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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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2 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

 And when did it become 'normal' to shout out you are 'anti-facist'? Is that not the norm? Did I miss something? 

I used to think so. But then I heard the president of the country in which I live referring to Nazis as "very fine people". I was told to my face that by being anti-Nazi, I was "against free speech." I've read many times that being opposed to Fascism makes me "intolerant" and that I'm "the real Fascist." And on this thread, and elsewhere I see people trying to justify murder because one of the victims "was an unsavoury type".

So no, I wouldn't say being anti-fascist is the norm. Not any more.

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8 hours ago, GAD said:

Two people are dead. Your boy travelled 30 minutes (according to you) and shot them with a gun he brought with him. These are facts. Now you obviously identify with this wee boy, see a bit of yourself in him, but facts don't care about your feelings son.

I don't see how anyone can excuse this guy. If he had been black he'd be dead now, imo.

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10 hours ago, Shotgun said:

I used to think so. But then I heard the president of the country in which I live referring to Nazis as "very fine people". I was told to my face that by being anti-Nazi, I was "against free speech." I've read many times that being opposed to Fascism makes me "intolerant" and that I'm "the real Fascist." And on this thread, and elsewhere I see people trying to justify murder because one of the victims "was an unsavoury type".

So no, I wouldn't say being anti-fascist is the norm. Not any more.

Well that is sad and hopefully he won't be president for much longerxmayxbring about change.

I think you have a point, even here, collective labelling and one argument seems to be the norm - "if you dont agree with us, then you are a racist/marxist/nazi," whatever.   I also hear that all Lefties are the real fascists, all Brexit supporters are racists,  and the likes. But I do still think (and hope) that is only what the 'far' people believe and that the vast majority who sit quietly inbetween them, getting on with their lives, and not trolling, do not think that way.

If it is OK to kill unsavoury types would that remove any over-population issue?  I think so, especially if I was the one who could decide who was 'unsavoury'!

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19 hours ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

In the preceding sentence I talked about the gunman's guilt or the morality of his conduct. I was  merely offering an opinion on the material presented in the video. 

Wasn't looking for feedback, sorry

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Ubisoft apologises for Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad suggesting Black Lives Matter are terrorist puppets, but it’s not enough

Ubisoft appealing to their core Republican, far right and Conservative boomer and gammon gaming fanbase.

That can't be right, their games aren't political.
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17 hours ago, magic sign said:

I think he's been binned already. I rarely post, here, but good riddance.

Why would I conceivably be banned for suggesting someone might have acted in self-defence? It's pretty obvious what this bampot Marxist indy Scotland you all dream of will be like! Clearly any un-woke opinions will result in banishment to a forced labour camp on St. Kilda.

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20 hours ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

I don't consider myself left or right. I like to judge these things based on the facts alone.

So far the narrative appears to be:

1) The kid is hanging about with a militia, ostensibly protecting property and upholding the law, armed with an assault rifle and carrying a first aid kit.

2) He extinguishes a fire lit by the protesters, who then verbally abuse him, and then an altercation occurs where he runs and is chased and the first person is shot.

3) The second incident is recorded, and I suggest anybody interested watches the footage. It's all over Twitter. It shows the perpetrator being chased by several people, get hit with a skateboard and stumble and fall to the ground. He fires about three shots, and is actually pretty calm given the circumstances. 

I think the fact Rosenbaum was a paedophile and was acting aggressively doesn't, of course, justify his death. However it does testify to his unsavoury character.  

There's lots of other footage of other incidents that occurred that night to:


A genuinely horrific post and should be enough to get you emptied off here tbh.

I shouldn't engage with you but f**k it. It wasn't his job to uphold the law, so that point is moot. 

He killed two people. You're trying a sort of smokescreen by mentioning that one victim had previous crimes/a paper bag was thrown, etc because either:

1) You have zero regard for human life and are politically aligned with the extreme right ideologies of these militia.

2) You're a weirdo who gets a kick out of bites for this.

Either way, I feel really sorry for you. Sit down, have a look at yourself and try to improve. 

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7 minutes ago, JMDP said:

A genuinely horrific post and should be enough to get you emptied off here tbh.

I shouldn't engage with you but f**k it. It wasn't his job to uphold the law, so that point is moot. 

He killed two people. You're trying a sort of smokescreen by mentioning that one victim had previous crimes/a paper bag was thrown, etc because either:

1) You have zero regard for human life and are politically aligned with the extreme right ideologies of these militia.

2) You're a weirdo who gets a kick out of bites for this.

Either way, I feel really sorry for you. Sit down, have a look at yourself and try to improve. 

Agree with you, these militias are scary individuals with absolutely mental beliefs. 
If there were concerns about failure to guard/protect property then the issue falls squarely to the authorities who failed to mobilise enough resources to properly manage the incident, its not for walter mitty’s to come out and play rainbow 6. 
I can’t see where lethal force in this madness was justified. 

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34 minutes ago, Sinner-to-Saint said:

Why would I conceivably be banned for suggesting someone might have acted in self-defence? It's pretty obvious what this bampot Marxist indy Scotland you all dream of will be like! Clearly any un-woke opinions will result in banishment to a forced labour camp on St. Kilda.

I would have the likes of you pushed out of a helicopter half way to St Kilda.

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Agree with you, these militias are scary individuals with absolutely mental beliefs. 
If there were concerns about failure to guard/protect property then the issue falls squarely to the authorities who failed to mobilise enough resources to properly manage the incident, its not for walter mitty’s to come out and play rainbow 6. 
I can’t see where lethal force in this madness was justified. 
Send in the army imo
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