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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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28 minutes ago, GordonS said:

He had a knight on e4 (the one on c4 in the first pic) and it was uncovered. Turns out it was a Trojan horse, and I did not look it in the mouth. Looking at the analysis now, the engine said that was an excellent move. WTF does it know...

Earlier on though, I took pawn f5-e4, I should have taken d4 then. That's what did for me, but I just never saw all the angles coming together on f7. I just didn't see that level of danger down my left.

Screenshot 2021-02-19 at 23.19.58.png

Yip moving the queen up and a long castle would've been better.

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6 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

Division A, DiegoDiegoPB defeats madwullie.

Thought that was a bit of a premature "French defence" (it's so annoying that name's already taken). I had a decent advantage but I'm more than capable of blundering a game from there. Other than picking up the knight, which was the only material gain in the match, I wasn't really going anywhere with all those checks.

It was nice to get the queens off the board early though and have some nice open play for a change. Less pieces means less stress!

Aye it was a good game mate. I seriously fucked up moving my King and knew I'd just spend the rest of the game fuming at myself, so better just to get it out the way and move on.

Good to hear someone else can f**k up from that position 😂 Definitely feel I've been a bit misplaced in the league and looking forward to being a season or two in when things have settled themselves into a more realistic position. 

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NotThePars defeats markf268

A very cagey opening from both sides with big reluctance to make the first move. Mark made the initial presses and scored some direct big hits that could've caused a collapse but also dragged his backline out of position in the process which opened them up to some devastating counterattacks. From there it was the positioning of both sides that gradually determined the outcome but there were 2-3 tactical manoeuvres that I nearly completely missed that would've thrown the game back in Mark's favour but I was fortunate (or lucky!) enough to spot them and retain control.

A lot of fun and genuinely looking forward to the rematch. Think it could go either way again.

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Division C match 8, Gparsfan beats GordonS496.

I forgot how much of a bad loser I am, and I'm getting plenty of reminders.

Two really irritating defeats. The first two losses, at least I was competitive and in the games. These two have been remarkably similar, they've gone straight from opening to defeat. My matches with randoms aren't going like that so I'll need to have a look at what I'm doing wrong.

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23 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Division C match 8, Gparsfan beats GordonS496.

I forgot how much of a bad loser I am, and I'm getting plenty of reminders.

Two really irritating defeats. The first two losses, at least I was competitive and in the games. These two have been remarkably similar, they've gone straight from opening to defeat. My matches with randoms aren't going like that so I'll need to have a look at what I'm doing wrong.

I have no idea mate if I'm being honest, bizarre game where it just opened up and I knew I could force a couple of checks. 

I've went through the analysis a few times to look at it myself, very odd. 

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8 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

I have no idea mate if I'm being honest, bizarre game where it just opened up and I knew I could force a couple of checks. 

I've went through the analysis a few times to look at it myself, very odd. 

8 moves and two of those were the king. You gave me a hiding.

It was an unusual opening, I went with queens pawn, you countered with kings pawn and I took it. I don't know I that was a mistake, I've not seen that opening before. Apparently it's the Englund gambit - great, beaten by Englund.

Then I tried to hold the pawn by shoving the f pawn, I feel that was probably a mistake and that I should have gone with the knight but the engine gives it a thumbs up. It says my blunder was stepping the h pawn up one to pressure your bishop, and I only now see why - it prevented me from moving the g pawn to block that queen check that ended me. I carried on in the vain hope you'd make a mistake but when you moved the bishop for check instead of taking the queen I knew you'd seen the checkmate with Nf6.

Both matches I've not seen the risk of the queen going on the diagonal to the edge of the board until it was too late. Grr.

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4 minutes ago, GordonS said:

8 moves and two of those were the king. You gave me a hiding.

It was an unusual opening, I went with queens pawn, you countered with kings pawn and I took it. I don't know I that was a mistake, I've not seen that opening before. Apparently it's the Englund gambit - great, beaten by Englund.

Then I tried to hold the pawn by shoving the f pawn, I feel that was probably a mistake and that I should have gone with the knight but the engine gives it a thumbs up. It says my blunder was stepping the h pawn up one to pressure your bishop, and I only now see why - it prevented me from moving the g pawn to block that queen check that ended me. I carried on in the vain hope you'd make a mistake but when you moved the bishop for check instead of taking the queen I knew you'd seen the checkmate with Nf6.

