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24 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The problem is that most of the gigs I've got tickets for are sold out - sold out to Pre-Covid levels, that is. Are we to believe that we will be allowed into small theatres in the same numbers as before? Not just seating, you're looking at some seriously narrow corridors and cramped bar facilities in some of these venues.

Err, why not and why would this matter when all social distancing restrictions are expected to be lifted on 21 June?

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4 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Thank you it is very much appreciated same goes for everyone who showed their support. I had to step away from the laptop for a while yesterday because it became a bit emotional. The possibility of losing my mother just two months after losing my Dad was just too horrible to think about, I tried not to dwell on it and just got on with things. Even posting that helped and was a weight of my shoulders and sharing it on here I wanted to give out some good news and some proof that the vaccine is working even better than expected, this is really happening, we are coming out the other side of this.

I'm very glad I cheered everyone up with that post, everyone deserved a lift after so much negativity over the last few weeks.


Great to hear that your Mum is on the mend and you're in a better place :) 

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2 hours ago, Elric said:

Blue envelopes have arrived for wife and I - a big cloud suddenly lifted at that time and there is now an air of more optimism.  Strange how little it takes.

That's the way I felt after we all got our first jags.

Nothing has changed in reality as we are still in lockdown and don't go anywhere (yet) but we are on the right path but I was certainly a lot more content when we got ours.

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4 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

924 people in hospital (-43), 80 patients in ICU (-9) and 27 deaths.

That seems like a low death total for a weekday too? Haven't had a look back through previous Fridays though.

Just looking through the data on Travelling Tabby, and I make that the lowest Friday death toll since October 23 when it was 18. That was 18 weeks ago (I think).

Since then: Feb 19 (31), Feb 12 (67), Feb 5 (61), Jan 29 (70), Jan 22 (71), Jan 15 (61), Jan 8 (93), Jan 1 (43), Dec 25 (43), Dec 18 (36), Dec 11 (31), Dec 4 (41), Nov 27 (37), Nov 20 (32), Nov 13 (56), Nov 6 (31), Oct 30 (28), Oct 23 (18).

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14 minutes ago, super_carson said:

The arse has fallen out the test positivity this week, are we doing expanded testing at all?

We're now testing all close contacts, are we not?

That we are doing that and seeing test positivity dropping says a lot about how much of the "more transmissible variant!!1!" chat was baseless hysteria.

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6 minutes ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

Is that another day with sub 30k first vaccinations? Any chance a journalist will ask when the ramp up will start again?

Have supplies actually recovered to support higher vaccine figures?

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2 minutes ago, Spider Rico said:

What did clownshoes say about lower leagues? Something about a return to training 

Just caught up there. There are plans for a return to training soon, but he's worried about travel in the lower leagues. It's seemingly not an issue for tested players in the Premiership, but apparently is for tested players going from "Dumfries to Elgin"

Said that wants equity however, and that he doesn't want women's football to be hit badly. Said that it was considered a lower division (I imagine he means less resources, cash etc) but he doesn't want them to miss out.

Hopes for news "very soon".

Basically I don't think he'll give the green light to L1 and L2 to restart playing if he can't give the green light to the SWPL.

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15 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

We're now testing all close contacts, are we not?

That we are doing that and seeing test positivity dropping says a lot about how much of the "more transmissible variant!!1!" chat was baseless hysteria.

Apart from the fact it's been identified as the reason for the apparent slowdown in the pace of the fall in cases here (and presumably Israel going by the graph you posted last night) this is spot on. 

Shades of grey exist fyi 

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