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English Premier League 2021/22 Season

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15 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

It's really very simple.

You said Arsenal's period of success and genuinely challenging was 'brief'.

That is patent nonsense. They are England's third most successful club. That's all.

it was brief, no one gives a f**k about titles won in the time of ''yer da's da'' , in all our life times Arsenal have briefly been ''very relevant'' to relevant to the mess they've been for the last few years, Villa have 7 League titles and a European Cup, why would Jack Grealish leave that for a club who've won 7 but had no European Cup glory ? So enough of the ''3rd most successful'' shite, Queens Park have more Scottish Cup wins than your mob, and half of Arsenal's title wins happened before WW2.

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Guest TheJTS98
38 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

it was brief, no one gives a f**k about titles won in the time of ''yer da's da'' , in all our life times Arsenal have briefly been ''very relevant'' to relevant to the mess they've been for the last few years, Villa have 7 League titles and a European Cup, why would Jack Grealish leave that for a club who've won 7 but had no European Cup glory ? So enough of the ''3rd most successful'' shite, Queens Park have more Scottish Cup wins than your mob, and half of Arsenal's title wins happened before WW2.

I'm in my late thirties. Arsenal have won the title 5 times since I started school (more than twice as many as Liverpool and the same as Chelsea and City). They've played in four European finals in that time (including one two years ago). They've won 9 major trophies this century and since the turn of the year 2000 have been European semi-finalists or better six times. Since the end of the 1920s they've been champions at least once in every decade except the 60s and the 2010s and have played in European finals in each of the last five decades.


Just like Villa or Queens Park really. Great point.


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4 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

I'm in my late thirties. Arsenal have won the title 5 times since I started school (more than twice as many as Liverpool and the same as Chelsea and City). They've played in four European finals in that time (including one two years ago). They've won 9 major trophies this century and since the turn of the year 2000 have been European semi-finalists or better six times. Since the end of the 1920s they've been champions at least once in every decade except the 60s and the 2010s.


Just like Villa or Queens Park really. Great point.


so moving the goalposts again ? taking it from the time you started school Arsenal wouldnt be the 3rd most successful english side, i don't know how many gooners you're in contact with, but since Wenger's arrival their fans have been of the opinion they are the main Challengers to the then Champions, Sir Alex's Man United, and that continued well past the 8 years they did challenge, i don't know what you call a major honour in Edinburgh, but in the Top Flight in England, fans who've already won the title {with the exception of Leicester}only the League & CL are major honours, so no, they haven't won 9 this century.

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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

so moving the goalposts again ? taking it from the time you started school Arsenal wouldnt be the 3rd most successful english side, i don't know how many gooners you're in contact with, but since Wenger's arrival their fans have been of the opinion they are the main Challengers to the then Champions, Sir Alex's Man United, and that continued well past the 8 years they did challenge, i don't know what you call a major honour in Edinburgh, but in the Top Flight in England, fans who've already won the title {with the exception of Leicester}only the League & CL are major honours, so no, they haven't won 9 this century.

I'm not moving the goalposts. You said 'in all our lifetimes' Arsenal have been briefly relevant.

I pointed out that is untrue. In my lifetime (and I'd imagine most of us on here) Arsenal have been pretty consistently successful in terms of winning leagues, cups, and routinely going far in European competitions.

That'll be true even for the older posters on here, since they've been getting to European finals reasonably often since 1970.

There is just no way on earth you can describe Arsenal's period as a genuine challenger as 'brief' unless you're about 21.

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38 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

it was brief, no one gives a f**k about titles won in the time of ''yer da's da'' , in all our life times Arsenal have briefly been ''very relevant'' to relevant to the mess they've been for the last few years, Villa have 7 League titles and a European Cup, why would Jack Grealish leave that for a club who've won 7 but had no European Cup glory ? So enough of the ''3rd most successful'' shite, Queens Park have more Scottish Cup wins than your mob, and half of Arsenal's title wins happened before WW2.

Actually, I remember when Arsenal won the double in 1971. I was a teenager. So just because you don't care doesn't mean no one cares. Arsenal has also won 4 of the past 8 FA Cups (most recently in 2020, which if memory serves was just last year), 4 of the past 8 Community Shields, reached a European final n 2019, qualified for the Champions League 19 consecutive seasons, reached the group stage 13 straight (2006-17) and reached a CL final. This is the club's first season out of European competition since 1995. Arsenal has won more significant trophies (and more overall trophies) over the past 8 seasons than Manchester United. I'd say one season out of European competition is hardly a sustained period of failure.


(Yes, I am an Arsenal fan, so I keep up with these things.)

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18 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

I'm not moving the goalposts. You said 'in all our lifetimes' Arsenal have been briefly relevant.

