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5 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
8 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
Are you claiming that people in supermarkets in Dundee aren’t wearing masks?

They aren't

Been in three supermarkets over last week and saw no evidence of that.

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3 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

This is the problem with this thread.

The poling is completely clear that the six or seven lads on this thread are completely out of step with public opinion. Yet they still keep giving it the 'The public will never take this'. They will, actually. They tell us that.

I believe that you're sincere. And that's the problem. You think pictures you see on Facebook (a Facebook feed no doubt which is an echo chamber of the views you have) are actually more reflective of the mood of the nation than polling done by professionals.

You simply won't be convinced.

'I know the evidence says this, but I think that.'

The main protagonists on this thread are Trumpian in the delusions.  Like Trump supporters no amount of rational input will shift their thought process.

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4 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

You think pictures you see on Facebook (a Facebook feed no doubt which is an echo chamber of the views you have) are actually more reflective of the mood of the nation than polling done by professionals.

I'm confused by this post. Are you suggesting that those who have flocked to pack racecourses, and will pack football grounds on opening day, are scared to be there and wish restrictions that would prevent them being there remained in place?

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8 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It's a fact that a huge number of cases are occuring amongst unvaccinated children in schools and colleges. Once these schools go back in, I'll guarantee that case numbers will rise. 

More cases amongst schoolchildren = more parents isolating together with the fact that these cases are reported daily in  news outlets, adding to the perception that this is a disease that is rife amingst the general population = a belief amongst many that continued restrictions are necessary. 

I don't see why that is so hard to grasp. 


Only by the time schools go back, double vaccinated won't be isolating.

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Guest TheJTS98
7 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm confused by this post. Are you suggesting that those who have flocked to pack racecourses, and will pack football grounds on opening day, are scared to be there and wish restrictions that would prevent them being there remained in place?


The population of the UK is 66 million. You are assuming the views of people who agree with you are the majority, despite clear evidence that they are not. You believe that pictures of events you see mean that your views are the view of the majority. They are not.

You are out of step but think you represent the majority view. Nothing will convince you you are in the minority, but you are.

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Just now, TheJTS98 said:

The population of the UK is 66 million

And these polls are usually of around 1,000

They reflect the views of an equally small segment of society.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm looking at actual people doing things that clearly hold similar views to my own, and suggesting they may be more in tune with the overall mood than someone sitting at home ticking a box on a form.

At every easing, the public have overwhelmingly looked to take advantage of what's been eased. This flies in the face of each poll which suggests restrictions should not be eased.

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2 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:


The population of the UK is 66 million. You are assuming the views of people who agree with you are the majority, despite clear evidence that they are not. You believe that pictures of events you see mean that your views are the view of the majority. They are not.

You are out of step but think you represent the majority view. Nothing will convince you you are in the minority, but you are.

How many of the 50m+ that are now relatively free from restrictions do you think did not take advantage of at least one of the easings in the last week?  That is the evidence that shows if people agree with the restrictions or not.

Professional polling companies get polling wrong and people give answers to questions that make the results illogical such as when the majority stated that they were adhering to restrictions whilst at the same time also believing that the majority if others weren't.

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Guest TheJTS98
3 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

And these polls are usually of around 1,000

They reflect the views of an equally small segment of society.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm looking at actual people doing things that clearly hold similar views to my own, and suggesting they may be more in tune with the overall mood than someone sitting at home ticking a box on a form.

At every easing, the public have overwhelmingly looked to take advantage of what's been eased. This flies in the face of each poll which suggests restrictions should not be eased.

This post just shows that you don't understand how poling works.

Again, I believe that you're sincere. But you're simply wrong. Nothing I say will convince you.

In a country of 66 million people, there are obviously going to be enough people willing to go to nightclubs, football matches, support no masks in supermarkets etc. Of course there are. It's 66 million people.

But the views you hold are not the majority. I'd encourage you to find out how poling works for yourself, since nothing I say will make any difference to you.

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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, strichener said:

How many of the 50m+ that are now relatively free from restrictions do you think did not take advantage of at least one of the easings in the last week?  That is the evidence that shows if people agree with the restrictions or not.

Professional polling companies get polling wrong and people give answers to questions that make the results illogical such as when the majority stated that they were adhering to restrictions whilst at the same time also believing that the majority if others weren't.

That's simply not true though, is it?

There's a huge psychological and peer pressure side to that. A friend of mine is currently home visiting parents in England from South Korea. He has been taking far more risks than he wants to because his mum and dad call him a stick in the mud if he doesn't.