Both matches I've not seen the risk of the queen going on the diagonal to the edge of the board until it was too late. Grr.

Ach I'd say I got lucky more than anything, games like that suit me because I'm fairly dreadful in the mid game, so the less of a midgame there is the happier I tend to be. 

Originally I did take the Queen, I didn't confirm the move though, gave it another look over. 

I'd seen the opening on tiktok if that makes your happier. 

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Division A, DiegoDiegoPB draws with Ziggy_The_Spider.

An incredibly generous draw offer from Mr The Spider is the second best 40th birthday present I've received* as he was 6.45 up on me at the time.

I made a couple of understandable but punished mistakes early on leaving me two pawns down. I felt by playing solidly Ziggy would easily stay on par and convert the advantage in the endgame.

So instead I launched my rook into his troops on a suicide mission which analysis euphemistically identified as "a mistake" but I hoped by sharpening the position I might entice an equalising error. That was not to be.

Ziggy's resolve did not falter and we arrived at a knight, rook and seven pawns versus five position when my opponent granted me clemency.

Good game sir, until we meet again!

(*the best present was covid, as otherwise I'd probably be in Peterhead right now having seen Thistle fall further behind in the seaside leagues)

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22 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I like how the only draws have been in league A. Down in the seaside leagues, the vast majority of us probably just launch suicidal attacks once we're far enough behind and don't know how to salvage draws even if we wanted to😂

In our first game Henderson and I were down to a king, knight and three pawns each, with the pawns facing each other. I thought about offering the draw, but given how I'd just choked up a bishop and a passed pawn I knew he would see that for what it was - an admission that I was out of my depth. I hadn't considered the usefulness of the king as a piece at the point, and he used his to clear a path for one of his pawns and hold off my king, so I was right about that.

My only draw on Chess.com so far was in a 3 or 5 minute game in which I was in serious trouble and running out of time, but I saw a chance to put my opponent in permanent check. After three repetitions it was a stalemate, they had a minute left and I had 2.8 seconds. Absolute shithousery.

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1 hour ago, DiegoDiego said:

Division A, DiegoDiegoPB draws with Ziggy_The_Spider.

An incredibly generous draw offer from Mr The Spider is the second best 40th birthday present I've received* as he was 6.45 up on me at the time.

I made a couple of understandable but punished mistakes early on leaving me two pawns down. I felt by playing solidly Ziggy would easily stay on par and convert the advantage in the endgame.

So instead I launched my rook into his troops on a suicide mission which analysis euphemistically identified as "a mistake" but I hoped by sharpening the position I might entice an equalising error. That was not to be.

Ziggy's resolve did not falter and we arrived at a knight, rook and seven pawns versus five position when my opponent granted me clemency.

Good game sir, until we meet again!

(*the best present was covid, as otherwise I'd probably be in Peterhead right now having seen Thistle fall further behind in the seaside leagues)

Happy Birthday. It was a generous draw but i wouldn’t have it +6 and it would take a long time to convert.

I’m just playing for giggles.

Did you realise I could j take the pawn on d4? I sat for a long time trying to see if it was a trap or not.

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21 minutes ago, GordonS said:

 I thought about offering the draw, but given how I'd just choked up a bishop and a passed pawn I knew he would see that for what it was - an admission that I was out of my depth.

Never offer a draw - your opponent will just smell weakness. Love it.

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1 minute ago, Ziggy said:

Happy Birthday. It was a generous draw but i wouldn’t have it +6 and it would take a long time to convert.

I’m just playing for giggles.

Did you realise I could j take the pawn on d4? I sat for a long time trying to see if it was a trap or not.

No, it was just me listening to the radio and not paying enough attention. Didn't even consider recapturing with the knight. I'm not so great at this daily format. 
Aye, it would have taken a while to convert, but an honourable man would have thrown in the towel to save you the bother. I was very close to doing that actually, but thought "f**k it, I'll make a move before dinner, and if he hasn't blundered when I get back I'll resign. Instead I returned to see a delightful offer of parity.

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