I pointed out that is untrue. In my lifetime (and I'd imagine most of us on here) Arsenal have been pretty consistently successful in terms of winning leagues, cups, and routinely going far in European competitions.

That'll be true even for the older posters on here, since they've been getting to European finals reasonably often since 1970.

There is just no way on earth you can describe Arsenal's period as a genuine challenger as 'brief' unless you're about 21.

i'm 50, i seen Liverpool dominate over a significant period of time, i've seen Manchester United dominate over a significant period of time, and i'm witnessing Manchester City currently dominate, in that time i saw Arsenal win 2 First Division titles and 3 Premier Leagues, maybe its different in Scotland but league titles is where success is usually measured, although CL seems to have over taken that in terms of importance these days.


20 minutes ago, C. MacLeod said:

Actually, I remember when Arsenal won the double in 1971. I was a teenager. So just because you don't care doesn't mean no one cares. Arsenal has also won 4 of the past 8 FA Cups (most recently in 2020, which if memory serves was just last year), 4 of the past 8 Community Shields, reached a European final n 2019, qualified for the Champions League 19 consecutive seasons, reached the group stage 13 straight (2006-17) and reached a CL final. This is the club's first season out of European competition since 1995. Arsenal has won more significant trophies (and more overall trophies) over the past 8 seasons than Manchester United. I'd say one season out of European competition is hardly a sustained period of failure.


(Yes, I am an Arsenal fan, so I keep up with these things.)

Thanks for making my point ''Arsenal has won more significant trophies {and most overall trophies} over the past 8 seasons than Manchester United......as much as i dislike the phrase, United live rent free in the heads of all Arsenal fans, why do gooners feel the need to compare themselves to a bigger, more successful and illustrious club? They had sustained success for 2 decades, you briefly challenged them and sometimes bettered over a period of only 7 season, when that challenged stop and you were replace by Chelsea that attitude lead to your own fans fighting each other in the stadium over Wenger in, Wenger Out, its made Robbie Lyle a millionaire and it has young entitled guys making tik tok videos with tears and snoters everywhere.

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26 minutes ago, Meldrew said:



Thanks for making my point ''Arsenal has won more significant trophies {and most overall trophies} over the past 8 seasons than Manchester United......as much as i dislike the phrase, United live rent free in the heads of all Arsenal fans, why do gooners feel the need to compare themselves to a bigger, more successful and illustrious club? They had sustained success for 2 decades, you briefly challenged them and sometimes bettered over a period of only 7 season, when that challenged stop and you were replace by Chelsea that attitude lead to your own fans fighting each other in the stadium over Wenger in, Wenger Out, its made Robbie Lyle a millionaire and it has young entitled guys making tik tok videos with tears and snoters everywhere.

Sorry, but you're completely missing the point, which was that you would not speak of United as no longer being relevant and they've won less recently than Arsenal. Also, you're using a double standard by making United's run of success relevant but not Arsenal's. You're cherry picking by setting your own arbitrary date, ignoring 2 Arsenal league titles during Fergie's time at United that happened just before he won his first one.. It was Ferguson's United that rose up to challenge Arsenal, not the other way around. Arsenal won 5 titles over a period of 16 years and reached a European final 2 years after that. Math may not be my strong suit, but that's the bulk of 2 decades. It's certainly not just 7 years. Liverpool went 30 years without a title until last year, but they were hardly irrelevant or unsuccessful during that run. Look, it's OK if you hate Arsenal. A lot of people do and sometimes that makes them irrational, but you're not entitled to cherry pick your own facts. One season out of Europe does not irrelevance make (happened to both United and Liverpool recently).

As for Robbie, he's an idiot and like the whole AFTV crew, he's more a fan of himself than he is of Arsenal. But every club has idiots.

Edited by C. MacLeod
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4 minutes ago, C. MacLeod said:

Sorry, but you're completely missing the point, which was that you would not speak of United as no longer being relevant and they've won less recently than Arsenal. Also, you're using a double standard by making United's run of success relevant but not Arsenal's. You're cherry picking by setting your own arbitrary date, ignoring 2 Arsenal league titles during Fergie's time at United that happened just before he won his first one.. It was Ferguson's United that rose up to challenge Arsenal, not the other way around. Arsenal won 5 titles over a period of 16 years and reached a European final 2 years after that. Math may not be my strong suit, but that's the bulk of 2 decades. It's certainly not just 7 years. Liverpool went 30 years without a title until last year, but they were hardly irrelevant or unsuccessful during that run. Look, it's OK if you hate Arsenal. A lot of people do and sometimes that makes them irrational, but you're not entitled to cherry pick your own facts. One season out of Europe does not irrelevance make (happened to both United and Liverpool recently).

As for Robbie, he's an idiot and like the whole AFTV crew, he's more a fan of himself than he is of Arsenal. But every club has idiots.

