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The SPFL recommendation?

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If english football is looking to complete their season why are we not exploring this option?  Surely the majority of their clubs are struggling just as much as ours but there doesn't seem to be as much of a rush to end their season early.

Edited by champions
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Surely this can’t be allowed to drag on now that everyone knows this is Dundee’s hands. They shouldn’t be able to broker private deals to benefit them to vote a particular way.

The SPFL need to come out and say they’ve made a colossal howling c**t of the whole thing and it’s now void.

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1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Cormack has decided to go with it to allow cash-strapped clubs to get their payout from the league and the fact they can still influence how the Premiership campaign is decided.

Cormack said: “Having received assurances that the SPFL will consult with all 12 Premiership clubs before making a decision on the current season, Aberdeen Football Club, voted for the resolution."

Right, so they aren't changing how the season would be decided at all, just consulting with clubs before calling it a day.

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5 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

Right, so they aren't changing how the season would be decided at all, just consulting with clubs before calling it a day.

Aberdeen basically wanted to make sure that any option is still on the table for top flight clubs and they will decide on that as and when they want to. That means ending the season/playing out the season or even null and voiding the season. Certainly not a simple case of waiting for uefa and then doing the same as the other 3 divisions.  What happens if they decide that actually they fancy nulling and voiding the season. Dundee united then have nowhere to go having been promoted.

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13 minutes ago, champions said:

If english football is looking to complete their season why are we not exploring this option?  Surely the majority of their clubs are struggling just as much as ours but there doesn't seem to be as much of a rush to end their season early.

As I've said before we're the only mugs deciding this just now.  No other league has suddenly decided to ask their clubs re promotion and relegation just us.

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23 minutes ago, Ebanda's Handyman Services said:

Currently checking to see if I can copyright the word 'Tainted'. 

20p royalties per use over the next few days should safely see the Rovers in the Champions League knockout stage in a couple of seasons. 

You'd get a fortune off Soft Cell.

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3 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Aberdeen basically wanted to make sure that any option is still on the table for top flight clubs and they will decide on that as and when they want to. That means ending the season/playing out the season or even null and voiding the season. Certainly not a simple case of waiting for uefa and then doing the same as the other 3 divisions.  What happens if they decide that actually they fancy nulling and voiding the season. Dundee united then have nowhere to go having been promoted.

No it doesn't. This vote binds the Premiership clubs to either completing the season or calling it in exactly the same way as this season. What Cormack is saying is that Aberdeen have been told that the clubs will get a say on any decision to call it a day.

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It's in the constitution if you vote no you can change your vote. If you vote yes you can't change. Most ridiculous rule ever but those are the rules all clubs agreed to follow.

Partick Thistle have some found some lawyers that appear to disagree with you and believe it must stand.
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2 minutes ago, Airdrie76 said:

Partick Thistle have some found some lawyers that appear to disagree with you and believe it must stand.

As I said theres nothing in the rules of what you can do if you vote no. It would depend on whether in legal terms you can have different rules for yes than no and not yes and abstain.

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1 hour ago, kvz2000 said:

If the Dundee “yes” vote is allowed to stand then Scottish football will be even more of a joke than it currently is , I’m not a Rangers fan but every club should put aside their own interests and join together and make a stand to the corrupt way the SPFL are running things . In our league only Raith has a justification for voting Yes to ending the league as they would be tainted champions , ever other club should really want another option , contracts , cash , playing remain games could all be arranged by making changes to the current rules which is happening in every other walk of life just now so why not Scottish football , also why is the vote to end the lower leagues now and not the premiership..

Huge sympathy to any club relegated out of this and agree the SPFL have handled it appallingly and to me there’s a much better solution of suspending relegation and temporary reorganisation,  but I can totally understand why if a club isn’t in a play off spot why they would prefer the league called. Football isn’t coming back anytime soon so waiting to play games three or four months from now is a non-starter. I’m guessing that’s  why 85% of clubs have voted for this. It’s not only clubs like Raith who are set to benefit directly who are voting yes. And pretty much everyone voting No is also motivated by their own self interest. Absolutely no problem with that, but let’s not pretend there is a bunch of good guys voting no just for the benefit of Scottish football. 