The poling is repeatedly clear. And it's generally in line with scientific advice. The government's advice is the outlier, and actually supporting that is a minority view.

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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Among those I know personally, and those I work with, they absolutely are.

Couldn't care less if you agree or not

BINGO! We've got it.
So, please give it a rest with the 'people won't put up with...'

They will. The people you know are the minority.

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6 hours ago, GordonS said:


I know this is the Thread of the Damned, but out in the real world most people don't want to have to choose between staying home or mixing with those who are much more likely to be infectious with Covid. We want to go to football games and restaurants and cinemas and pubs, and it's the unvaccinated that are now the number one reason why we can't.

If you don't want to get the vaccine, fine, don't get the vaccine. But in a society there are responsibilities as well as rights. You can drive your car at any speed you like - but not on a public road. You can fire your rifle or shotgun or big bow and arrow - in places that have been made safe for that purpose. You have the right to walk across open land - but not close to houses or across crops. Your rights are limited when they adversely affect other people's rights - especially their right to safety.

Why does your right to go to the library while very possibly infected with a virulent and endemic disease that could cause me a serious illness more important that my right to not be in harm's way when I go to the library?

So don't get the vaccine, or get the vaccine and don't get the passport. That's your right. But don't whine when it means you're barred from places you want to go, to protect public health. And don't give us the utter crap that it's some big scary authoritarian badness. Talk like that is an absolute insult to everyone who's had to live under real oppression. It's pathetic.

You can dress it up any way you want, but you are arguing here for a segregated society and/or forced medical treatment. I don't like the fact that some people have chosen not to be vaccinated, but ultimately they have autonomy over their own body and should have the right to do so without being excluded from society as a result.

I don't accept that your rights to be in a public place outweigh any other person's rights, regardless of medical status. It absolutely is a step towards authoritarianism to restrict access to places to completely healthy people based on the possibility that they might have a virus. I have kept myself out of harm's way by getting vaccinated and thus vastly reducing my (probably already low) chances of serious illness, and I am content that that is sufficient protection for me without advocating for shutting other people out of places where I will be going.

All of that is even before we consider the potential for indirect discrimination here, given that many minorities and marginalised groups are more likely to be vaccine hesitant based on historical medical abuse of their communities.

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Vaccine passports could replace passports.

Passports are just travel cards, vaccine passports are just health cards.  They could combine the two and do away with passports.

You'd then have a card for travel/health and you could add other information to it like your driving license and credit cards/bank cards.

A one card fits all.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
8 hours ago, Left Back said:

Schools are safe so we’ve been told.   No infections there.  Good job you know more than the “experts” that reckoned case rates would be rising exponentially by now and you can guarantee it.

How long have you been working with independent SAGE?

Case numbers are falling.  Vaccination numbers are going up.  Stop shitting your pants and take an objective look at what’s actually happening.

My comments were the very opposite of 'shitting my pants'. 

Given your other posts last night to me and other posters, it would seem that maybe you'd had a bevvy and it made you pretty agressive. Maybe better to stay off the sauce.


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5 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

This is the problem with this thread.

The poling is completely clear that the six or seven lads on this thread are completely out of step with public opinion. Yet they still keep giving it the 'The public will never take this'. They will, actually. They tell us that.

I believe that you're sincere. And that's the problem. You think pictures you see on Facebook (a Facebook feed no doubt which is an echo chamber of the views you have) are actually more reflective of the mood of the nation than polling done by professionals.

You simply won't be convinced.

'I know the evidence says this, but I think that.'


44 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

This post just shows that you don't understand how poling works.

Again, I believe that you're sincere. But you're simply wrong. Nothing I say will convince you.

In a country of 66 million people, there are obviously going to be enough people willing to go to nightclubs, football matches, support no masks in supermarkets etc. Of course there are. It's 66 million people.

But the views you hold are not the majority. I'd encourage you to find out how poling works for yourself, since nothing I say will make any difference to you.

And you don't understand how spelling works.

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47 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Among those I know personally, and those I work with, they absolutely are.

Couldn't care less if you agree or not

Doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same though. Look at the Independence Referendum. If you'd looked at my social media feeds in the days leading up to it (or on here) you'd have thought that it was going to be about 90% yes. We all know what happened there. 

I fully support the lifting of restrictions btw and would agree that the vast majority of people I regularly interact with feel similar, however it doesn't mean the rest of the population do (unfortunately). I don't know if there's a "shy tory" type effect also where people won't say what they really feel to someone they know has the opposite viewpoint because they can't be bothered getting into a discussion on it. 

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