Arsenal fans are the most delusional fans in english football is now ''confirmed'' with your above post

what run of success have Arsenal ever had, other than the 1930's with Chapman?

Liverpool where the current Champions when Ferguson arrived, they also won 2 more before his 1st, and it was them who he said he would ''knock of their perch'' there was absolutely no mention of Arsenal {that rose up bit did genuinely make me laugh} and no i don't hate Arsenal, but for 7 season with Wenger you challenged seriously for the title, after that you where nowhere, and yes 3rd and below is nowhere if you've won a couple

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2 minutes ago, Meldrew said:

Arsenal fans are the most delusional fans in english football is now ''confirmed'' with your above post

what run of success have Arsenal ever had, other than the 1930's with Chapman?

Liverpool where the current Champions when Ferguson arrived, they also won 2 more before his 1st, and it was them who he said he would ''knock of their perch'' there was absolutely no mention of Arsenal {that rose up bit did genuinely make me laugh} and no i don't hate Arsenal, but for 7 season with Wenger you challenged seriously for the title, after that you where nowhere, and yes 3rd and below is nowhere if you've won a couple

United hadn't won a title in 26 years when Fergie won his first. Arsenal had just won 2 of the previous 4 (while Fergie's United had finished 11th and 6h in Arsenal's title-winning years). So yes, after a sustained period with little success, Fergie took United up to the top end of the table to challenge Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds (who had combined for the previous 5 titles). Those title years were part of Arsenal's sustained period of success, even if you measure it only by championships. And now you're trying to move the goalposts again. Arsenal had been pretty dour in the early 80s, but had risen to the top by the end of the 80s. It wasn't just a 7 year run of success, as you claim.


However, while I'm not a religious man, there is a particular bible verse of which I'm fond (Proverbs 14:7) and I think I shall heed its advice.

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1 hour ago, C. MacLeod said:

United hadn't won a title in 26 years when Fergie won his first. Arsenal had just won 2 of the previous 4 (while Fergie's United had finished 11th and 6h in Arsenal's title-winning years). So yes, after a sustained period with little success, Fergie took United up to the top end of the table to challenge Arsenal, Liverpool and Leeds (who had combined for the previous 5 titles). Those title years were part of Arsenal's sustained period of success, even if you measure it only by championships. And now you're trying to move the goalposts again. Arsenal had been pretty dour in the early 80s, but had risen to the top by the end of the 80s. It wasn't just a 7 year run of success, as you claim.


However, while I'm not a religious man, there is a particular bible verse of which I'm fond (Proverbs 14:7) and I think I shall heed its advice.

i'm moving the goalposts ? yet its you who's taking a few choice years to claim Arsenal had ''sustained'' success, when in fact it was Liverpool's era,  Arsenal where nowhere until they won the title in the 88/89 season, never challenged the following season, won it again, then where nowhere again until Wenger's arrived, so in what way is that sustained success ? And the 7 seasons i've alluded to is the reason AFTV and the above tik tok video exists, that brief period when Arsenal went head to head with United, thats where the delusional comes from, thinking you're still relevant because you ''won the top 4 cup'', do you really think for a minute that a 28 year old Arsenal fan really gives a F*ck about Nigel Winterburn, David Rocastle {rip} or Michael Thomas ? Ive been hammered in other forums for saying the 88/89 season is the greatest finish to a season in England and arguably everywhere else, for a generation younger than me, nothing beats Aguero and you can include young gooners in that, so i'm not hating on Arsenal, i'm just not seeing things from behind a particular tinted shade of glasses

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This is some debate!

Every team has peaks and troughs. 20 years ago Arsenal were brilliant, regularly taking titles against Fergie's United. For many that time, that rivalry, was the peak of the Premier League era. But Arsenal have been in decline since they moved to the Emirates. A long, slow decline. United declined post-Fergie also. With both clubs, given the right circumstances, they could come back to challenge again. If the petrodollars go, City and Chelsea will fall like stones. 

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27 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

This is some debate!

Every team has peaks and troughs. 20 years ago Arsenal were brilliant, regularly taking titles against Fergie's United. For many that time, that rivalry, was the peak of the Premier League era. But Arsenal have been in decline since they moved to the Emirates. A long, slow decline. United declined post-Fergie also. With both clubs, given the right circumstances, they could come back to challenge again. If the petrodollars go, City and Chelsea will fall like stones. 

it was the peak prem years for me, but it didnt last too long, Chelsea appeared and more often than not took Arsenal's place challenging United, but for me it was never as exciting, i disagree with City and Chelsea falling like stones, City get all the shite that goes with new found wealth, but Chelsea have been bailed out of an eye watering amount, be have now established themselves as a top english club with new generations of fans not knowing how skint they'd been before being bought by a russian gangster, city are no their way there

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