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What do you kill?

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I finally got an appointment for my doctors about 2 weeks ago. I was sitting in a massive waiting room with my mask on, on my own for about 20 minutes before I heard a cleaner scream. Apparently there was a mahoosive spider that hadn't been seen before in these Isles sitting quite the thing in one of the doctor's rooms. After quite the fuss, they asked me if I was scared of spiders and if not, if I'd kill it for them.

Me, being the animal lover that I am replied that I'd take it outside, no bother.

So, off on my Lord of the Rings-esque journey I went to the empty GP room...

f**k me. Finally. The stories were true. The Australian b*****ding Goliath Birdeater had made its way to Dundee. I asked if they could spare any gloves in order for me to pick it up. I was shitting it. The only thing I was thinking of was, 'How can I spare my fucking blushes here?' nevermind the fucking gloves. They said no.

At this point I'd decided, I'm either dying by spider or dying by spider. I grabbed it. I felt it wriggle. I held in the biggest pansy scream that I didn't realise I had the capacity to produce. The cleaner said, 'Chuck it in the bag' and I promptly did so. She then tied the bag and said it was part of the PPE bin bag and would be going straight outside for collection.

I've been distraught ever since. I'm a modern day Ted Bundy FFS. Arrest me now.

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Stopped killing insects about 4 years ago. Now everything gets the merciful treatment. Even the two fucking hand size slugs we found crawling up the kitchen wall a fortnight ago got removed humanely and placed put the back 

Decided once my kids were old enough they'd be toughy not to kill things 

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11 hours ago, bennett said:

The occasional fish, though I'm mostly C&R nowadays. Any wee pests usually get sprayed or splatted. 

In the past I'd have wood pigeons, rabbits, squirrels etc, used to do some ratting too.


That's not a nice thing to say about Celtic fans...

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12 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

Wasps are bunch of little c***s and if they cross my threshold they fucking die.

Moths are a pain in the arse and if they enter my home they get swatted.

On the other hand, spiders are a great bunch of lads and they're more than welcome to crawl over my walls. 

I've never had a problem with rats or mice but if I did I'd use a humane trap.

How bloodthirsty are you? Which creepy crawlies or small mammals are you prepared to slaughter in the cause of keeping your house comfortable?


Edited by SlipperyP
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11 hours ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

Slugs, Scarlett lily beetles, mealybugs and any kind of biting insects e.g. horseflies mosquitos midges are all dispatched straight to hell.

Bit of a grey area with the spiders. I catch and release the daddy long legs ones and any house spiders but if the missus is watching then they have to die.

We have those false widows in the house recently and they seem to squeeze into cracks so the aerosol and lighter is your only man.

A few years ago I was driving with my missus and we had fallen out and there was a pheasant in the middle of the road but I didn't even slow down. It just melted off the windscreen and went into orbit. Straight away I felt awful and wished i had stopped but it got us talking again and 12 years later we are still together!

So their husbands are still alive?

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I dont really kill much at all. Would kill a wasp if it was in my house probably. Generally dont feel comfortable ending a life.

That said, I would kill a fish for example, if I caught it and intended to eat it, but would release a fish if I didnt fancy eating it.

Fine with killing to eat.

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Wasps and flies both meet the slipper of doom in my house. Wasps in particular are b*****ds and no quarter is given. 

Bluebottles, whilst by far the most irritating flies, are afforded the chance to be chased out before I'll try and kill them. The splat makes too much mess.

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