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French teacher beheaded


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Regarding religion, it's been slightly annoying me recently that people who don't believe in a god should be labelled as atheist or anything else. There's no name for people who don't believe in Santa, fairies or rainbow coloured unicorns so why should you have to identify yourself as someone who doesn't believe in a specific fictitious character?

I should be a philosopher. 

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21 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Regarding religion, it's been slightly annoying me recently that people who don't believe in a god should be labelled as atheist or anything else. There's no name for people who don't believe in Santa, fairies or rainbow coloured unicorns so why should you have to identify yourself as someone who doesn't believe in a specific fictitious character?

I should be a philosopher. 

Richard Dawkins likes to point out that everybody is an atheist to most religions but some people make an exception for one of them.

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21 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Regarding religion, it's been slightly annoying me recently that people who don't believe in a god should be labelled as atheist or anything else. There's no name for people who don't believe in Santa, fairies or rainbow coloured unicorns so why should you have to identify yourself as someone who doesn't believe in a specific fictitious character?

I should be a philosopher.

Actually there’s a few.

Rational, sensible, logical, enlightened....

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22 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Regarding religion, it's been slightly annoying me recently that people who don't believe in a god should be labelled as atheist or anything else. There's no name for people who don't believe in Santa, fairies or rainbow coloured unicorns so why should you have to identify yourself as someone who doesn't believe in a specific fictitious character?

I should be a philosopher. 


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3 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Richard Dawkins likes to point out that everybody is an atheist to most religions but some people make an exception for one of them.

“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

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20 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Weird that inciting hatred against Muslims didn't calm them down.

The only true reparations are if they project a cartoon of Macron sucking Jesus's dick on the burnt wreckage of Notre Dame.

Who's been inciting hatred? 

I don't believe reparations are needed for a couple wee drawings. 

On 29/10/2020 at 18:18, Ralstonite said:

No, just mine apparently. 

Don't worry, all the haters will go to hell and you can sit on your cloud feeling smug. 

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Incredible! A parishioner and a church warden were murdered yesterday, and all I've heard about is Islamophobia. The number of church attacks in France is obscene.

Christianity is mocked far more than Islam in this country and abroad. The Piss Christ, Jerry Springer: The Opera, Jo Clifford's trans Jesus are some of the more infamous examples.

I suppose as a society we need to decide whether or not to enforce blasphemy laws in Scotland, and prosecute people for mocking others' religious beliefs. Personally I've always believed folk are entitled to their own views and will be judged one day for their actions.

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4 minutes ago, Ralstonite said:

Incredible! A parishioner and a church warden were murdered yesterday, and all I've heard about is Islamophobia. The number of church attacks in France is obscene.

Christianity is mocked far more than Islam in this country and abroad. The Piss Christ, Jerry Springer: The Opera, Jo Clifford's trans Jesus are some of the more infamous examples.

I suppose as a society we need to decide whether or not to enforce blasphemy laws in Scotland, and prosecute people for mocking others' religious beliefs. Personally I've always believed folk are entitled to their own views and will be judged one day for their actions.

Do you think people might be more likely to mock their own religion?

Maybe due to having been brought up in amongst all the hypocrisy and contradictions and being familiar enough with them and affected enough by them to feel the urge to satirise the bullshit. 

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I'd imagine that I'm about the only poster on here prepared to say that the man who killed these people in France was very bad, probably mad, and very likely both.

There, I've said it. I'll probably get banned now.

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2 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Do you think people might be more likely to mock their own religion?

Maybe due to having been brought up in amongst all the hypocrisy and contradictions and being familiar enough with them and affected enough by them to feel the urge to satirise the bullshit. 

Certainly acquaintances and colleagues of mine will tell me how silly I am for believing in "fairy tales" or "the man in the sky", but are strangely silent when it comes to non-Christian faiths. However some of my younger colleagues tell me they have never been baptised or Christened, have never been to church, and their non-denominational school at best vaguely referred to Christianity during their assemblies. So whilst it is certainly true that people in their mid-forties might have been more exposed to Christianity, I don't think that's true for a large portion of the younger generation. I think it's fair to say that Scotland is only nominally Christian now, and in a generation or two won't even be that. Though the Bible prophesied it would be this way in the End Times.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'd imagine that I'm about the only poster on here prepared to say that the man who killed these people in France was very bad, probably mad, and very likely both.

There, I've said it. I'll probably get a fatwa now.


2 minutes ago, Ralstonite said:

Certainly acquaintances and colleagues of mine will tell me how silly I am for believing in "fairy tales" or "the man in the sky", but are strangely silent when it comes to non-Christian faiths. However some of my younger colleagues tell me they have never been baptised or Christened, have never been to church, and their non-denominational school at best vaguely referred to Christianity during their assemblies. So whilst it is certainly true that people in their mid-forties might have been more exposed to Christianity, I don't think that's true for a large portion of the younger generation. I think it's fair to say that Scotland is only nominally Christian now, and in a generation or two won't even be that. Though the Bible prophesied it would be this way in the End Times.

Good news that we're leaving medieval superstition behind.  

I expect that most of the younger generation would be less likely than Stewart Lee to be motivated to be rude about Jesus. They'll probably end up satirising Microsoft or something. 

The bible didn't prophesise anything. It's a collection of books written by people. The only bit i remember with prophecy in it was revelations and i don't remember anything about non-denominational education in Northern Britain.

A minister once told me that St John was probably eating hallucinogenic desert plants when he wrote it. It's my favourite bit, love that beast. 

I guess if you're on about prophecies then you've probably got a version with the apocrypha in it.  That's proper middle ages stuff but quite good, sort of a forerunner of MCU. 


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9 minutes ago, coprolite said:


Good news that we're leaving medieval superstition behind.  

I expect that most of the younger generation would be less likely than Stewart Lee to be motivated to be rude about Jesus. They'll probably end up satirising Microsoft or something. 

The bible didn't prophesise anything. It's a collection of books written by people. The only bit i remember with prophecy in it was revelations and i don't remember anything about non-denominational education in Northern Britain.

A minister once told me that St John was probably eating hallucinogenic desert plants when he wrote it. It's my favourite bit, love that beast. 

I guess if you're on about prophecies then you've probably got a version with the apocrypha in it.  That's proper middle ages stuff but quite good, sort of a forerunner of MCU. 


There's prophecy throughout the Bible, some fulfilled already.


2 Timothy 3:1-5

New International Version

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.


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