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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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17 minutes ago, pub car king said:

They are saying normal life may not return for 6 months.

Just for arguments sake would you rather 

1. Say fair enough and slog it out for the full time


2. How long to you leave it before you say f**k this, get back to normal the old folk have had their time they can either sit it out or take their chances 

But it would just be old folk dying.

The NHS would be massively overwhelmed by folk of ages with the virus. Folk with other conditions will die because the coronavirus patients will be prioritised. That's many thousands of preventable deaths. NHS workers will be dying from exhaustion or the virus overwhelming their exhausted immune systems.

It's really no question here and I'm amazed anyone would think that the first option is in any wood good. Crazy.

6 months of this 'lockdown' isn't great but it's hardly a terrible hardship.

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20 minutes ago, pub car king said:

They are saying normal life may not return for 6 months.

I can't see why though. If symptoms can take up to 3 weeks to appear, and cases are resolved one way or another in let's say 6 weeks then in 9-10 weeks we should be in a pretty good place. Stretch it to 12 weeks for a buffer. Older and immumosuppressed people keeping out the way over that period should massively reduce the number of cases needing hospital treatment, and antibody testing kits will be out too.

What would the next 12 weeks help achieve that the first 12 hadn't, other than cause unrest as people can see infections all but disappear.

Unless its put in place to make the government look better if we get back to normal sooner, but that seems very cynical of me.

There are also different regions. I expect Scotland and Wales, for example, to get on top of this, flatten the curve and ride the downward curve much quicker than, for example, London and the midlands. There should be no reason 12 weeks down the line to continue to treat the UK as 1 region, nevermind 24.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Its small potatoes but my finger grip on the finger pad on the laptop is starting to come back, I was struggling last night as my fingers didn't have any skin oils left which are supposed to help protect your skin from infection due to four days of constant use of that alcohol based gel at work we are supposed to use to kill bacteria on our hands. My hands and fingers are not too bad, red in places and have micro cracks with tiny skin peels all over, so a little bit sore in places. Using that stuff constantly can't be good for and is self defeating if you end up with an infection though cracked hands. Fighting an infection could leave you more vulnerable to the worst of the virus if caught at the same time due to an immune system already fighting something else, can't take that risk.
Good old soap and water from now on, alcohol based gel and wipes for surfaces.
This is my norm, and it's fucking annoying.

I have to use Hydrex surgical scrub and alcohol gel twice a day and my finger tips are so fucked it's really frustrating. Nippy and sore in such a small minor way that it just fucks you off.

Nothing seems to stop it. I've tried every hand cream in the bloody shops.
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2 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Can someone go through the kavanagh article in the sun and dissect each point, as effectively as possible.

That shit will be very tempting to a lot of people, especially as this goes on.

My instinct tells me he's an absolute c**t. My instinct says everything he's saying is wrong.

But why is this so different to the other big scares that turned out to be so minor? And why do we not pay any attention to the bad winter flu outbreaks that kill a high number of elderly and vulnerable people?

We need the best evidence to combat the bullshit.

Because it's more infectious and will overwhelm the NHS should loads of folk catch it, resulting in loads of deaths from preventable things that are not the virus and are preventable, as the resources will be on the patients with the virus.

Then there's the issue that just one person could spread it around a whole office, effectively shutting it down. That wouldn't happen with the regular flu we see each winter.

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4 minutes ago, trainspotter said:

More likely that at the first hint of a relaxation of lockdown it'll be like VE Day out there.

Yeah that side of it will be difficult, but it really doesnt matter how long you leave it, that will be true. 

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Just now, pandarilla said:

But why is this so different to the other big scares that turned out to be so minor? And why do we not pay any attention to the bad winter flu outbreaks that kill a high number of elderly and vulnerable people?

It's been said many times but it's all about the infection rate and the ability of the NHS to care for people, not necessarily save their lives. Of course many thousands die every year from the flu and respiratory illnesses, but not all at once. Here's another outing for this guy.




