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Is it time for all Elite Sport to Suspend?


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Let me first say that I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion, outside of football I'm a big ice hockey and speedway fan, both of which are completely financially unviable under the current restrictions and football has been a lifeline as I've been on leave from work for the last six months. I watch football, listen to football podcasts - it's the closest thing to a rhythm of normality in my life until I get back to work as I can't get into the hills or do much of anything.
However, as I watch Sky Sports News and BBC news last night creating a moral panic about COVID-19 protocols after a goal celebration by Sheffield United, players that I assume were already tested prior to the game - how can football or say, rugby continue? Rugby in particular involves players in close contact for prolonged periods in a game yet doesn't seem to be subject to the same level of scrutiny.
Obviously the landscape of the pandemic has changed in the past couple of months and the Dubai debacle has probably contributed to the closure of football in the lower tiers here, but if COVID tested players are going to be criticized for celebrating a goal - such as the Chorley players in an FA cup giant killing (of sorts), then should all elite sports or elite team sports at least be closed down? 

Personally I think much of the criticism is coming from outside sport.  I can understand why somebody with no interest in football who is say a theatre goer or a gig goer (which I am also in normal times), or someone who enjoys travel - might be aggravated by players failing to adhere to COVID protocol, but little attention seems to be being paid to the fact that the players are being tested. So is it possible to expect footballers (but not rugby players) to constantly be cognizant of COVID protocols? Or should elite sport now fall victim like so many other facets of society?  

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Good post.  Imo complete no-brainer, should obviously be stopped, only reason it isn't is cause of the amount of money involved.  Contracts have been signed so have to be fulfilled, otherwise it would obviously be stopped.

I also don't approve at all of football taking testing capacity out of the general population. They will say its private blah blah but that's bullshit, ultimately every time a footballer gets tested a member of the public could be, and mass testing is part of the way to get out of this by getting a picture of the prevalence in society.

Somebody said footballers should be vaccinated and its possibly the most outrageous thing I've ever heard.  Footballers are among the fittest people in society, very healthy and very young. They should be right at the bottom of the list, pretty much everyone in the country should get a jag before they even get considered. It should be done according to need and they don't have any.

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22 minutes ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

need the Barclays. Players should have been vaccinated on the very first day.

That's ridiculous though, who cares what you need?  Grannies out there who will die if they get Covid need their jags, and that is infinitely more important than anyone's 'need' to watch a game.

Football pleaded, demanded, cajoled, threatened and begged for special treatment. It got it, then it threw it back in society's face by breaching regulations over and over and over and over and over again. If it gets stopped they have nobody to blame but themselves, and realistically the only reason it hasn't been is money.  

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26 minutes ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

need the Barclays. Players should have been vaccinated on the very first day.


2 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

That's ridiculous though, who cares what you need?  Grannies out there who will die if they get Covid need their jags, and that is infinitely more important than anyone's 'need' to watch a game.

Football pleaded, demanded, cajoled, threatened and begged for special treatment. It got it, then it threw it back in society's face by breaching regulations over and over and over and over and over again. If it gets stopped they have nobody to blame but themselves, and realistically the only reason it hasn't been is money.  

I hope you're ashamed of yourself Mr Hat.

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55 minutes ago, Buddie Holly said:

football should be stopped at all levels with the season declared null and void.

Null and void is an argument for another day but I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of your post. 

Dear oh dear oh dear Mr (tw) Hat.

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15 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

Everything in existence should be declared null and void. 

It's worth noting I don't want it suspended or banned, but there seems to be a (mostly) media created moral panic about adherence to COVID protocol in football. What I find interesting is that nobody is talking about rugby, where you can be conceivably in close contact with several players for more time than in football.


2 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Stopped reading there.

I like to get out of the house and watch sport in the summer and I don't much care for tennis or golf or crown green bowls. Plus you can have a pint at the speedway.

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10 minutes ago, amidst-tundra said:

It's worth noting I don't want it suspended or banned, but there seems to be a (mostly) media created moral panic about adherence to COVID protocol in football. What I find interesting is that nobody is talking about rugby, where you can be conceivably in close contact with several players for more time than in football.


I like to get out of the house and watch sport in the summer and I don't much care for tennis or golf or crown green bowls. Plus you can have a pint at the speedway.

Rugby is shit.

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27 minutes ago, amidst-tundra said:

It's worth noting I don't want it suspended or banned, but there seems to be a (mostly) media created moral panic about adherence to COVID protocol in football. What I find interesting is that nobody is talking about rugby, where you can be conceivably in close contact with several players for more time than in football.


I like to get out of the house and watch sport in the summer and I don't much care for tennis or golf or crown green bowls. Plus you can have a pint at the speedway.

That's cause nobody gives a shit about rugby. Until I read this post I wasn't even aware they were still playing.

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29 minutes ago, amidst-tundra said:

What I find interesting is that nobody is talking about rugby, where you can be conceivably in close contact with several players for more time than in football.

Maybe drinking their own pish has given them some sort of immunity.

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