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Yer da getting battered

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Not sure it’s a Puritan thing.  I like a glass of wine or three but I don’t like drinking to excess.  I never bought in to the Scottish/lad/macho thing when I was younger and the older I get the more abhorrent the thought of being drunk is to me.


How to live like a mormon thread for this pish

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

No they didn’t, I turned 18 in 2004 and British culture was incredibly boozy back then.. Maybe people who turned 18 in 2014 were less inclined to binge drink as they had more alternatives largely thanks to social media but to say people who grew up in the 90’s dialled back the drinking is a nonsense. 

as someone who turned 18 in 2014 nah I would say drinking was pretty important however being seen to be drinking on social media is more important, making sure everyone knows youre having a GREAT time by posing with cocktails etc is important. Although you are unlikely to post pictures of you chucking up your own guts your pals will be there to document the whole thing - folk who take constant pictures on nights out OFTW.


I would probably say I have an odd social circle because I went straight to work some of by best pals who I see on a regular basis are 40 or 30 years older than me. The oldest I regularly go into Edinburgh with our friend with for an expensive meal and a bottle or 2 of wine, however my and my 22 year old pal go down to Newcastle with our pal who is 50 and have skinful watching the football. Never got into any fights with any old geezers.

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It's surprised me how many folk in their 30s/40s/50s I've seen hanging around outside clubs in recent years. I don't remember seeing that many older folk twenty years ago. It would have been seen as a bit tragic by the hip young things back then.

The Horrific Club Photos thread too. OYF. Plenty of folk on there who are old enough for their grandweans to know better.

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Folk in their 50s don’t get in more fights than previously.

They are being seen in hospital because they’re losing more.

They are the first generation who grew up with video games, a known effeminiser.

Remember that this isn’t a change compared to later generations but to earlier ones. For everyone youngster finding it funny, this is what your future looks like.

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55 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I used to love getting totally incapacitated and despite being older and wiser in theory, and no longer having that intention, quite often end up that way.

I am not ready to say I am too old to go out and get arseholed.

^^^ This.

19 minutes ago, throbber said:

Pish. The 00’s was a debauched time for a 20 something, it was the peak of the music festival era and the pub and club scene was rife. It was in the 10’s that all changed, largely due to social media.

I don’t think it was much to do with social media. The global market crash and recession around 2008/9 seemed to hit the pubs and clubs pretty hard as everything got more expensive and folk didn’t have the disposable cash to go out every weekend. The festival scene kind of didn’t do itself any favours with the same pish indie bands and house DJs doing the rounds of the festivals every other year from the late 00’s onwards and flooding festivals with the utter dregs of society.

15 minutes ago, throbber said:

Mostly because I am not allowed out to get into fights.


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5 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Folk in their 50s don’t get in more fights than previously.

They are being seen in hospital because they’re losing more.

They are the first generation who grew up with video games, a known effeminiser.

Remember that this isn’t a change compared to later generations but to earlier ones. For everyone youngster finding it funny, this is what your future looks like.

...does this mean that folk in their fifties are getting their arses handed to them by folk in their seventies?

@Granny Danger is a bad motherfucker, I suppose.

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18 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

...does this mean that folk in their fifties are getting their arses handed to them by folk in their seventies?

@Granny Danger is a bad motherfucker, I suppose.


Right ye c**t 12 Ruel Street, 6 o’clock.

Bring yer maw mask.

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"Mummy, why is daddy talking funny and dribbling out of his mouth?"

"Daddy's very tired..."

"I'm not getting a clown at my party now am I?"

"No dear.  Next year"

*throbber stumbles into kitchen* "urrgghhh bluegh ugh"

*daugher cries; wife looks wistfully out of window; throbber curls up to sleep in the dog basket*

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I agree with Throbsy.  Circa 2002-2010 was fucking brilliant being a teenager/20 something in pubs and clubs.

As someone who is 35 this year, I still enjoy being a steaming fucking mess 99% of the times I go out. 

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10 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I agree with Throbsy.  Circa 2002-2010 was fucking brilliant being a teenager/20 something in pubs and clubs.

As someone who is 35 this year, I still enjoy being a steaming fucking mess 99% of the times I go out. 

Back then, several pubs in Falkirk were three deep at the bar and standing room  only every Friday and Saturday, with the Thursday also being very busy in a few of them but less so. 

Now you are lucky if the stars align to make 1 pub in the town busy on any given Saturday. It's a shame. Times change though. It will never go back to that. 

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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

It's surprised me how many folk in their 30s/40s/50s I've seen hanging around outside clubs in recent years. I don't remember seeing that many older folk twenty years ago. It would have been seen as a bit tragic by the hip young things back then.

The Horrific Club Photos thread too. OYF. Plenty of folk on there who are old enough for their grandweans to know better.

By the time most are in their mid 40s and 50s, they’ll have had their kids brought up and out the house, do you expect them not to go out and enjoy themselves ?

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Back then, several pubs in Falkirk were three deep at the bar and standing room  only every Friday and Saturday, with the Thursday also being very busy in a few of them but less so. 

Now you are lucky if the stars align to make 1 pub in the town busy on any given Saturday. It's a shame. Times change though. It will never go back to that. 

Indeed, plus a lot of 18-25 year olds have 1-2 kids now.  Wasn't the case a decade or so ago.

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15 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Indeed, plus a lot of 18-25 year olds have 1-2 kids now.  Wasn't the case a decade or so ago.

I think the opposite is proabbly the case - the age that people have children has gone up in the last twenty years.

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Dundee was same 2000-2010 pubs were rammed Fri-Sun. Wednesdays were student nights so they were mobbed too. You would have to queue to get in Mardi and Fatties every night of the week.

I don't miss it though . Looking back it was fucking grim. The only thing to drink was 100 different identical lagers, fun pubs, z list celebs in nightclubs listening to pop music. Fucking shite.

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