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P&B Ranks: The Top 42 Video Games of All-Time

Miguel Sanchez

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6 hours ago, Gaz said:

ALTTP must be higher surely. Has OOT been out there yet?

ALTTP must be surely, that is an absolute masterpiece that still stands the test of time to this very day, with no thing as proper Internet back then it took ages working out the hidden stuff and exploring the dungeons

For me that, or super paper mario are my top games ever (such a difference in generations there lol) 

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Although the more I think of it, the less of a surprise it is. Sometime I forget that this is predominantly a Scottish Football website. It's not a gaming website so there's maybe a bigger presence of "casual" gamers on here. Hence Chrono Trigger being so far down despite being widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever made.

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Just now, Gaz said:

Although the more I think of it, the less of a surprise it is. Sometime I forget that this is predominantly a Scottish Football website. It's not a gaming website so there's maybe a bigger presence of "casual" gamers on here. Hence Chrono Trigger being so far down despite being widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever made.

Both that and the Zelda are also more than 20 years old and are on consoles that haven't been made for decades. You can't blame that on people you think are casual gamers. 

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7 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Both that and the Zelda are also more than 20 years old and are on consoles that haven't been made for decades. You can't blame that on people you think are casual gamers. 

I'm not blaming anything on anyone. Folk can enjoy and vote for whatever games they like. The only Zelda game I voted for was Wind Waker IIRC.

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Snake Eater was utterly outstanding, and has the best opening score of any game. What a tune, the obvious nod to James Bond is simply brilliant 


I feel like I've written this before recently, but it had so many great moments some of which are pure Kojima gold. 

  • The "paradox" scene if you kill young Ocelot.
  • The relationship with Big Boss, who is a proper bad ass. 
  • The battle with The End and the clever ways to beat him (including turning the clock on the console forward.)
  • The torture scene
  • I'm forgetting so many great things about this game but another was the battle with The Sorrow and how clever it is.


As for Horizon Dawn, also loved it. A great story and main character. The world it's set in is also nice.

However, I thought they could have extended the start and the "tutorial" part. 

I also thought that the game completely sped up towards the end in terms of learning how the world ended up like it did. They could have paced that much better. 

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23 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Although the more I think of it, the less of a surprise it is. Sometime I forget that this is predominantly a Scottish Football website. It's not a gaming website so there's maybe a bigger presence of "casual" gamers on here. Hence Chrono Trigger being so far down despite being widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever made.


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Right, I've been waiting for it to come up, and now it has.

Death Stranding.  I voted it at the top, and it's my comments on the post.  NotThePars covers a few of the aspects quite well.  I think it's spectacular, but in a weird way, I wouldn't recommend it without significant caveats.  It's not going to be for everyone with the relatively slow pace, and Kojima being very much Kojima, but it's easily my favourite game ever at the moment.

Horizon Zero Dawn was a good choice too.  Didn't have it on my list, but I really enjoyed it.  It was very much the story though, as once I'd finished it, I couldn't really get back into it for any kind of replay or the DLC.  Still, the mechanics of the game were sound (think the bow work was the best example of it in any game at the time) and the setting was wonderful.

I'm probably going to get people flipping tables for this one, but I never saw the hype around Breath of the Wild.  I've got a copy for the Switch, and I've put maybe...20 hours into it? Off and on.  But I just don't see why it's so raved about.  Being Nintendo, it's incredibly polished, and it isn't like it's a bad game by any means, but to me it just seems like another open world game like so many before it.  A lot of the mechanics it brought in could be considered realistic, but didn't really translate to it being fun necessarily (I think Jim Sterling said similar and got a lot of hate).  Maybe at some point I'll go back to it and it'll all click, but...nah, not for me.  I bought Odyssey at the same time, and much preferred that.

On MGS3...I think I actually preferred 5 oddly.  3 was brilliant, and the strongest story by some considerable distance.  Kojima levels of polish and lovely little touches.  But I think 5's open world element and gameplay actually pushed it over the edge, even though the battles with Konami really fucked the story.  

Edited by forameus
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I am disgusted with everyone tbh. Death Stranding and HZD finishing above 9 out of my 10 really makes me question this section of the forum. 

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38 minutes ago, forameus said:

Right, I've been waiting for it to come up, and now it has.

Death Stranding.  I voted it at the top, and it's my comments on the post.  NotThePars covers a few of the aspects quite well.  I think it's spectacular, but in a weird way, I wouldn't recommend it without significant caveats.  It's not going to be for everyone with the relatively slow pace, and Kojima being very much Kojima, but it's easily my favourite game ever at the moment.

Horizon Zero Dawn was a good choice too.  Didn't have it on my list, but I really enjoyed it.  It was very much the story though, as once I'd finished it, I couldn't really get back into it for any kind of replay or the DLC.  Still, the mechanics of the game were sound (think the bow work was the best example of it in any game at the time) and the setting was wonderful.

I'm probably going to get people flipping tables for this one, but I never saw the hype around Breath of the Wild.  I've got a copy for the Switch, and I've put maybe...20 hours into it? Off and on.  But I just don't see why it's so raved about.  Being Nintendo, it's incredibly polished, and it isn't like it's a bad game by any means, but to me it just seems like another open world game like so many before it.  A lot of the mechanics it brought in could be considered realistic, but didn't really translate to it being fun necessarily (I think Jim Sterling said similar and got a lot of hate).  Maybe at some point I'll go back to it and it'll all click, but...nah, not for me.  I bought Odyssey at the same time, and much preferred that.

The AC comment was triggering. Valhalla is 10 x the game that HZD is and I didnt even enjoy Odyssey like that but it's still a better game by far imo. 

