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The US Presidential election prediction thread


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Tactically, impeachment is an unnecessarily dangerous road to go down. These moonhowling nuckfuggets believe that Democrats stole the election, so having a bunch of Democrat politicians try to force their Godly leader out is going to tip them over the edge. It will get people killed.

A much better move would be to wait until after inauguration and get the DOJ to investigate him, maybe get a Republican special prosecutor.

He's not going to do anything in the next two weeks that he couldn't do even if he was impeached, so it doesn't serve any purpose. It just raises the temperature when it really needs to be brought down.

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Tactically, impeachment is an unnecessarily dangerous road to go down. These moonhowling nuckfuggets believe that Democrats stole the election, so having a bunch of Democrat politicians try to force their Godly leader out is going to tip them over the edge. It will get people killed.
A much better move would be to wait until after inauguration and get the DOJ to investigate him, maybe get a Republican special prosecutor.
He's not going to do anything in the next two weeks that he couldn't do even if he was impeached, so it doesn't serve any purpose. It just raises the temperature when it really needs to be brought down.

Impeachment prevents him from pardoning anyone, including himself and his family members. Also bans him from ever running for political office. You can be rest assured he’s going to run for president again.
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14 minutes ago, TxRover said:

The problem is the circulating comments from those close to Donnie describing him as “stewing” and having “lost touch with reality”. In a manner similar to Adolf in his bunker, Donnie is still moving imaginary pieces on a map as expecting to overturn the election. The next few steps might be very dangerous to both the U.S. and the World, which is why the concept of removing Donnie is a genuine consideration. It is clear that Donnie refused to send assistance to the Capitol for a couple of hours and that, in fact, Pence finally got the cavalry moving. I also suspect that Donnie took actions to keep preparations about this “rally” minimal and not allow a heavy police presence.


he's gave me this vibe since day 1

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2 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Impeachment prevents him from pardoning anyone, including himself and his family members. Also bans him from ever running for political office. You can be rest assured he’s going to run for president again.

Sure, but they don't need to do that in the next two weeks. They may be able to impeach him after leaving office, and section 3 of the 14th amendment says you can't be elected to federal office if you have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the constitution of the US, or given aid or comfort to the enemies of the US.

I just don't think it's worth the risk of what will appear to tens of millions as a partisan witch-hunt by people who stole the election.

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The worrying thing about just hoping everything keeps quiet for the next 13 days is Trump switching over all the top people in the Pentagon in the last few months, to whom he thinks are guaranteed loyalists. Removal or impeachment isn't going to happen, you just have to hope the DoD Trumpets have had a serious talking to from grownups about what to do if Trump asks them to do something silly, and the consequences for them if they don't take the advice. Going for Trump after he's safely out of the White House with Federal charges I think would be unnecessarily provocative to the loons, leave it to the State Prosecutors to get him for mortgage fraud and tax evasion etc.  

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They're going to rehabilitate Mike Pence aren't they

Having been both Trump’s VP and the man who mobilised the national guard against the mob might position him as the compromise candidate between post-trump republicans and the remnants of trumpism.

But there’s a lot of politics to play out till the 2024 primaries
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That thing about how the fascists must be lefty plants because they don't look like "proper" Trump supporters reminds me of the MRA group that castigated it's members for being weird-looking slobs with BO. Apparently they were having trouble convincing other men to join their Ubermensch revolution because they all looked like smelly repellant incels. Whouda thunk.

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The biggest problem is that it's not just a few lunatics that support him it's a large % of the US population, many of whom believe they're the REAL Americans and REAL patriots but their version of America has been hijacked at the very top of Government by Communists, Blacks, Gays etc and it's all a huge conspiracy to destroy their country, their values, their very way of life and their loyal President.

So what's the next step, do they arrest Trump / force him out and risk making him some sort of martyr or do they leave him be and risk him doing even more damage in the next couple of weeks ?

It really is a very dangerous situation as many of these people don't think like normal rational people and it's not just the extremists I'm referring to.

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Sure, but they don't need to do that in the next two weeks. They may be able to impeach him after leaving office, and section 3 of the 14th amendment says you can't be elected to federal office if you have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the constitution of the US, or given aid or comfort to the enemies of the US.
I just don't think it's worth the risk of what will appear to tens of millions as a partisan witch-hunt by people who stole the election.
Be assured that this problem isn't going away anytime soon. Trump and his spawn can be kettled in Mar del Lago for the next few weeks but thereafter there will be a queue of bameroos forming to plug Biden. That needs to be prevented, but that prevention shouldn't include soft pedalling on Trump. But it likely will.
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first time i've ever lurked in the Stormfront & Daily Stormer websites and forum, the countdown clock of murica becoming less white by the second is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen and i've watched Sabrina Deep's Gokkun videos.

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

Pelosi kicks it up a notch and demands the 25th Amendment be invoked or they will impeach! 

Invoking the 25th might be the best way of avoiding an inauguration likely to be as awkward as Bush Sr’s funeral with more than a hint of the Golden Cleric Award thrown in for good measure.

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9 minutes ago, Gus Setsniffer said:


first time i've ever lurked in the Stormfront & Daily Stormer websites and forum, the countdown clock of murica becoming less white by the second is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen and i've watched Sabrina Deep's Gokkun videos.

That's great stuff, including this sad fucker, even the proper nazis think he's a twat.


he planned to sleep inside a lawmaker’s office and use a desk phone to call President Trump, the outlet reported.


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49 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


Having been both Trump’s VP and the man who mobilised the national guard against the mob might position him as the compromise candidate between post-trump republicans and the remnants of trumpism.

But there’s a lot of politics to play out till the 2024 primaries


Pence makes Biden look like Mr Charisma.

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first time i've ever lurked in the Stormfront & Daily Stormer websites and forum, the countdown clock of murica becoming less white by the second is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen and i've watched Sabrina Deep's Gokkun videos.

I like how he’s used f**k the Police by N.W.A as a white supremacist but my personal favourite is his piece on Boris Johnson (article at the bottom) with the line..

“Don’t “it’s who we are” me, you fat slob. You’re not even from this country.”

That’ll Boris Johnson who was born in New York City 🤦‍♂️
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

That's great stuff, including this sad fucker, even the proper nazis think he's a twat.





this forum is gold, 

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