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P&B Ranks: The Top 42 Video Games of All-Time

Miguel Sanchez

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18 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Never heard of it, but I'll certainly be looking into it after that description!  :lol:

I saw there's one called New California that's had good reviews. Anyone played that?

They pulled it from Steam so you can't download it from there anymore.

If you're interested to see what a complete car crash of a mod looks like, there's a playlist on Youtube called "The Frontier Cringe" which catalogued most of it.

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I was distinctly underwhelmed by Fallout 4. I remember thinking at the time that Boston (although important in Fallout, and indeed American, lore) was quite a boring place to scoot around after whizzing around Washington and Las Vegas. I'd have preferred it to be set somewhere more interesting.

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48 minutes ago, G51 said:

They pulled it from Steam so you can't download it from there anymore.

If you're interested to see what a complete car crash of a mod looks like, there's a playlist on Youtube called "The Frontier Cringe" which catalogued most of it.

I think I read about that.  Unless I was mistaken, sounded like one of their writers went a bit rogue?  If so, must be gutting that you pour your love and time into a project, and then one wee incel manages to ruin it for you.

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Also a bit weird how venomous some fans of New Vegas can be about Fallout 3. Not saying anyone here is, but there are people online who hate that game, but think New Vegas is the greatest thing ever. I have my own preference, but I don't think there's that much difference between them.

There's a perception that. Bethesda tried to hamstring Obsidian with the tight deadline and then there was stuff about bonuses being tied to review scores which Obsidian slightly fell under. I know Sawyer has rubbished the claims and is generally positive about working with Bethesda tho.

1 hour ago, G51 said:

Speaking of NV, did anyone on here have a go at the Frontier mod?

I downloaded it before I knew that one of the modders was really fucking weird and the slavery stuff came out, but I ended up binning it about an hour in anyway. Holy f**k, what a disaster of a mod that was.

Even if you didn't know anything about that guys artwork, you could tell the lads making that mod were not normal (of course they weren't, they're modders, but still).

I am certain there are actual credited well-regarded voice actors that did work on the mod. Mental stuff how quickly it disappeared.

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39 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

There's a perception that. Bethesda tried to hamstring Obsidian with the tight deadline and then there was stuff about bonuses being tied to review scores which Obsidian slightly fell under. I know Sawyer has rubbished the claims and is generally positive about working with Bethesda tho.

Aye, I remember that; IIRC, they got about eighteen months to build it from scratch, so it ended up bugged to shit at launch, which knocked a point or two off the Metacritic score and supposedly affected their bonus. Lovely.

Can't say I'm terribly hyped about Bethesda's upcoming titles, considering their ongoing quest to gradually downgrade their products. I just read that the space RPG is the first original title they've developed in a quarter of a century; not sure if that's quite right, but certainly it's not far off. They absolutely love their sequels and licences.

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I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas and had 100s of hours sunk into them. Preferred New Vegas as the writing and quests were better as was the location. There is a quest called beyond the beef, or something similar to that, which had about 4 different ways of completing it including sacrificing one of your followers to a bunch of cannibals. 3 and 4 quests were much more linear. 4 was just a huge disappointment with garbage quests and writing and Preston constantly badgering you about settlements that needed your help!

Monkey Island is a fantastic series and one of the best point and clicks.

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I've seen the complaint about Fallout 3's linear quests many times before - as a response, someone did a very long video on YouTube going through the various quests and detailing the different ways that they could be resolved. Can't find the damned thing now, of course, but I already knew that it wasn't true, having played through the game a few times. No idea where that idea comes from, but it seems to have become perceived wisdom now. Maybe it was better at hiding the potential options?

Fallout 4 was far more straightforward, though, in a number of ways.

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I think a lot of Fallout 3 quests boiled down to siding with one side or the other. Blowing up Megatown or not, going with the Ghouls or the Humans for the tower, killing the living tree or sparing it. New Vegas seemed more inventive and had more unique ways of completing quests.

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Mario is seen flying using the "Raccoon Mario" power-up over a yellow/gold background. The Game's logo appears on the top and the game's tagline appears on the bottom.

