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They are now debating on The Metro if security are wearing prosthetics, with their hands on their weapon (fnnaaaarr). 

Some are getting quite upset about this. 

What a joke of a country. 

Father Ted has been referenced in some of the more grounded replies. 

Edited by Cosmic Joe
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30 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Look, it's no big deal, honest. You want to troll/get attention/make an absolute c**t of yourself, I'm fine with that. 

Out of interest, what's your stance on me not wanting to do any of the things on your list? 

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3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I heard a lot of folk saying they were in the queue to see the coffin so that they could say they were there, and that it would somehow make a great story to tell.

I'd like to see them try to tell the story and how they could make 'stood in a queue for 24 hours then shuffled past a coffin, that was it' sound great and in any way noteworthy.

Also I saw someone mention that there will no doubt be some sort of dreadful fillm about the queue. If so, may I suggest 'Queue Men and a Little (dead) Lady' as a title?

Saw someone saying it was better than the birth of their children. Mental.

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42 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

TBF from what I’ve seen of the female experience in pooping out weans, I think I’d rather stand around for 16 hours, seems much easier. 

Hate to be the one to tell you but that's not child birth mate.

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Honestly, I’m not obsessed about stories of the Queen being hilariously funny that are actually just stories about the Queen saying something. Some belters in here, with this one maybe the pick of the examples of the Queen saying something that is mistaken for humour:

The Queen had a similar experience at the Windsor Horse Show one year when a guard didn't recognize her and almost didn't permit her entry.

"Sorry, love. You can't come in without a sticker," he said. The Queen answered, "I think if you check, I will be allowed to come in!" And do you know what? She was.


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