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Geopolitics in the 2020s.


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Just now, GordonS said:

Aye, maybe we should have stopped bombing Iwo Jima and asked if they fancied stopping pulling the fingernails off our PoWs.

To answer your question, because it would have been a massive sign of weakness, an invitation to have the piss taken out of you and a grotesque insult to the families of those who died in 9/11.

Why didn't the Taliban put him on a plane?


Yes all the POWs in Afghanistan were going to continue being tortured...

moon howling stuff

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10 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

I think you have memory holed the beginning of the conflict


A month after 9/11 the Taliban were willing to negotiate a deal where Bin Laden would be handed over to the US. The US refused point blank to negotiate and branded the Taliban govt terrorists.

So the opportunity for a peace deal was there but the West had no intention of trying to negotiate a settlement or even agree to a cease fire to begin negotiations.

And that was before the Invasion happened and there were a large number of boots on the ground.

I remember a report from before 9/11 of a couple of Taliban reps visiting Washington to talk to a State Department official about a possible oil pipeline. He said they could talk about it but only if they stopped harbouring Al Qaeda. The Taliban bods said that was impossible, it was their custom to welcome strangers into their homes and protect them if needed. The State Department bod asked what they would do if their guest started shooting their neighbours from the roof. The report didn't give their reply. 

Edited by welshbairn
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10 hours ago, GordonS said:

To answer your question, because it would have been a massive sign of weakness, an invitation to have the piss taken out of you and a grotesque insult to the families of those who died in 9/11.

^^^ the sort of emotive, weepy liberal drivel that embroils you in forever wars

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At what point does it stop being an insult to the families of 9/11 that we limit our intervention is it when we start drone striking Afghan weddings or do we just level the whole place with a MOAB in case Pete Davidson gets a bit weepy?

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If anyone thinks the Taliban could overcome 300 thousand well armed Afghan army troops with American air support against the general will of the  Afghani people, and most of the official army, they haven't being paying attention.

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It's obviously going to be really shit for people who believed that the Disneyland of liberal western democracy that was created by force of arms in the centre of Kabul would last, and it's desperately sad for them. The only way to mitigate it is to offer incentives to the new rulers not to be c***s, rather than threats.

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As Biden said recently, the Afghan army was one of the best equipped in the world. He was right, they were armed to the teeth with cutting edge American hardware.
First sign of the Taliban they’ve flown the white flag of course. Now the Taliban has all those weapons and it is now one of the best equipped armies in the world.
The question now is what they’re going to do with all that firepower. Whatever it is, it’s not going to be pretty.

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17 minutes ago, Lex said:

As Biden said recently, the Afghan army was one of the best equipped in the world. He was right, they were armed to the teeth with cutting edge American hardware.
First sign of the Taliban they’ve flown the white flag of course. Now the Taliban has all those weapons and it is now one of the best equipped armies in the world.
The question now is what they’re going to do with all that firepower. Whatever it is, it’s not going to be pretty.

Not sure how accurate it is, but from what I’ve been reading and seeing, apparently one of the issue is Afghans don’t really give a f**k about Afghanistan as a whole, they don’t have a sense of national identity let alone unity 

They’re loyal to families and tribes, joining the ANA was more about an easy paycheque 

As for the equipment left behind, it will require maintenance and repairs that isn’t easily sourced 

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1 hour ago, TheBruce said:

Looks like it's you who hasn't being paying attention.

You didn't pay attention to reading the post you quoted. My point was that the Taliban didn't have to beat the big Government army supplied by America, they either joined them or put their weapons down and went home. If the majority of Afghanis and the Army had wanted to keep the Kabul government in power, they had the means to do it, they chose not to.

Edited by welshbairn
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This is how the first Anglo-Afghan war (1839-1842) was described:

"a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, was acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated" 


Edited by Arabdownunder
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