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Back pain.

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Anyone else on here suffer with back pain and what are your strategies for dealing with it apart from pain killers?

Been suffering with it for a couple of years now and tired of the impact it has on my daily life. 

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1 minute ago, HooseLee said:

Anyone else on here suffer with back pain and what are your strategies for dealing with it apart from pain killers?

Been suffering with it for a couple of years now and tired of the impact it has on my daily life. 

I have lower back pain pretty much all the time, with varying degrees of severity. It's all down to my hamstrings being perpetually tight, regardless of how much I stretch them. It puts a great amount of strain on my lower back. Only 25, so excited to see what I'll be like when I'm 40. 

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6 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

I have lower back pain pretty much all the time, with varying degrees of severity. It's all down to my hamstrings being perpetually tight, regardless of how much I stretch them. It puts a great amount of strain on my lower back. Only 25, so excited to see what I'll be like when I'm 40. 

My diagnosis is lumber spondylosis.  Twice your age.  I'm waiting to move house and when I do I'm going to try cold water swimming.  Supposed to be good for back pain.  Not looking forward to it but willing to try anything.

Is it sore when you're sitting down?  If it is, try sitting on one of those inflatable exercise balls.  It eases the pressure.  

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I think one of the big issues is that back pain can be caused by all sorts of muscle imbalances/poor posture so it's hard to work out what's causing it. You get people who think it's one thing, stretch that, and they're actually compounding it.

For me, it's caused by APT; weak glutes and tight hip flexors. I can just about manage it but the last couple of months when I've been sitting around the house more has been a nightmare, and I've had to do a good 20 minutes of stretching before going out running or my lower back gets really sore.

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2 minutes ago, David W said:

I think one of the big issues is that back pain can be caused by all sorts of muscle imbalances/poor posture so it's hard to work out what's causing it. You get people who think it's one thing, stretch that, and they're actually compounding it.

For me, it's caused by APT; weak glutes and tight hip flexors. I can just about manage it but the last couple of months when I've been sitting around the house more has been a nightmare, and I've had to do a good 20 minutes of stretching before going out running or my lower back gets really sore.

I thought it was a tilt as well that caused it for me, however what I've found is that when I exercise, my back pain goes away. 

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4 minutes ago, HooseLee said:

My diagnosis is lumber spondylosis.  Twice your age.  I'm waiting to move house and when I do I'm going to try cold water swimming.  Supposed to be good for back pain.  Not looking forward to it but willing to try anything.

Is it sore when you're sitting down?  If it is, try sitting on one of those inflatable exercise balls.  It eases the pressure.  

It hurts particularly when I'm standing for an extended period of time, or when I'm lying in bed. 

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Just now, SweeperDee said:

It only hurts when I'm standing for an extended period of time, or when I'm lying in bed. 

Don't know if you are taking anything for it but if you are, ask for gastro resistance tablets so they don't wreck your stomach.  I take pain killers and you do things without thinking about them aggravating things.  

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Not had any back pain since i started doing pullups about a year ago.
Before that it was on/off for ages.

Not sure whats fixed it, was always the bottom right side and would come on suddenly and then take a few weeks to go.

Possibly hanging about has aligned things better and strengthened muscles around it?

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34 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Not had any back pain since i started doing pullups about a year ago.
Before that it was on/off for ages.

Not sure whats fixed it, was always the bottom right side and would come on suddenly and then take a few weeks to go.

Possibly hanging about has aligned things better and strengthened muscles around it?

I've heard hanging from a pull up bar is supposed to be good. Might be the stretching Inverness 

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I got sciatica earlier in the year. It was really bad for a few months, couldnt walk properly or even sit without pain.

Its eased off now but its still there but its mainly pain down the left leg now, like I have a constant tight/pulled hamstring. 

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I get back pain combined with shoulder and neck pain as I was born with scoliosis but it wasn't spotted until I was in my twenties by which point it was too late to do anything about it.

I went to physio therapy a few years ago as it got really bad and I was constantly off my face on tramadol and cocodamol and got shown stretches and things to help it. 

It's still an issue at times but I've been free of the prescription pain killers for a year and a half or so now. In addition to the stretches, swimming seems to be the thing that helps me so I've been struggling a fair bit since the pools were all shut. Hoping now that travel restrictions have eased that I can get a beach and do a bit of swimming in the sea.