One question about Death Stranding, did you watch Limmy play it first? 

Edited by Stormzy
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12 hours ago, Gaz said:

MGS2 is an interesting one. I mind playing it at release and being distinctly underwhelmed at the massive GIRUY by Kojima and having to play it as Raiden. I replayed it just a couple of years ago and only then appreciated it then as a masterpiece.

I reckon if Reddit and 4chan had been as prevalent in 2002 as they are now MGS would have been finished as a series. It wouldn't have recovered from the backlash.

It's an interesting point.  Given how gaming is now basically a competition to see how much of a c**t you can be online, the decision in MGS2 would have been crazy to see the reaction to.  Not sure they'd be dead, Kojima seems like he'd genuinely not care about that kind of stuff and just soldier on.  But who knows - having a female character in a game now is enough to get the VL hordes amassing.

I liked 2 at the time, but I really didn't like the massive left turn the story took.  Might be because I was 14 or 15 at the time, but having a fairly normal game for 75% of its runtime and then going off the fucking wall was a bit jarring.  Come to realise now that it's just Hideo being Hideo of course.

1 minute ago, Stormzy said:

The AC comment was triggering. Valhalla is 10 x the game that BOTW is and I didnt even enjoy Odyssey like that but it's still a better game by far imo. 

One question about Death Stranding, did you watch Limmy play it first? 

Sorry, I meant Mario Odyssey, not AC Odyssey.  Bought them both at the same time when I got the Switch, and didn't get round to Zelda for ages.

On DS, no I didn't.  It was one I'd followed as the hype built, with everyone not quite having a clue what it was going to be.  Then it kind of fell off the radar for me for a while.  Saw it on sale for PlayStation maybe 6 months or so after release, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  

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12 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Haven't played more than an hour of Breath of the Wild because I haven't been ready to commit to something that heavy on the Switch and while I like minimal storytelling in principle I quickly lose interest when I start playing. One day tho. 


This is almost exactly where I am with it although my boy has got further into it than I have, guess part of the issue is actually getting the switch off him for lengthy periods of time.

I liked HZD apart from the excessive parkour bits and will play the sequel but it was a solid 8/10 game for me, nothing more.  Also, the ending...


why when the machines ate every last bit of plant and animal life on the planet was Sobeck's corpse left untouched


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15 minutes ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:



That's me done with this forum, f**k me. 😂

I've got the games confused btw, 

You might still find this laughable but I meant HZD not BOTW. 

Valhalla is 10 x the game HZD is. I've never played BOTW.


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2 minutes ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:

Thank f**k. Almost had an anyeurism there trying to process that 😂


Never played HZD myself, looked pish imo. 

Aye ive never played the Zelda games but I recognise their support built around a good game. I know people that have switches that have played BOTW 5 times through and haven't got bored yet. My older sister who's over 30 and has never been into games bought a Switch and loves BOTW, it's clearly accessible whilst still being fun for the OGs. 

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5 minutes ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:

Thank f**k. Almost had an anyeurism there trying to process that 😂


Never played HZD myself, looked pish imo. 

Aye ive never played the Zelda games but I recognise their support built around a good game. I know people that have switches that have played BOTW 5 times through and haven't got bored yet. My older sister who's over 30 and has never been into games bought a Switch and loves BOTW, it's clearly accessible whilst still being fun for the OGs. 

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Assassin's Creed games are rubbish.


The Horizon Zero Dawn User Comments Commenter 

P.S., I'd quite like to play BOTW but that would involve sinking money into a Switch that I'll probably never use again 

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1 hour ago, forameus said:

On MGS3...I think I actually preferred 5 oddly.  3 was brilliant, and the strongest story by some considerable distance.  Kojima levels of polish and lovely little touches.  But I think 5's open world element and gameplay actually pushed it over the edge, even though the battles with Konami really fucked the story.  

I had a massive internal debate in my head about which MGS to vote for and it would've been far easier pre-The Phantom Pain because while those earlier games were a bit rough controls wise to play it didn't become too stark until TPP showed Kojima could actually make a game that played incredibly smoothly. It wouldn't fit with the tone and probably make the games much easier but remakes of the original games with the new engine would maybe resolve that issues. I couldn't pick V because narratively it's a mess and has some of the worst Kojima shite in it but at the same time what a fun game to run around in. It's also unfinished.

1 hour ago, Stormzy said:


One question about Death Stranding, did you watch Limmy play it first? 

I bought it on release, played it to chapter two and fell away for a year until I watched some of Limmy's stream towards the latter half of the game which sold it to me. It's a game I think I had to play obsessively because it's genuinely a difficult game to get psyched to play or recommend but once you've got going it's really difficult to put down. It's hard to feel motivated to switch it on and deal with BTs, or transport goods around the snowy mountains but once you're three hours into getting The Veteran Porter to 5 stars with ziplines it's also difficult to go to bed haha.

The dispersal of story to gameplay is also miles off-kilter. There's ring-fenced sections at the beginning and end which are largely exposition and minimal freedom while the middle 80% of the game is almost unrestricted in letting you get on with the core gameplay.

47 minutes ago, yoda said:

Assassin's Creed games are rubbish.


The Horizon Zero Dawn User Comments Commenter 

P.S., I'd quite like to play BOTW but that would involve sinking money into a Switch that I'll probably never use again 

They're my guilty pleasure for sure. I think the worlds of Origins and Odyssey are the strength of the new games but I don't think I could argue the gameplay or the stories are better than HZD. They all on some level feel very focus tested though. Like nothing got by without multiple group meetings signing off on everything.

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