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Coronavirus and the Scottish Championship

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1 minute ago, CALDERON said:

I think pubs will be closed longer than football grounds to be honest.  Sky News had one of those select committees on last week, and a point was made that they believe going to the pub to watch a game of football is just as if not more dangerous than being there.

How many people do these industries employ?  We’re talking about mass unemployment here which has all manner of consequences.   The old saying, “the operation was a success but the patient died” really comes to mind.  Politicians are terrified of the backlash against them of Coronavirus deaths and are becoming blinded to the wider economic catastrophe they are creating.  The CMO admitted today that people with symptoms of other illnesses aren’t seeing their GPs because they think they’re supposed to stay away - how many will die from things like cancer.

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1 season absolute free for all and rearrange all leagues as per one season performance.

If they are talking one season reconstruction might as well go baws oot

Why not go radical? 44 teams in the one league playing everyone once, then split into 2 or 3 (not the present minileagues of 10. It will never happen of course.
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3 minutes ago, HMIP said:

How many people do these industries employ?  We’re talking about mass unemployment here which has all manner of consequences.   The old saying, “the operation was a success but the patient died” really comes to mind.  Politicians are terrified of the backlash against them of Coronavirus deaths and are becoming blinded to the wider economic catastrophe they are creating.  The CMO admitted today that people with symptoms of other illnesses aren’t seeing their GPs because they think they’re supposed to stay away - how many will die from things like cancer.

To be honest, I dont think there was any choice about the lockdown.  When we are seeing as much people losing their lives on a daily basis as we are, a month into these measures, it's a stark reminder of how bad this is.  Can't even begin to imagine how it would have looked if these measures didn't take place.

The exit strategy to this will be interesting, but it's difficult to see things easing any time soon.  

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15 minutes ago, HMIP said:

It’s an absurd thing for Sturgeon to say given there are absolutely no guarantees a vaccine is even possible.  Even then, a lockdown of this kind for 12-18 months is socially and economically unsustainable.  A short lockdown to stem the tide and buy us time to put things like contact tracing and testing in place is one thing, but this is getting ridiculous.  

Let’s be clear, if we can’t go to football (which is at least open air): that means any group gatherings such as pubs, restaurants and cinemas are out as well.  How many people will die from the economic damage that causes?

Probably quoting the professor from  Imperial College London below...


Humanity will have to live with the threat of coronavirus “for the foreseeable future” and adapt accordingly because there is no guarantee that a vaccine can be successfully developed, one of the world’s leading experts on the disease has warned.

The stark message was delivered by David Nabarro, professor of global health at Imperial College, London, and an envoy for the World Health Organisation on Covid-19, as the number of UK hospital deaths from the virus passed 15,000.


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As far as I'm aware there is no actual evidence yet of outdoor transmission or have I missed something? 

Test the players and we all turn up at Somerset wearing black and white face masks sold by the club shop 😁

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32 minutes ago, AYRSHIRE_ANGUS said:

As far as I'm aware there is no actual evidence yet of outdoor transmission or have I missed something? 

Test the players and we all turn up at Somerset wearing black and white face masks sold by the club shop 😁

They've been too busy reacting to the virus to contact trace but there's been a bit of suspicion that one of the big causes in the spread of the virus in Northern Italy and Spain was the Valencia v Atalanta game.


Edited by locheedee
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6 hours ago, craigkillie said:

There already is a (record) TV deal with Sky for the next five seasons.

Doesn't mean it's a good deal though.

Look at some of the utter dross served up from the English Champioship and even worse from below that. I'm not saying we could hope for anywhere near what they get but f**k, 30 Million a year in Scotland for all the leagues compared to120 million per year for the English lower leagues? We should be negotiating a bigger slice of the pie for what we have to offer.

We got slightly more than the deal the Swiss league are just about done with. That's how good our negotiations were.

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43 minutes ago, locheedee said:

They've been too busy reacting to the virus to contact trace but there's been a bit of suspicion that one of the big causes in the spread of the virus in Northern Italy and Spain was the Valencia v Atalanta game.


Yeah I know that game was seen as a "ground zero" moment for the virus in Spain and Italy. Just thinking about in a more cautious, post virus world could football restart providing everyone took the necessary precautions and ground capacity was limited. Innovative thinking is going to be required in getting things back to something resembling normality. 

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8 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:


Does mass death not have the same impact?

