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Geopolitics in the 2020s.


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10 hours ago, virginton said:


I'm sure that an exclusive alliance of white, colonial racist countries is bound to win the hearts and minds of east Asia!

Yes. The likes of Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and a multitude of smaller island nations will be supportive. 

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On 22/09/2021 at 15:00, yoda said:

And another decent read on the situation from Adam Tooze: click

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Tooze underplays the superiority of Caixin as a source.


Way better coverage of the Chinese economy than anything you'll find in the West.

Michael Pettis is always a good read, but that's because he's in Beijing.


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It's a year since the Second Karabakh War and the Pandora papers that have been published overnight make very clear the dependency of the Azeribijan regime on the UK.  Aliyev has been found to have bought a £33m London office block via an off shore firm and transfered it to the ownership of his 11 year old son.  The Aliyevs also made £30mprofit selling property to the Crown Estate.  It's long been known that the ALiyev family and regime use the UK to launder the money they have stolen from the oil boom in Azerbijan, the Pandora papers make it even clearer.

The big cover for the looting and corruption is the war - Aliyev can always claim he won back the territory retaken in Karabakh.  It completely insulates him for any sort of consequences domestically - even the Azeri opposition and democratic activists are all in on the Karabakh War.


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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Border tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan grow. 


I don't doubt the accuracy but I'd be a bit wary of the source. Originally funded by the CIA, it is still funded by the US Government, with orders to act in accordance with the "broad foreign policy objectives of the United States".


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26 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

GB News for me from now on.

Nothing wrong with any news source so long as you're aware of the potential bias and/or agenda. GB News might be pushing it.

P.S. Iran seem to be confirming the story.


And Turkey for some more background with an agenda.


Don't think war is imminent though, bit of righteous sabre rattling imo.  

Edited by welshbairn
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Not sure what to make of a media landscape in which:

(i) the finally difficult to hide crisis in the global supply of cheap easily exploitable fossil fuels with high EROEI now fracking is understood on Wall St to be a financial bust,

(ii) grid parity for renewables achieved so that most new electricity generation capacity is based on that globally with several grid scale storage solutions at an advanced stage of development,

(iii) EV sales based on Li ion battery technology possibly entering S-curve growth over the next decade,

do not lead media commentators to ask some serious questions about whether Greta & Co maybe need to calm down a wee bit and move out of a pre-2007 credit crunch Al Gore vs Dubya era timewarp in which (i)-(iii) were not even close to being applicable yet. If you dumb down complex problems to a level understandable to people with an IQ of 90 and a faith rather than reason based way of looking at the world you wind up with a narrative that is tunnel-visioned and siloed away from reality.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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