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2 hours ago, CCB19035 said:

. For f**k sake, he suggested they should get more than Dundee for sponsorship! Must be a true Dundee fan. 


This should kill any discussion for allegiances. Absolutely mental to be suggesting that as a captain of a club in the same league. I have no idea why Dundee fans are tying go stick up for him, strange behaviour. 

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3 hours ago, CCB19035 said:

And the fact he licks Rangers' arsehole in the media constantly. For f**k sake, he suggested they should get more than Dundee for sponsorship! Must be a true Dundee fan. 


23 minutes ago, gannonball said:

This should kill any discussion for allegiances. Absolutely mental to be suggesting that as a captain of a club in the same league. I have no idea why Dundee fans are tying go stick up for him, strange behaviour. 

Oh look, another couple of mouth-breathers who only read headlines. I watched the PLZ show live when he said it, and all he said was that the SPFL teams simply needed to come to an agreement, whether or not that may end up leaving Celtic and Rangers with more of the pot. It was an absolute nothing statement that didn't even push forward the discussion, never mind actually suggest what that headline stated. Anyone who has the energy to get angry about a headline but not enough to do the most basic research afterwards is absolutely OFTW.

Put it this way, the boy could be making a fair bit more money elsewhere for more glory if he wanted to, cash isn't the reason he's at Dundee.

11 hours ago, gannonball said:

It’s not a great look for the club though if he is the figurehead of the team and he seems to be churning out whoppers on a weekly basis. Personally if it was my club I would rather the captain focus on club duties. Although perhaps the captaincy isn’t quite held in the regard as it used to be.

It's up to the player what he does with his free time, not the club. Charlie is a good player and leader within the club, and that's all I wish of him. If he wants to be a pundit away from his job here, that's his choice. Does he come up with pish from time to time that makes me cringe? Absolutely. But I really don't see how we are at fault for thinking that this meaningless pish, which is only amplified because it involves the Old Firm, is meaningless pish.

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27 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:


Oh look, another couple of mouth-breathers who only read headlines. I watched the PLZ show live

Sorry I stopped reading here.:lol:

I read the quotes, I would be embarrassed if he was an ex-celtic player and it was on the other foot. The last thing Scottish football needs is more disparity. The guys a thick orc, deal with it.

Edited by gannonball
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34 minutes ago, gannonball said:

Sorry I stopped reading here.:lol:

I read the quotes, I would be embarrassed if he was an ex-celtic player and it was on the other foot. The last thing Scottish football needs is more disparity. The guys a thick orc, deal with it.

You stopped reading the post, you've admitted you've not listened to the clips you're talking about and yet you're diving in with both feet to condemn.

Typical OF fan behaviour tbh.

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It's really quite galling that people are saying, 'it's nothing' or 'that's tame' when Adam has stated that it has having an impact on his sister and her wee boys when they come to watch him play.

Imagine how you'd feel as a 13/14 (no idea the age) year old lad with a whole stand chanting that your mum is a whore basically anytime you wanted to watch your uncle play football. Horrific behaviour from some people on here defending that sort of thing and some in other threads actively encouraging it or saying, 'Well done on bringing attention to it'. 

Or indeed in Cummings case, being called a paedophile for a large section of fans because you dared score against your old team.

As has been said, the only thing Adam did wrong was pick the wrong moment to air this point when he should have focused more on the point at hand, but even then he wasn't equating the abuse he received with racism. He was pointing out the horrific stuff all footballers need to put up with in the modern era and pointing to his own personal example. 

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4 hours ago, gannonball said:

This should kill any discussion for allegiances. Absolutely mental to be suggesting that as a captain of a club in the same league. I have no idea why Dundee fans are tying go stick up for him, strange behaviour. 

FFS man, he didn't say Rangers should get more of the sponsorship.

Rather than me breaking down what he actually said, can you let me know what you think he said so I can understand what part people are struggling with. 

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2 hours ago, CCB19035 said:

"If that is Rangers and Celtic getting more of the pie, that’s what is has to be. As long as the other clubs are getting rewarded as well."


Happy for Rangers and Celtic to get more money to resolve a sponsorship issue that his beloved rangers are having with the SPFL. A true Dundee man, leading the club with dignity. 

What's the first part of that quote you conveniently left out to suit your ill thought out agenda? Is that the part where he hypothetically states that IF there was a meeting and IF everyone agreed on it that Rangers AND Celtic should receive more money?

 Granted, a bit of a strange example for him to give, but a massive leap to jump from that to the sensationalist bullshit headline of CHARLIE ADAM SAYS RANGERS SHOULD GET...1285542813_austin-powers-dr-evil(1).gif.7710ce829292e332007c1b683ad4a683.gif

Quite mad that presumably grown men can't see past a tabloid headline and think for themselves. Fortunately us Dees are here to break it down and spell it out for you. 

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Just now, CCB19035 said:

He's providing a solution, if that's what's required. 

His choice of solution provided is that his beloved Rangers get more than his club, for sponsorship cash. 

If it was up to him, that's what he would do. It shouldn't be in his lexicon of thought, when you consider he's the captain of another premiership side. 


Adding in "as long as other clubs are getting compensated as well" doesn't really detract from his original point regarding the OF getting more money. 

Just because he's talking in hypotheticals doesn't mean he doesn't believe what he's saying to be a reasonable outcome? 


Here's another spin on it: You're saying a Rangers fan believes Celtic should get more of the sponsorship deal. 

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18 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

Ye, one is racism and the other is banter. Do you need the difference between the 2 explained to you??? 

Banter? It's not banter for the young kid being exposed to that. It's not banter when as Adam said, Cummings was impacted by the Hibs chant for days after.

Just because it's not racism doesn't mean it's not abuse that doesn't have an emotional impact on the player.

Some banter to chant that a random member of the public is a whore. Classic stuff.

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4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Banter? It's not banter for the young kid being exposed to that. It's not banter when as Adam said, Cummings was impacted by the Hibs chant for days after.

Just because it's not racism doesn't mean it's not abuse that doesn't have an emotional impact on the player.

Some banter to chant that a random member of the public is a whore. Classic stuff.

In what way does that song imply she is a whore? 

Because she supposedly had sex with a Celtic fan once and he kept a trophy?

You can say you find the song in bad taste which is fine if that’s your opinion but comparing it to calling someone a sex offender or racist abuse?

Edited by Jinky67
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58 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Here's another spin on it: You're saying a Rangers fan believes Celtic should get more of the sponsorship deal. 

You and the rest of your fan boys can spin it all they want, we read the quotes, it’s pretty obvious what he suggested. In his defence however he is thick as pig shit so it was possibly poorly thought out.

As for the chant I personally find it an absolute riddy, but not nearly as much as comparing it to racism. He should have apologised the next day about it (like Keevins) but again he is thick as pig shit so probably struggles to see the difference.

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