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20 hours ago, welshbairn said:


I haven't eaten chocolate for over 2 months and I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS.

Away for my plain porridge and peanut butter. 😔

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I weirdly always lose weight when I'm inactive just because my appetite drops so much I think. No lattes with syrup on the way to work, no chocolate bars after lunch, no beer and no just buying a pizza on the way home because i can't be arsed doing anything else.
I spoke to my cousin a few weeks ago and he has lost 10lbs while working from home, for similar reasons as yourself. He always has a bar or two of chocolate when in the office as well as having a big meal in the canteen at lunch time. His missus has been making him far healthier stuff at home.
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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

How do you manage to not eat chocolate for 2 months? Serious question, it's really really hard for me. I feel if I can get rid of my sugar cravings I can push on much harder with my running etc. 

I managed it at the start of the year; didn't eat any sugar for two months. Your palete adjusts and you just eventually stop craving it. Just like any addiction, I suppose. I think you just have to treat it like a drug and say, "no more".

I'd only planned on cutting sugar out for a couple of months, but I (eventually) felt so much better without it and (bizarrely) had so much more energy that I think I'm going to do it permanently. I went back to my usual diet during lockdown and I've felt like crap for the past couple of months, and put back on all the weight I lost too.

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28 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I managed it at the start of the year; didn't eat any sugar for two months. Your palete adjusts and you just eventually stop craving it. Just like any addiction, I suppose. I think you just have to treat it like a drug and say, "no more".

I'd only planned on cutting sugar out for a couple of months, but I (eventually) felt so much better without it and (bizarrely) had so much more energy that I think I'm going to do it permanently. I went back to my usual diet during lockdown and I've felt like crap for the past couple of months, and put back on all the weight I lost too.

It's such a huge problem for me and has been for years ever since I was massively overweight. I don't drink that much anymore at all, but sugar cravings just fail me every time. 

I don't munch my way through sweets and chocolate every day, but I do find myself getting something sweet. 

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22 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

It's such a huge problem for me and has been for years ever since I was massively overweight. I don't drink that much anymore at all, but sugar cravings just fail me every time. 

I don't munch my way through sweets and chocolate every day, but I do find myself getting something sweet. 

I managed last year by keeping bananas in the house, and having a pack of raisins and a pack of cashews on my desk at home. I would turn to those instead of crisps and chocolate for habitual snacking. All out the window during lockdown...

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3 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

It's such a huge problem for me and has been for years ever since I was massively overweight. I don't drink that much anymore at all, but sugar cravings just fail me every time. 

I don't munch my way through sweets and chocolate every day, but I do find myself getting something sweet. 

Yeah, I know what you mean. Unfortunately, I don't think there's an answer that doesn't involve willpower to a degree. I'm only just becoming aware that I generally eat sugary stuff because my body's telling me I NEED it, rather than an intellectual choice.

I don't think I could do it if the body didn't alter its chemistry to adapt. Those kind of cravings would just wear you down over time. I think it helps to accept that sugar is an addictive substance, and not everybody can control the urge to use it, just like alcohol or cocaine.

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3 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Yeah, I know what you mean. Unfortunately, I don't think there's an answer that doesn't involve willpower to a degree. I'm only just becoming aware that I generally eat sugary stuff because my body's telling me I NEED it, rather than an intellectual choice.

I don't think I could do it if the body didn't alter its chemistry to adapt. Those kind of cravings would just wear you down over time. I think it helps to accept that sugar is an addictive substance, and not everybody can control the urge to use it, just like alcohol or cocaine.

I totally agree, it needs willpower more than anything and I believe any addiction needs it above all else. Alcohol? I don't crave it and infact push it away quite often. Drugs? Don't know, stayed away for the most part. 

Sugar? Crave it after a really shitty day, an argument, anything for a pick-me-up. I've spoken to a psychologist about it a little bit and it's definitely about being aware of what your body wants and why. Tuning into your body and trying to alter your reaction to negatives. 

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3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

How do you manage to not eat chocolate for 2 months? Serious question, it's really really hard for me. I feel if I can get rid of my sugar cravings I can push on much harder with my running etc. 

Complex answer. Circumstances not ideal but basically my girlfriend has been ill and currently shielded living with her mum for the last 10 weeks due to a health condition. She hasn't been able to move back in with me yet so I just haven't bothered buying shite food when I go to the shops since I'm only buying for me.

I do sometimes crave the odd unhealthy snack but I since don't have any in the house I either eat something else or just don't eat. I've realised when I do get a bit peckish I tend to just go and make a coffee instead. I have no idea if that helps.

I've also been playing loads of computer games and it's not uncommon that I get glued to the screen for hours and simply forget to eat.

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