Do you have any concept as to what would have happened, had we NOT had a 4 week lockdown?


Think with no lock down they were talking about a quarter of a million deaths.  The sheer number of deaths we are saying now is absolutely horrific but this other figure is apocalyptic 

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17 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:


Does mass death not have the same impact?

Do you have any concept as to what would have happened, had we NOT had a 4 week lockdown?

Presumably people would be dying in numbers that the government couldn't even estimate properly and frontline workers would be forced to make their own protective equipment from bin bags oh wait that's still our timeline isn't it.

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

The fact that Scottish football would cease to exist in that time. There will be aspects of life impacted until that time. Of that there is no doubt. We are in the first wave of this, and to the best of my knowledge, we are nowhere near overwhelming the NHS which is the primary concern. The idea that between now and presumably August 2021 we wont have enough measure in place, capacity of testing etc etc to allow 22 for young guys to run about a football pitch is ludicrous. 

The pressure is already ramping up on the government to find a way back to normal. That pressure will be fucking enormous come July August of this year and football as a money business (especially England) and a highly emotive subject will be front and centre of it. 


As far as Nicola Sturgeons part.... I hope she doesnt mistake Scotlands apparently high compliance with the lockdown with some sort of bottomless well of patience from folk up here. 


f**k it theres a covid thread for this stuff and I am just offering what I think. I'd genuinely charity bet anyone that we will have Scottish football in 2020 though. 

Have to agree with you, though to what degree that is wishful thinking I'm not sure.

The Michael Gove leaked plan from yesterday had restrictions being lifted from middle of May with stuff like pubs coming back on in June. Granted Sturgeon may want to be more cautious than that, but ultimately Scot Gov's hand would be forced by the cessation of the treasury furlough scheme.

Modelling still suggests we'd ride out this wave sometime in June. Preventing another lockdown afterwards is the main task. The NHS is trying to build up extra capacity in terms of the pop up hospitals in the SECC and London, the industry groups are just now looking to construct all those extra ventilators. That's as much about making sure the NHS is not overwhelmed in the summer as it was about worst case planning through this wave of it.

Still though, the trick is going to be emulating the trace-test-isolate cycle that they have in South Korea and now Germany. That's why more effort is going into getting test rates up. If you do that, and can isolate clusters of the disease before they become epidemic  then there is no reason why normal life cannot resume with some interruptions.

The government cannot promise much just now, but it's obvious Scottish Football needs clarity on the state of planning so that it can make it's own arrangements here.

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26 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:


Does mass death not have the same impact?

Do you have any concept as to what would have happened, had we NOT had a 4 week lockdown?


I don’t think anyone is arguing against the lockdown.  It’s stretching it out for the next 12-18 months or “until we have a vaccine” that is at issue. 


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18 minutes ago, renton said:

with stuff like pubs coming back on in June

Can't see that at all. 

Would personally be avoiding the pubs if they re-opened in June.

46 minutes ago, mishtergrolsch said:

Doesn't mean it's a good deal though.

Look at some of the utter dross served up from the English Champioship and even worse from below that. I'm not saying we could hope for anywhere near what they get but f**k, 30 Million a year in Scotland for all the leagues compared to120 million per year for the English lower leagues? We should be negotiating a bigger slice of the pie for what we have to offer.

We got slightly more than the deal the Swiss league are just about done with. That's how good our negotiations were.

Quality of the games is below the number of people who will watch them. It's the main reason why the English leagues get far more money than the Scottish leagues from TV.

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48 minutes ago, mishtergrolsch said:

Doesn't mean it's a good deal though.

Look at some of the utter dross served up from the English Champioship and even worse from below that. I'm not saying we could hope for anywhere near what they get but f**k, 30 Million a year in Scotland for all the leagues compared to120 million per year for the English lower leagues? We should be negotiating a bigger slice of the pie for what we have to offer.

We got slightly more than the deal the Swiss league are just about done with. That's how good our negotiations were.

Our latest deal covers 48 games (plus 4-6 from the play-offs), the previous one was for 60 plus play-offs. In comparison, the likes of Switzerland sell every single game (180) to the TV companies. Of course they're going to get more money, they're selling three/four times as many games. That simply wouldn't wash here, because fans are still wedded to the idea of 3pm Saturday kick-offs as much as possible.

Likewise, the English Football League deal includes about 150 lower league games, and also covers 12 League Cup matches (including the final) which will generally feature Premier League clubs.

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