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21 minutes ago, Ralstonite said:

I think you're missing the point. Christ's sacrifice liberated us. He died for our sins. His sacrifice redeemed us and established a new covenant. One doesn't need to sacrifice animals, or practice circumcision. Mankind has been redeemed by Christs's blood.  



8 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

You can't honestly believe this shite in this day and age?

I reckon you're at it. 

Pretty sure he's a troll poster.

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2 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

You can't honestly believe this shite in this day and age?

I reckon you're at it. 

Haha! On the contrary, it's you who's clearly at it.

I've spent a long time investigating, and I'm utterly convinced. Furthermore, I believe we're in the final epoch; the End Times. What you'll witness over the next thirty years will be famine, pestilence and eventually a nuclear war. It's all there. 


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3 minutes ago, Ralstonite said:

Haha! On the contrary, it's you who's clearly at it.

I've spent a long time investigating, and I'm utterly convinced. Furthermore, I believe we're in the final epoch; the End Times. What you'll witness over the next thirty years will be famine, pestilence and eventually a nuclear war. It's all there. 


You can't investigate the future, m8. 

5 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


Pretty sure he's a troll poster.

It's looking increasingly likely. 

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2 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

You can't investigate the future, m8. 

It's looking increasingly likely. 

Like most trolls these days he's not very good at it, as evidenced by his last couple of efforts.

There's just no nuance, subtlety and patience to trolling now. They just steam in and unload the big, obviously silly stuff far too soon. They don't take the time to craft it and build up to a big proclamation.

The ones in the politics forums are the worst for this. They just take up every contrary view going and spew out screeds of extremes. Very dull and stupid.

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It's this sort of "religious selection" that puts the cherry on top of religion for me.

For me it's that the Ralstonite types would almost certainly be preaching the word of Allah instead had his parents come from the Middle East or Pakistan. The geographical distribution that is indicative of religious people largely swallowing whatever was thrown at them first makes a complete mockery of the whole thing. Just the concept of "this is a Christian country" should be viewed by all as being moronic at any level.    

IMO, if those of a religious persuasion in the present day had a non-biased choice in the matter and weighed up the options before making any serious commitment, then most would say "that's plenty!" after one ludicrous chapter/page of the Bible. Proper RE at high school comes far too late, and had a certain Roman emperor decided to run with a different option, then Christianity would be close to dead.

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I think you're missing the point. Christ's sacrifice liberated us. He died for our sins. His sacrifice redeemed us and established a new covenant. One doesn't need to sacrifice animals, or practice circumcision. Mankind has been redeemed by Christs's blood.  

Why do we have to capitalise the space monkeys name /pronoun. Is that to make the pish more believable?
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4 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Ted Bundy was a church elder and regularly went to church when he wasn't busy doing other things.  Did that make him a good person?

Similarly if a doctor in India saves thousands of lives and cures lots of people but had a different upbringing then does make them a bad person?

I once asked a self proclaimed christian that 2nd question. His answer was something like “if he’s heard the word of god and chosen not to follow him, then yes” 

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2 hours ago, Ralstonite said:

I think you're missing the point. Christ's sacrifice liberated us. He died for our sins. His sacrifice redeemed us and established a new covenant. One doesn't need to sacrifice animals, or practice circumcision. Mankind has been redeemed by Christs's blood.  

1. Liberated us from what? Many humans lead horrific lives. Usually through no fault of their own. If god gives a rat’s ass, he doesn’t seem to show it. 

2. What does “died for our sins” mean? I’ve committed plenty of sins. Do I get a pass on them? If not, then what? 

Also, he only “died” for 2 days. Basically he gave up his weekend. And plenty of humans have suffered worse deaths. Including several, whose only crime was being gay, or black, or female, or worshipping him in a slightly different way. 

3. I’m glad to don’t need to sacrifice animals. Except I wouldn’t do that even if some twat told me I did need to. Why? Because it’s fucking abhorrent. 
What kind of deity would ‘ever’ have demanded that? An omnipotent, infallible one?

4. Again, what does “mankind has been redeemed by christ’s blood” mean? Redeemed from what? Mankind, as a species is utterly toxic. What changed as a result of us being redeemed?

5. Is it likely that an omnipotent, infallible being could think of no better way to redeem his own creation than by impregnating a young virgin, being born in human form, disappearing for 30 odd years and then making a few speeches before dying. Except not really dying. 

This is fairy story shit for children. 

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I once asked a self proclaimed christian that 2nd question. His answer was something like “if he’s heard the word of god and chosen not to follow him, then yes” 

Was brought up in a small village where everything centred around the church. It was always a heavy trade off to play football/sports to endure the indoctrination. One of my friends got sucked right into the hallelujah pish, fully devoted. Everything was like the person you describe above. We were all damned.

We of course lost touch.

Met him about 10 years later in Inverness and his opening statement was how he had ‘fucking wasted’ his teenage years/early adulthood and was very bitter towards the adults around the church for manipulating impressionable minds.

I have no real issue with religion, if it helps people get through life, go for it. Its when they try and force it on other people or their actions affect other people its shit and offensive.

Ironically there was some issue in the church the passed couple of years, something to do with gay marriage or accepting gay ministers or such like that they all fell out about and now there are two churches hating each other and damning each other.

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Never understood this "dying for sins" bit. Basically, he had to prove he was a god to make everyone pay attention and do as they were telt. So surely he should have not died when they nailed him up? Just hung around whistling. When they stuck a spear in him, he should have healed it up right away. 


I reckon a god going around that the Romans couldn't kill would get a lot more followers. 

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8 hours ago, Ralstonite said:

I think you're missing the point. Christ's sacrifice liberated us. He died for our sins. His sacrifice redeemed us and established a new covenant. One doesn't need to sacrifice animals, or practice circumcision. Mankind has been redeemed by Christs's blood.  


I'm sure your Sunday school teacher would be proud.


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7 hours ago, Ralstonite said:

Haha! On the contrary, it's you who's clearly at it.

I've spent a long time investigating, and I'm utterly convinced. Furthermore, I believe we're in the final epoch; the End Times. What you'll witness over the next thirty years will be famine, pestilence and eventually a nuclear war. It's all there. 


Oh amazing. One of my favourite bits of the NT is when they whip out the ICBMs

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I hardly know anyone that goes to church regularly and those that do don't mention it much.  None of my friends and none of my relatives.

My grandmother and her sister did.  Every Sunday they would go along to hear the minister.  He would give a sermon about fire and brimstone and the congregation would wail.  Every time he roared "we are all sinners" they would all howl as if they had been whipped.  Not my grandmother or her sister though.  Shortly after it began they would fall asleep and start snoring.  Basically they missed the whole thing.  At the end of the service somebody would nudge them awake.  As they were leaving they would say "Lovely service, Donald" and "Yes Lovely".  Then they go home and have a cup of tea.  That went on for years.

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