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Billy Stark and Scott Gemmill

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3 minutes ago, G51 said:

It is true. He's always been wee but he's always been quicker and stronger than everyone else his age. He has technical ability, but the question is how does that ability look in games where he doesn't have the physical advantage?

Interesting that his contract runs out in six months as well. Surprised at that.

Perhaps quicker but in no way stronger, he's actually tiny and in time will need to hit the gym. His speed with the ball is his main asset though so that never really changes much on age group. Hes not going to sign a new deal with us which is why he's barley been near the squad despite having next to no fit wingers.

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17 hours ago, G51 said:

Have to say I don't think Allan Campbell is particularly likely to make it to the senior squad. He's probably already as good as he's ever going to get, and he isn't good enough.

I'd have the likely candidates as:

  • Gilmour - as much of a dead cert as it gets at this level.
  • Hornby - more to do with the weakness in the squad at this position. Has something but needs to learn the mental side of the game, and that only comes with match experience. Needs a lot of games in a short space of time to become a good enough player to be a regular starter.
  • Turnbull - good player, going to be a very good player. Needs to make sure he doesn't get his career fucked by Celtic.
  • Doohan / Robby McCrorie - whichever one of these guys ends up better will be capped. McCrorie has the higher ceiling than Doohan, but needs to be able to put it all together at Premiership level
  • Patterson - spoken about him plenty on here, he's very good and will show that as he gets more games for Rangers going into this period of games. Also helped by the complete lack of ability the main team has here.
  • Fiorini - only 18, breaking through in the Dutch second tier, might be good, might be shit but he's young enough that he could at least be god.
  • Hickey - if he can do well at Bologna, he'll get capped.
  • Johnston - needs to stay injury free at this important stage for his development. He's talented but he isn't there yet, and needs to be playing games to get to the required level. Can't do that if he's constantly injured.
  • Kelly - same position as a lot of these players, he needs games. Has obvious quality but let's see if his recent breakthrough into the County team is sustained. If he doesn't get games this season he's probably never getting to the required level, and it's far from a guarantee already.

Its actually striking going through the squad list and recent call ups as to how many players we had called up that were 21 or older. This team is going to look very, very different for the next campaign.

Will Patterson get enough football at Rangers? Tavernier literally never gets dropped, I fear he'll need to move on to progress.

George Johnston strikes me as someone who will be playing for Plymouth Argylle at some point in the next 2-3 years.

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27 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Will Patterson get enough football at Rangers? Tavernier literally never gets dropped, I fear he'll need to move on to progress.

George Johnston strikes me as someone who will be playing for Plymouth Argylle at some point in the next 2-3 years.

The expectation seems to be that with a pretty solid programme of games from now until March, Patterson should be seeing a fair bit of game time. Tavernier won't be able to do twice weekly from now until then, despite him being remarkably fit.

Should have been clear that I meant Mikey Johnston, not George. George Johnston won't make it as a Scotland regular, he hasn't really played any first team football yet and he's 22. It's too late for him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So Scott Gemmill is still the manager.

Proves 100% what we already knew, hes not being judged on performances, or development.

Hes just filling a space.

He could walk on the pitch mid game and take a dump. Wouldn't matter to anyone at the sfa. As long as he turns up it ticks a box.

What are we doing? How are we supposed to improve with this attitude from the sfa?

There needs to be one of these online petition things. (I'm not doing one, if someone else could ill sign it).

Not that they would listen in any case.

But it would make a point.

Clear out every one of them.

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