Game: Super Mario Bros. 3
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Release date: 1988


"Gaming Historian" documentary:


Poll-maker comments: The game was out in Japan for a year and a half before North America. Imagine waiting a year and a half for something like this. I have this on SNES and... I mean, it still works. I've never actually finished it though, I tried seriously once to finish it and I got stuck in one of the castles.
User comments: "Simply the most fun video game I have ever played"

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Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare.jpg

Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Platform: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release date: 2007


Zero Punctuation review:


User comments: "The game that set COD off as a top seller and sadly has never reached the same heights since or levels since and everything after has been an attempt to recreate that magic. "
Poll-maker comments: Yes. The first game I played lots of online, the buzz of finally being promoted to Gold Cross 55, it's amazing to think how important this game was for me from ~2008-2009. That online alone is the perfect example of that user quote, a bare-bones shooter with maps and guns and some perks and every game since then has tried to add more and more and more and they're all just not as good. I recently played the Remastered version of this and wrote a review here. The single-player story isn't something that any other Call of Duty game has come close to, the online would probably be the top choice of people who have played all of them, and it's the first game that spawned a vast, yawning multi-billion dollar franchise which has now reached its probably inevitable endpoint and become a live service battle royale. Just remember though, there was a time when it was just a game.

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When I was an impressionable sheepley youngster, I was so easily lured into kinda "false dichotomies." Preferred the ST over the amiga. Always family guy over the Simpsons. Latterly the wire over breaking bad. It never even crossed my mind both sides could have merits, that you could like both thunderbirds and terrahawks, both neighbours and home and away had their good points. 

I had a playstation really for the purpose of playing iss and GTA, but this meant I held no truck at all with Mario and all its offshoots (Mario kart excepted of course). Nintendo was for p***ks etc. 

As I've grown up, I've realised that you're just played into those stances by unscrupulous businesses, manufacturing competition to increase exposure and sales, and I was an impressionable idiot not to realise that the Simpsons was an excellent programme. Mysterious cities of gold AND dogtanian are both fucking excellent. 

But still, even now I'm enlightened, I just don't get Mario at all. My kids have odyssey and it bores me to tears and any time recently I've tried any old skool Mario I've just found them to be shit, frankly. TBF I don't really like platformers. 

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55 minutes ago, madwullie said:

But still, even now I'm enlightened, I just don't get Mario at all. My kids have odyssey and it bores me to tears and any time recently I've tried any old skool Mario I've just found them to be shit, frankly. TBF I don't really like platformers. 

I used to quite like platformers back when I was a kid, which was just as well as EVERYTHING was a platformer in the late Eighties/early Nineties. Film licences especially - there was never any question that everything was going to be turned into a platform game. Robocop? Lethal Weapon? Basic Instinct? Platform game, whatever.

Mario, though? Weird, dull, and bland. Never got it. Someone said a while back that you had to grow up with Nintendo from a young age to get their big franchises, and I think that might be right.

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I prefer Modern Warfare 2 but the ubiquitous behemoth Call of Duty became shouldn't detract from how revolutionary Modern Warfare was. There was no other FPS (Halo the possible exception) as refined and perfectly playable out there and you could see hints of it in the World War Two games but even then it's still surprising just how much they perfected the format. The only downside is every other FPS game has tried to emulate it to varying levels of success. Even Halo tried to jump on the bandwagon and failed critically for it. I think Titanfall 2 is the only game that's come close (in my opinion even surpassed it) to the same feeling of running and gunning.

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

When I was an impressionable sheepley youngster, I was so easily lured into kinda "false dichotomies." Preferred the ST over the amiga. Always family guy over the Simpsons. Latterly the wire over breaking bad. It never even crossed my mind both sides could have merits, that you could like both thunderbirds and terrahawks, both neighbours and home and away had their good points. 

I had a playstation really for the purpose of playing iss and GTA, but this meant I held no truck at all with Mario and all its offshoots (Mario kart excepted of course). Nintendo was for p***ks etc. 

As I've grown up, I've realised that you're just played into those stances by unscrupulous businesses, manufacturing competition to increase exposure and sales, and I was an impressionable idiot not to realise that the Simpsons was an excellent programme. Mysterious cities of gold AND dogtanian are both fucking excellent. 

But still, even now I'm enlightened, I just don't get Mario at all. My kids have odyssey and it bores me to tears and any time recently I've tried any old skool Mario I've just found them to be shit, frankly. TBF I don't really like platformers. 


27 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I used to quite like platformers back when I was a kid, which was just as well as EVERYTHING was a platformer in the late Eighties/early Nineties. Film licences especially - there was never any question that everything was going to be turned into a platform game. Robocop? Lethal Weapon? Basic Instinct? Platform game, whatever.

Mario, though? Weird, dull, and bland. Never got it. Someone said a while back that you had to grow up with Nintendo from a young age to get their big franchises, and I think that might be right.

I think its safe to say that if you're not a fan of platformers you're not going to get mario.