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It's been said many times but it's all about the infection rate and the ability of the NHS to care for people, not necessarily save their lives. Of course many thousands die every year from the flu and respiratory illnesses, but not all at once. Here's another outing for this guy.
So it's the 1.4 v 3 statistic that's crucial here. It's so fucking contagious.

And presumably with bird flu and swine flu we didn't know how contagious they were until enough time had passed, and it turned out not very much?

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's been said many times but it's all about the infection rate and the ability of the NHS to care for people, not necessarily save their lives. Of course many thousands die every year from the flu and respiratory illnesses, but not all at once. Here's another outing for this guy.




Oh surely not...Viking ton, the unemployed junkie says its alot of shite. Surely he knows best 

Edited by stuartsmfc
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Because it's more infectious and will overwhelm the NHS should loads of folk catch it, resulting in loads of deaths from preventable things that are not the virus and are preventable, as the resources will be on the patients with the virus.
Then there's the issue that just one person could spread it around a whole office, effectively shutting it down. That wouldn't happen with the regular flu we see each winter.
I understand the basic point, and i think most folk do now.

But it's the clear statistical evidence that will hopefully keep more people from believing this toxic, right wing shit.
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Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device (today's guardian)


An Australian astrophysicist has been admitted to hospital after getting four magnets stuck up his nose in an attempt to invent a device that stops people touching their faces during the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Daniel Reardon, a research fellow at Melbourne’s Swinburne University, was building a necklace that sounds an alarm on facial contact, when the mishap occurred on Thursday night.

The 27 year-old astrophysicist, who studies pulsars and gravitational waves, said he was trying to liven up the boredom of self-isolation with the four powerful neodymium magnets.

(whole story via above link)


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So it's the 1.4 v 3 statistic that's crucial here. It's so fucking contagious.

And presumably with bird flu and swine flu we didn't know how contagious they were until enough time had passed, and it turned out not very much?

My very limited experience of flu is that you are fucking floored for days.

This thing can be with you for two weeks and you are none the wiser, just going about your business spreading it till it hits someone who it can hurt.
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Idiot neighbour from 4 doors up's son just got out his car with 2 other lads. None of them stay in the same household. Tell you what, I'm going to end up falling out with some of the neighbours, but I'm past fucking caring. It's down to people to be sensible, but it's not having the desired effect on some c***s. If it's not knocked on the head by the time the letters from the PM are received, there will be phone calls made, or I'll be having a word with the c***s (from a safe distance of course).

My son got a rollicking yesterday from his mum for getting a lift from his pal - just about es apes with head intact.

He was under no illusions what would happen if he does something stupid like that again.
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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

My very limited experience of flu is that you are fucking floored for days.

This thing can be with you for two weeks and you are none the wiser, just going about your business spreading it till it hits someone who it can hurt.

Correct. People say "I've a touch of the flu." No you haven't. You either have the flu or you don't. It's like a lassie saying "I'm a wee bit pregnant".

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Most of us can only go by personal observation.  I am seeing a significant drop in ‘social interaction’ where I live.  The streets are far quieter, people out walking are for the most part keeping their distance, and most folk seem to be limiting their shopping trips.
There are exceptions, but if the objective is to minimise contact by 50% I think we are well on our way to seeing this happen.
Shopping is still an issue as far as I'm concerned - too many still think they need to shop as a couple (or even as a family group).

In the local Asda the other day and two couples (in their 50s or 60s) were blocking the aisle standing having a blether - I genuinely think some of these people are braindead.

Supermarkets should only be allowing only one adult in to do the shop IMHO.
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But it would just be old folk dying.
The NHS would be massively overwhelmed by folk of ages with the virus. Folk with other conditions will die because the coronavirus patients will be prioritised. That's many thousands of preventable deaths. NHS workers will be dying from exhaustion or the virus overwhelming their exhausted immune systems.
It's really no question here and I'm amazed anyone would think that the first option is in any wood good. Crazy.
6 months of this 'lockdown' isn't great but it's hardly a terrible hardship.

Not sure about that. Ive only had one week with my three year old who has turned into spawn of satan. 6 months would be pretty tough.
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