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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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16 minutes ago, cmontheloknow said:

Once upon a time, Shotts Bon Accord took the Scottish Junior Football Association to court. They won their case but the SJFA suspended them from all football for a season and when they were allowed back in, they had to start in the lowest division. 25 years ago and not a precedent but clubs have been chucked out of Scottish football before for going to the courts, despite articles of association forbidding it.

sba court.jpg



I know unlikely but imagine how fucking brilliant the fallout would be if that's what happened to Hearts and Thistle! 😂


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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, tree house tam said:


fucking heard it all now, Hearts must have rested players and didn't play to actually win games. That's exactly the reasoning behind them being utter dugmeat last season. 

It is if you choose to misinterpret what you read.

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7 minutes ago, Roy McGregor brown stuff said:

You just need to look at the transcript. I’m not saying Thistle & Hearts will win a full hearing. I’m saying they lll win the right to have the  case heard as a full hearing. From there... as I said SPFL cannot take the risk. They can’t afford to settle financially as the organisation’s liabilities outweigh their assets. Too many member clubs on the brink & won’t want it either. SKY deal... 

The way I see it is reconstruction inevitable.
You honestly think this will be sent back to the SFA for arbitration after Gerry Moynihan QC ‘performance’ yesterday? 
You obviously have been looking at the back page of a certain newspaper! 

You've been saying that since April. Forgive us if we don't take you seriously now.

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59 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

I don't know how many times people want me to reply to the same points. Read back the last couple of pages.

I've never argued this from a legalistic point of view. I just think the clubs should have found a way to avoid what is an unfair situation.

If someone had said back in August 'How would you feel about relegating a team if the season stopped unexpectedly early and next season's arrangements were far from certain?' I think the majority of people would have instinctively felt that the idea of relegating a team on that basis was basically unfair.

Nobody is arguing that Hearts are certain to win the Championship. But the question of whether there is guaranteed to be a promotion place next season is a legitimate one. We don't know how much of the season will be played and we don't know what the results of that will be in terms of promotion and relegation. At this stage we don't even know if the reduced Championship will actually happen as planned. There are many unknowns and to deny that seems strange.

Hearts are being relegated based on a reduced season and may be playing in a league where nobody gets promoted. If you can't see the basic unfairness in that, fair enough.

Do you think that it is fair to keep teams who have won a fraction of their games all season in their league, at the expense  of clubs who recruited and played well, and won the vast majority of their games last season, and who had their promotion confirmed by a democratic process back in April, and have been preparing, spending and investing accordingly?

If Successful Businesswoman Ann Budge gets her way, the result for United will be beyond fucking disastrous, all because we had the audacity to skoosh our league,  and whether we voted for your final desperate reconstruction plan or not, makes little difference, as your treatment of Cove (who we absolutely know did) is no different.


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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

JTS98, forgive me for saying this but you really, really need to get your hole.

Are you 15?

Bizarre thing for an adult to say.

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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, MacArab said:

Do you think that it is fair to keep teams who have won a fraction of their games all season in their league, at the expense  of clubs who recruited and played well, and won the vast majority of their games last season, and who had their promotion confirmed by a democratic process back in April, and have been preparing, spending and investing accordingly?

If Successful Businesswoman Ann Budge gets her way, the result for United will be beyond fucking disastrous, all because we had the audacity to skoosh our league,  and whether we voted for your final desperate reconstruction plan or not, makes little difference, as your treatment of Cove (who we absolutely know did) is no different.


I posted about that maybe an hour ago. Read the thread.

The 'Successful businesswoman' chat is absolutely tragic.

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14 minutes ago, Mr Positive, sometimes. said:

I know unlikely but imagine how fucking brilliant the fallout would be if that's what happened to Hearts and Thistle! 😂


This would not in any way impact future TV deals increasing for a lesser product. 

your sincerely third biggest outfit 


                                                  Reddies here⬇️

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24 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

I posted about that maybe an hour ago. Read the thread.

The 'Successful businesswoman' chat is absolutely tragic.

Yeah, I noticed that when I got further down the thread, but I think Hearts, Thistle and Rangers fans are about the only ones who would subscribe to your argument, and as much of this debate is about what is fair and not, you didn’t mention whether it is fair to keep us down to save yourselves.

As for the Successful Businesswoman Ann Budge issue, firstly, blame the BBC (notably Tom English) for that pish, and secondly, the only thing that is tragic about Successful Businesswoman Ann Budge, is her fucking desperate attempts to paper over the cracks of her last 2 years of piss poor decision making, which has resulted in the mess you are in,  trying to save her club from their deserved relegation, at the expense (if need be) of the whole of Scottish football.

Whats even more tragic, is that the majority of Jambos are buying it!

That’s fucking tragic,

Edited by MacArab
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33 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

The 'Successful businesswoman' chat is absolutely tragic.

You realise this was what Tom English described her as.

If you are describing Tom English's chat as absolutely tragic, that is probably the only thing we agree on.


Edit: I see I'm just repeating what MacArab has written.

Edited by Ric
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16 minutes ago, Roy McGregor brown stuff said:

Exactly. Let’s see who’s right. 

Incidentally, Hibs just laid off all their kit room staff. Cash flow? 🤔

Ah apologies. Furloughed some. 👍🏻

Guess the players will be rethinking those wage cuts to save those not as well off? No, me neither.  

Looking after their own interests. 

None as blind... 


Enjoy your denial lads & lassies. Feel free to PM me with large bets in seeing you’re all so confident that I’m talking ‘brown stuff’.


This is going to a full hearing. 👍🏻

Edited by Roy McGregor brown stuff
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4 minutes ago, Roy McGregor brown stuff said:

Ah apologies. Furloughed some. 👍🏻

Guess the players will be rethinking those wage cuts to save those not as well off? No, me neither.  

Looking after their own interests. 

None as blind... 

Hearts fans: we've been uniquely impacted by Covid, we deserve reinstatement to the Premiership or massive financial compensation if we aren't.

Also Hearts fans: LOL at Hibs for cutting costs.

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22 minutes ago, Roy McGregor brown stuff said:

Exactly. Let’s see who’s right. 

Incidentally, Hibs just laid off all their kit room staff. Cash flow? 🤔

There's cash flow issues at most clubs. Most businesses even.

Have you not heard of the global pandemic?

7 minutes ago, Roy McGregor brown stuff said:

Ah apologies. Furloughed some. 👍🏻

Guess the players will be rethinking those wage cuts to save those not as well off? No, me neither.  

Looking after their own interests. 

None as blind... 


Enjoy your denial lads & lassies. Feel free to PM me with large bets in seeing you’re all so confident that I’m talking ‘brown stuff’.


This is going to a full hearing. 👍🏻

What is your argument/point here? That because some clubs are having some financial challenges that this means the Hearts case is definitely going to a full hearing? Not following your logic here. It isn't clear.

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

It was the differing views of the situation.

Many clubs saw it as 'Hearts are the relegated side and want our help, they need to sell it to us'

Hearts saw it was 'we've been wronged and you owe us a solution'.

I think if Hearts had pandered to the former a bit more and sold some benefits of reconstruction beyond keeping them in the division they may have got more traction. Still very unlikely to ever get the required support though.

You have to remember the ICT, Hearts, Rangers plan that was to void the league but hand out place based prize money. That pissed off a lot of clubs. I know ICT wrote a damning statement regarding the Record over it but 6 Championship chairman backed the story and Gardiner and ICT have been conspicuous by their absence since.

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