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53 minutes ago, Rovers_Lad said:

Sorry but ME advice has not been consistent from the start which is no fault of there own and dont be fooled by the statistics.They are underestimated by some way,something Strurgeon openly admits to

This season ain,t going resume as once  restrictions are eased it will be gradual process so expect social distancing for some time after that.

A 2 nd wave we,ll be back to lockdown

Largely it has been consistent, but yes there has then been subsequent shifting of positions.  Some under-estimated, some over-estimated.  As for stats, again true they don't include cases not admitted to hospital.  However the hospital figures are accurate.  Bearing in mind we're still in "pre-lockdown" lag, the percentage figures of Scotland's population as at 13th April for hospital admissions was confirmed cases 1.1%, deaths, 0.0001%  Sadly of course this would be expected to continue in the short term.

The key has always been safeguarding those deemed "vulnerable".  A second wave in itself wouldn't be the problem, it would depend on those in most danger continuing to observe the restrictions for their own safety, and the rest of us observing social distancing from them as we are now.  I agree it was always going to be a gradual process of lifting restrictions.  Putting all that to one side though.

At the start of March it was obvious the season would not finish before the end of June.  So if it was impossible to get round the contract issue, what would then have been complicated about having to accept that, league's over, pay out the prize shares.....what exactly were they waiting for, what is there to negotiate ?

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I haven't no.  What I have been doing for a couple of months is listening to the medical experts' advice on this which has been consistent from day one.  I'm also looking at Scotland's statistics as at yesterday's date.  Do you know what they are ?

In that case, can you provide a link to advice or statistics that suggest we may be able to re-start sporting events and/ or mass gatherings by the 10th June please?

And by extension of this, evidence that restrictions will be lifted enough by approx 4 weeks before that to allow players to return to training?

We’ll ignore the very obvious issues with contracts of players since you haven’t claimed a higher level of knowledge on that than the rest of us.
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13 minutes ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Rules of the vote.


Presume Thistle will be arguing that Rule 2 is the key one. And the SPFL will argue that the contact saying ‘please disregard any vote that comes in from us’ rules what was eventually submitted void? Plus it seems to only refers to agreeing not disagreeing? Heading for the Courts I suspect. 

Edited by roverthemoon
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11 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

Presume Thistle will be arguing that Rule 2 is the key one. And the SPFL will argue that the contact saying ‘please disregard any vote that comes in from us’ rules what was eventually submitted void? Plus it seems to only refers to agreeing not disagreeing? Heading for the Courts I suspect. 

As I said previously these rules are setup for teams voting over 28 days not a 3 day advisory deadline. Normally they will just wait the 28 days. People who don't agree do nothing whilst those who.agree vote yes. You just then count the yes votes to see if you have enough. Because of this whole thing getting rushed in by the spfl board though they've obviously asked folk to vote no so they dont have to wait 28 days. Problem is theres no rules around no votes it would appear and hence we have a major issue.

Edited by Shadwell Dog
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I think the whole thing stands and falls on the Governance point that legally you have 28 days. Clubs were asked to advise quickly what they intended voting for, but that may not stand up legally if challenged as the 'legal' vote is the 28 day vote. Someone on here will deal with this more often than I do and can confirm if that is correct or if indicative vote over-rides the 28 day rule?

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Partick Thistle have some found some lawyers that appear to disagree with you and believe it must stand.
As I said theres nothing in the rules of what you can do if you vote no. It would depend on whether in legal terms you can have different rules for yes than no and not yes and abstain.
As I said previously these rules are setup for teams voting over 28 days not a 3 day advisory deadline. Normally they will just wait the 28 days. People who don't agree do nothing whilst those who.agree vote yes. You just then count the yes votes to see if you have enough. Because of this whole thing getting rushed in by the spfl board though they've obviously asked folk to vote no so they dont have to wait 28 days. Problem is theres no rules around no votes it would appear and hence we have a major issue.
And I can guarantee the SPFL will find a lawyer or lawyers who view that that have done everything correct. Just because it doesn't say what the position is with a no vote doesn't mean the rules are flawed assuming that all parties in the vote where in agreement that a "no" vote would be allowed to be changed. I think that would be a very difficult argument to win.

Anyway aside from this the Courts aren't even open and won't be for some period of time. Only emergency cases are being seen to. If there is some legal challenge going to be launched they'll have some wait and that will help nobody, in particular the clubs in the lower leagues who need the funds. All that for the extremely unlikely outcome of the vote being declared null and void?
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