I dont think theres much doubt that Mario games are amongst the best platformers though.

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I was never a Nintendo guy (I was cool as shit with my Game Gear thankyouverymuch) but now I've got a Switch, Mario Odyssey is just unadulterated joy from start to finish.  Best platformer I've played by a distance.

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That's 9 out of my 10 done buuuut I am certain my 1st choice will win it. 

Cod4 was my choice. Personally speaking nostalgia probably clouds my judgement on this one but this game was the one that I first recall playing all day and night with my friends online and have such fond memories of it, I would go between that and Halo 3 all day and night. I remember study leave and doing an all nighter with a mate when we both had exams in the morning (probably says something!) I remember with the same guy and someone else we had a huge win streak on team tactical and then one of us disconnected and it ended our reign... I used to love doing cage matches and when naive people asked to do headshots and agreeing I do 9 then they do 10 I always killed them after 9.

This is over 10 years ago but I can actually remember clutches I did on SnD. Back when you could literally just rpg the ground at the start, someone would do that all round but sometimes you could dodge the blast and clutch up. It sounds corny but I would love to relive that, all my mates are settled down and none of us really sweat games anymore but the memories are unmatched.

Me and my mates obviously got dumb competitive over our Xbox gamerscore so I can mind completing Cod4 on Veteran and that it was a badge of honour amongst the boys because to fully accomplish it you had to do "mile high club" perfectly. I can recall one time getting to the final bit where you need to shoot the bad guy in the head and because I was on Veteran and being ultra cautious I shot him in the leg and the game stopped and said "True Veterans get headshots" I was devastated.. This was back in the dial up days but I watched a YouTube video of the perfect way to beat it and eventually became the guy that knew. A bunch of my mates would bring their xbox hard drives over to mine so I could get that achievement for them. 

MWF2 was still ripper good but after Cod4 everything else was chasing the dragon for me. 

Shout out to Cod2. That was an awesome campaign but came too early for the online times. I think Chinatown in Cod4 dlc was a remake of one of the OG Cod2 maps. 

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That's 9 out of my 10 done buuuut I am certain my 1st choice will win it. 
Cod4 was my choice. Personally speaking nostalgia probably clouds my judgement on this one but this game was the one that I first recall playing all day and night with my friends online and have such fond memories of it, I would go between that and Halo 3 all day and night. I remember study leave and doing an all nighter with a mate when we both had exams in the morning (probably says something!) I remember with the same guy and someone else we had a huge win streak on team tactical and then one of us disconnected and it ended our reign... I used to love doing cage matches and when naive people asked to do headshots and agreeing I do 9 then they do 10 I always killed them after 9.
This is over 10 years ago but I can actually remember clutches I did on SnD. Back when you could literally just rpg the ground at the start, someone would do that all round but sometimes you could dodge the blast and clutch up. It sounds corny but I would love to relive that, all my mates are settled down and none of us really sweat games anymore but the memories are unmatched.
Me and my mates obviously got dumb competitive over our Xbox gamerscore so I can mind completing Cod4 on Veteran and that it was a badge of honour amongst the boys because to fully accomplish it you had to do "mile high club" perfectly. I can recall one time getting to the final bit where you need to shoot the bad guy in the head and because I was on Veteran and being ultra cautious I shot him in the leg and the game stopped and said "True Veterans get headshots" I was devastated.. This was back in the dial up days but I watched a YouTube video of the perfect way to beat it and eventually became the guy that knew. A bunch of my mates would bring their xbox hard drives over to mine so I could get that achievement for them. 
MWF2 was still ripper good but after Cod4 everything else was chasing the dragon for me. 
Shout out to Cod2. That was an awesome campaign but came too early for the online times. I think Chinatown in Cod4 dlc was a remake of one of the OG Cod2 maps. 
You were on dial up in 2007?

Feel the same about this game though, grinding out games to get red tiger on all the guns then using the Dragonov just because it was gold despite it being pish.
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4 minutes ago, Empty It said:

You were on dial up in 2007?

Feel the same about this game though, grinding out games to get red tiger on all the guns then using the Dragonov just because it was gold despite it being pish.

I dont recall exactly, maybe broadband by then but either way I had shit nat so would have to always get someone else to start the party 😂

Yeah man, red tiger was so good back in the day.  I never went for the golden guns but a few of my mates obviously boosted for them and pretended that they didn't. I used to be such a dickhead I knew just the right spot to noobtube the opps right from the get go and utilised a bunch of glitches to score some sweaty points. 

The 50 cal was where it was at. 

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