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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I was listening to the Rest Is History podcast special about the Queen's reign and it's interesting to hear some historical stories about the Queen.  She fell out with Thatcher over her refusal to impose sanctions on apartheid South Africa, the Queen seemingly took the side of Commonwealth leaders over Thatcher's government.  It is odd to hear the arguments you hear about sanctions on Iran or Russia used by Thatcher against sanctions on the South Africans.

Another point they talked about was the death of Diana, which reminded me of this thread as people have said that it was her death that sparked grief mongering etc.  It's been mythologised since but the Queens private stance about the death of her former daughter-in-law was extremely against the mood of the time - it sparked blanket condemnation in the press and, if I recall correctly, saw the popularity of the Queen and the monarchy drop to the lowest levels in modern history.  Looking back on it, the Queen's stance looks a lot better in hindsight than almost all of the elected officials and a lot of the general public.

TBF she had her killed so at least she wasn't being two faced about things. God speed ma'am...

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f**k me! The new monarch love-in didn't last long.


Joan McCullough, part of a small crowd outside Hillsborough Castle, a royal residence in County Down, voiced misgivings. “I don’t know if people will look up to Charles the same way. He has a very hard act to follow. I wouldn’t have the same respect for him – I was a Diana fan. I’d rather jump to William.” As she spoke workmen erected a scaffold in preparation for the King’s visit to Hillsborough this week.


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People are calling for Huw Edwards to be knighted after his role in coverage of the Queen's death

From Wales Online. I have noticed the Welsh have been very normal Island on my socials. Its like they don't have their own history, tradition and language...strange subservient lot. 

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47 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:


For an area who claim to hate Ranges they're next level staunch Queen loving, Tory, Yoon motherfuckers.

Aberdeenshire is different to Aberdeen.

4 minutes ago, jagfox said:


You're gonna have to clap a hell of a lot louder folks...

Were they expexting her to sit up and wave?

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I heard that proclimation nonsense earlier.

Wow. Utter lunacy, with phrases like 'liege lord' and 'defender of the faith' and talk of pleasing 'almighty god' and 'his mercy', as well as talk of realms and 'faith and obedience with humble affection'.

Was a massive minter to hear. That sort of garbage belongs in medieval times, not 2022. It was all rather pathetic and quite childish really. 

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