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Geopolitics in the 2020s.


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Reports from Washington that the US are going to deploy 1-2k troops to NATO allies in the Baltics in the event of Russian military action in Ukraine, along with war planes and ships.
Obama's former Russia advisor Evely  Farkas has said that the US should supply an 'Iron Dome' style missile shield to Ukraine.  I think there are other people who know more about this stuff on here but I don't think that something like the Iron Dome would work against Russian artillery and missile attacks.  Farkas also said that the US should release information on Putin and other Russian officials secret bank accounts etc, which begs the question, if we have this information why not release it anyway?  I doubt it would make any difference to anyone.  "Former Soviet leader having secret bank account" is not exactly an earth shattering revelation.

The last point about secret bank accounts could harm basically every world leader and country; they wouldn’t dare reveal the sheer amount of dirty money that circulates through various financial centres, state-owned and private companies throughout the world.
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20 hours ago, Detournement said:

I read it all. 

At the end he says he wants the relationship between Russia and Ukraine to be comparable to the USA and Canada or Germany and Austria. 

Pre or post 1938?

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16 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Also Belarus are now saying Ukraine are stacking troops on their border; what a fucking Putin bootlicker Lukashenko is.

He doesn't take any shit. 


Poverty in Ukraine is what keeps him in power. Belorussians look at their neighbour and think f**k that. 

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There's been a big breakout of ISIS prisoners from a prison in Kurdish controlled Syria.  Saw a report today that British special forces are assisting the SDF in the fight against the escaped prisoners.


Footage from the initial battle between SDF/YPG Kurds and the ISIS escapees.



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Belarus is hardly any better, all things considered.
You're joking, right? Belarusian GDP per capita is 150% that of Ukraine. That's bigger than the difference between the UK and Romania.

UK: Russia do not interfere in Ukraine. 
Also UK: Illegally invade Syria.

Syria: No to US and French intervention in Syrian internal affairs.
Also Syria: Thank you Russia for all your help.

Those were two banners I saw in 2011. The first in Aleppo, the second Damascus.
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9 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

You're joking, right? Belarusian GDP per capita is 150% that of Ukraine. That's bigger than the difference between the UK and Romania.

Syria: No to US and French intervention in Syrian internal affairs.
Also Syria: Thank you Russia for all your help.

Those were two banners I saw in 2011. The first in Aleppo, the second Damascus.

Financially yes, Belarus is better off, but eh, they have a mini-Putin in charge, so...

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On 07/11/2021 at 14:24, DiegoDiego said:

Things are still nasty in Ethiopia. Looks like Addis Ababa could fall soon and Abiy is urging civilians to take up arms against the rebels. The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate.

Just over two months later, government forces now seem set to enter Tigray:

Swarms of 'foreign made drones' (pick your supplier based on which non-Western bogeyman best fits - the government wasn't fussy) have been pointed to as a turning point in the conflict. The media seems obsessed with the shiny new drone technology though so I'm somewhat sceptical of that. 

Unusual take from FP compared to the rest of their coverage, which challenges the dominant narrative in the West:


Not sure what to make of it all tbh. 

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8 hours ago, SweeperDee said:

Feel free to point out where or how I even implied that, champ.

You were directly comparing conditions in Belarus to Ukraine, chump. The fact that you made a roaring c**t of your pea-brained 'analysis' is really not my problem tbh. 


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Speaking of pea-brained analysis:


Yep, it's definitely those rotten European statesmen who have got Russia policy all wrong. As opposed to the rational and not at all tilting at windmills war rhetoric from the 'Anglosphere' - which, as Wintour concedes in a single line, does not tally with the view of Ukraine's own defence analysts!

The revisionist take of Clinton as an opponent of NATO expansion in the 1990s (why no veto then?) and sage prophet of future conflict is beyond laughable. His White House oversaw the most negligent Russia policy in the long, post-Tsarist history of American stupidity on that topic.

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The standard of analysis and commentary on this has been embarrassing and childlike. There was some Ukrainian expert being quoted yesterday saying Putin may invade the aay after the winter Olympics to avoid upsetting his mate Xi.

Also the repeated use of "surprise attack" after being the leading story in every Western news outlet for about 3 weeks.

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