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What do you kill?

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Just wasps which are basically the neds of the insect wprld. Big moths and spiders get the humane treatment - wee moths tend to fall apart a bit and are more difficult to remove.

That being said, the other night we had a badger squealing at 3am in the front garden that I'd also have been happy to kill if it hadn't eventually fucked off.

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Killed and fed to the birds 100s of snails this summer. Garden never looked better. They munch through some amount of greenery.
If it was legal then students would be next for my cull.
Think they also munch a lot of greenery.

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12 hours ago, Shotgun said:

It bugs me more than a bit that I've never killed my own food. I've caught fish and released them, and inadvertently swallowed beasties while riding my bike but when it comes to the animals I've chosen to eat, the killing has always been done by someone else. As an enthusiastic meat-eater, I feel this is something I should do, even if it's just once.

Like most tasks, I get other people to kill my food and get it to the shop for me. 

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Ok, I lied.

I just took out a massive wasp that suddenly appeared, flying around the living room. I'm no expert, but this thing was almost certainly a queen (that or on steroids). Was so large that my other half, who doesn't normally mind wasps too much, was straight out the door making it clear that death was the only acceptable outcome for this beast.  Although standard wasps vs Steve the Spider make the best fights, there was no chance I was stunning and giving this thing to Steve as he'd get his arse kicked.

Happy to report that this wasp is now cosy on a cold night (by this I mean a shrivelled crispy shell sitting amongst the fire embers).  

Kill them.  Kill them with fire.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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The only things I kill intentionally (ie. not off my windscreen, bike helmet, accidentally stood on, friendly fire etc) are insects that terrorise me - if they're prepared to annoy me to the verge of a headsgone then they must be prepared to pay the ultimate price. I'm talking flies, mosquitoes, midges and ants. Flies get murdered for buzzing around me and landing on my face and the others get brutally slaughtered for biting me and they're too small to bite back to see how they like it. 

I don't trust anyone who can easily kill an animal with little or no excuse without feeling any guilt whatsover. I used to like my old neighbour in Scotland until she told me she had bludgeoned a squirrel to death with a hammer that had found it's way into her loft. She actually laughed when she told me. Fucking psycho. 

Having said that there are a few humans I could easily dispatch of without a second thought and sleep like a baby at night if the prospect of a lengthy prison term wasn't hanging over me. 

Thank you. 

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55 minutes ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Mosquitoes the only thing I kill on purpose, once they get keen on you they don't go away. Convinced I got zika from one in South America so now they must die

Attacking midfielder for Brazil, part of the 78 world cup squad? :P

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On 18/10/2020 at 09:30, Angusfifer said:

Why do wasps get such a bad rep? They only sting in self defence for the most part. 

Off the top of my head midgies are the most aggressive species in this country. 

Midgies are little b*****ds and they're the main reason that I seldom venture into the highlands. Camping holidays when I was a kid were an absolute nightmare. 

I was stung on the left arse cheek by a wasp a few months ago. I rolled over in bed right onto it. TBH it wasn't actually that sore. Wasps are pretty annoying though when they're buzzing about the house. It kinda pisses me that they're able to fly into an open window but completely incapable of flying back out if it. Until they learn how to leave quietly they will get whacked.

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