay. When you look at the crap Branson is pulling then its quite reasonable in my view.

It's the compromise part I'm uneasy with. Why should folk with conditions such as diabetes use holiday time to keep themselves alive whilst they've been advised by the government to stay off work? If the government are making money available to employers to cover this then there should be no qualms about paying sick pay.

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I mean generally though.
The average "median" wage in the UK for a full time worker is apparently £35,423.00, compare that to what your full time store worker is being paid. After that we have our Government saying that nobody is worth entering our country unless they're going to be earning £30,000 minimum although they are looking to now lower this base to £25,600.00. That's still 40% MORE than your average full time shop worker which tells you how valued these people actually are.
Again, who gets paid that sort of money working in the warehouse or check out of a supermarket or as a delivery driver ??
The goalposts have now changed and that's why the Unions should be using this to their advantage (that's what they're paid for).
Who says a train driver is worth £53,000.00 p/a or a market trader £300,000.00 p/a but a shopworker is only worth £18,000.00 ??
As I say, it's time for change.
Usdaw will so f**k all, just like what they have always done. I've been shafted many times from them , this wont stop.
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It's the compromise part I'm uneasy with. Why should folk with conditions such as diabetes use holiday time to keep themselves alive whilst they've been advised by the government to stay off work? If the government are making money available to employers to cover this then there should be no qualms about paying sick pay.
We are also now taking on more people temporarily
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1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:
3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:
I mean generally though.
The average "median" wage in the UK for a full time worker is apparently £35,423.00, compare that to what your full time store worker is being paid. After that we have our Government saying that nobody is worth entering our country unless they're going to be earning £30,000 minimum although they are looking to now lower this base to £25,600.00. That's still 40% MORE than your average full time shop worker which tells you how valued these people actually are.
Again, who gets paid that sort of money working in the warehouse or check out of a supermarket or as a delivery driver ??
The goalposts have now changed and that's why the Unions should be using this to their advantage (that's what they're paid for).
Who says a train driver is worth £53,000.00 p/a or a market trader £300,000.00 p/a but a shopworker is only worth £18,000.00 ??
As I say, it's time for change.

Usdaw will so f**k all, just like what they have always done. I've been shafted many times from them , this wont stop.

I agree, they're worse than useless and not a real union as they're in the pockets of Business. All they care about is political agendas which benefit their hierarchy and their masters (as we found out at the referendum). 

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Unions are pressing the government to ensure that all supermarket and pharmacy employees are included in a list of key workers who will be permitted to still send their children to school after Boris Johnson ordered the closure of all of the education system in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

It follows an announcement by Gavin Williamson that delivery drivers are expected to be listed as “key workers” but did not include tens of thousands of staff who work in supermarkets those who will be expected to still sell medicines to the public.

In a letter to the education secretary, Paddy Lillis, the head of the shopworkers union Usdaw, has asked today that those working in the retail supply chain and pharmacies are included. He said:

Would you confirm, as a matter of urgency, that food retailers, those in the retail industry supply chain and those in the pharmaceutical industry will be given full access to any skeleton childcare provisions which are put in place. It is vital that these workers are able to continue delivering a crucial service without suffering financial detriment.

Usdaw’s call has been backed by the TUC, whose deputy general secretary, Paul Nowak, said the government must work with unions if it is to identify the needs of crucial workers.


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Unions are pressing the government to ensure that all supermarket and pharmacy employees are included in a list of key workers who will be permitted to still send their children to school after Boris Johnson ordered the closure of all of the education system in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.
It follows an announcement by Gavin Williamson that delivery drivers are expected to be listed as “key workers” but did not include tens of thousands of staff who work in supermarkets those who will be expected to still sell medicines to the public.
In a letter to the education secretary, Paddy Lillis, the head of the shopworkers union Usdaw, has asked today that those working in the retail supply chain and pharmacies are included. He said:
Would you confirm, as a matter of urgency, that food retailers, those in the retail industry supply chain and those in the pharmaceutical industry will be given full access to any skeleton childcare provisions which are put in place. It is vital that these workers are able to continue delivering a crucial service without suffering financial detriment.
Usdaw’s call has been backed by the TUC, whose deputy general secretary, Paul Nowak, said the government must work with unions if it is to identify the needs of crucial workers.
Usdaw. Very good. I dont believe a word of it. A failure of a union.
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25 minutes ago, virginton said:

If you think that Italy's measures have been equivalent to east Asia's at a similar case rate then you're a moron as well, Italy's lockdown only came after the horse had already bolted and it was spreading like wildfire.

The countries that took a decisive, no fucks given approach at the start of their outbreak are doing far better than those that have taken delayed half measures. Which is what the history of just about every other epidemic could have told us anyway.

Specifically which European countries were you referring to that are managing to keep their numbers down simply by shutting their schools?

Hold on a minute, you insinuated yesterday that you're a teacher. I can see why you keep on banging on about shutting the schools. 

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If they have money for new staff, they have money for existing staff. I'd tell them to ram that two weeks holiday if you can mate.
Yup I will still be working anyway but I will be. Its bullshit.
I will probably get this virus and once home even though the wife has isolated herself , she will then get passed on the virus.
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I suspect those who are vulnerable renters will be well and truly shafted over the coming months. 

I seriously hope there is money available for our local authorities to make up rent payments missing due to COVID-19. 

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7 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Specifically which European countries were you referring to that are managing to keep their numbers down simply by shutting their schools?

At no point did I say that shutting schools should be the only measure taken to limit the spread of coronavirus: you've simply set up a straw man argument in your own moronic mind here.


Hold on a minute, you insinuated yesterday that you're a teacher. I can see why you keep on banging on about shutting the schools. 

Erm no I didn't because I'm not. Swing and a miss champ.

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