Edited by Rizzo
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Had problems with lower back pain since I started high school. Constantly being out on the concrete/astro playing football growing up certainly never helped but the biggest thing was I used to shift all my weight onto one leg when standing or worse, leaning against walls. Muscles on one side were developed stronger than the other. 

I've basically learnt to live with it but as ICTchris said, I never felt better than when I was constantly at the gym - not even specifically targeting that area - the first month to six weeks was hideous though.. that's went by the wayside. 

I'm getting a load of bother with shoulders and in between my shoulder blades just now. 

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I had terrible back pain for a couple of years about 13/14 years ago - tried everything - physio, chiropractor, osteopath, steroid injections...but still really bad.  Got to stage that I really struggled to put on socks and rarely tied my laces until after 11am.  Got a CT scan and was recommended to a surgeon who said I needed an operation to fuse a couple discs together (effectively shortening the spine) One of my discs had completely disappeared and the gap was causing extreme pain on the nerves.  I had done a fair bit of sport prior to this time so I wasnt overly keen on shortening my spine so I was passed on to another younger sugeon who had performed one total disc replacement operation previously.

I got the operation soon afterwards and after 5 days in hospital and perhaps 3 months before I could move freely my operation was a huge success - I was able to return to sport and a few years later I completed my first Ironman - I wrote to the surgeon thanking him - during the painful years I never ever imagined that I would have been able to do that.

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I get quite bad lower back pain from time to time. Originally I thought it was sciatica but it was diagnosed as piriformis syndrome. The symptoms are similar to sciatica but it don't think its quite as serious. What I was told is that the piriformis is a relatively small muscle but it can be prone to tightening and putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. There's loads of videos on YouTube with stretches you can do and a few weeks of that generally sorts me out.

I would also recommend a sports massage (though it might be difficult to get one at the moment). When my back pain was at it's worst I gave it a try and, although agony at the time, it definitely helped.

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I suffered from back pain too. For example, standing at a gig watching a band, getting back to the car and trying to get into the car - nightmare. Going for a long walk or playing golf - affected my golf swing, and bending to tee the ball or pick it out the hole was sore, once warmed up, I eased up and was OK, but at the end, would stiffen up dreadfully and get really sore again. In bed at night, turning over from one side to the other - had to do it in installments, accompanied by stifled groans of pain. I was recommended to try one of these back stretching thingummyjigs - photo attached. I read reviews, did a bit of research, and the one I got was £23. Thought it would be worth giving it a shot, for the price of a fitba’ match ticket. There’s three slots in increasing angles. I went for the lowest angle. Sit on the floor, set an alarm for five mins, have some relaxing music on. Hook your thumbs behind the widest base area and pull towards you until it hits the top of your bum. Gently lean back supporting yourself on your elbows until prone. Two five minute sessions per’ day. I swear, hand on heart, the difference to my life has been unbelieveable. After only a few days, could feel a real difference. Been using it for a month now - pain free, golf no problem, getting in and out the car no problem. At first, it felt awkward under my back, I used a pillow under my head, but only for the first day. After day one, laid down on it and stretched my legs out, head on floor no problem. I could hear the cracks as I lay on it initially, as my spine posture corrected itself after repeated use, the cracking eased. I am a cynical auld goat about stuff like this, but this bloody thing has worked absolute wonders for me. It might not be for everyone, obviously the back pain each of us feels can be caused by different things, but when I saw the post, thought I’d share my experience and how the back stretcher / posture corrector has genuinely, and I admit, surprisingly, made a massive difference to my situation.



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What's a back without pain 😫

I have a really bad back! I broke my sternum before cancer diagnosis and also have quite a few crushed upper discs which caused me to go from 5ft 7 to about 5ft 3! My neck is so curved and my left shoulder basically doesn't work so I can't raise that arm very far from my body. I can't walk very far, even aided, so any sort of distance I use a wheelchair. I can't stand on spot for more than 1 minute and I can't even sit up for long periods. It's shite but not much I can do about it!

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8 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

What's a back without pain 😫

I have a really bad back! I broke my sternum before cancer diagnosis and also have quite a few crushed upper discs which caused me to go from 5ft 7 to about 5ft 3! My neck is so curved and my left shoulder basically doesn't work so I can't raise that arm very far from my body. I can't walk very far, even aided, so any sort of distance I use a wheelchair. I can't stand on spot for more than 1 minute and I can't even sit up for long periods. It's shite but not much I can do about it!

You'd still pass a fitness test at Dens! 

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