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Humza bairn in nursery row.

velo army

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Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.

The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?


I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.

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One pedantic point - it’s the Care Inspectorate, not the Care Commission.  The CC went over 10 years ago.

More serious point - it wasn’t just him and his family that was affected.  The reports were that it was people with Asian names that were being rejected.  I hope the nursery does take legal action, and if they have been discriminating, that they are shut down.  

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19 minutes ago, velo army said:

Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.

The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?


I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.

Would you at all be au fait with the term "victim blaming"?

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Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.
The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?
I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.

They were turning away Asian children, saying there wasn’t any availability and then literally saying to the next white family that applied that there is plenty of 3-day/week spaces for them. Go figure.
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23 minutes ago, velo army said:

Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.

The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?


I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.


After a second request was refused, she said she asked a white friend to apply and said that friend was offered a place. El-Nakla then put in a fictitious application from a relative with a Muslim-sounding name and another made-up one with a white-sounding name. The nursery only offered a place to the “white” applicant.

After Yousaf contacted the Record newspaper about the story, a reporter repeated the exercise. “She created two profiles with kids same age, their requirements the same. ‘Aqsa Akhtar’ application was rejected while ‘Susan Blake’ was offered a choice of 4 afternoons,” Yousaf said on Twitter.


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Aye it does read as victim blaming, especially given the other cases. In that case aye, it's fair enough and seems pretty straightforward a case of discrimination. Shocking too, in this day and age 

The news either didn't make much mention of the other cases or I've made an arse of this.


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Aye it does read as victim blaming, especially given the other cases. In that case aye, it's fair enough and seems pretty straightforward a case of discrimination. Shocking too, in this day and age 
The news either didn't make much mention of the other cases or I've made an arse of this.
It was covered extensively by the local press (The Courier and Evening Telegraph) at the time, not so much nationally.
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1 hour ago, velo army said:

Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.

The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?


I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.

Fucking hell.

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2 hours ago, velo army said:

Just spotted on the news that Humza Yousaf has taken on a Broughty Ferry nursery over racially discriminating against his 2 year old daughter by allegedly favouring applications of white kids over the daughter of the health secretary.

The care commission found in favour of the Yousafs. The nursery have rejected the findings as politically partisan and are seeking legal advice?


I don't particularly like Yousaf, he seems particularly ego centric and self important. This episode had me querying whether his daughter was not considered due to the fact her da would be a huge pain in the arse, rather than race. I also raised an eyebrow at the care commission. They're a government department who answer to him (I think) so the charges of political partisanship could hold water.



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2 hours ago, MuckleMoo said:
2 hours ago, velo army said:
Aye it does read as victim blaming, especially given the other cases. In that case aye, it's fair enough and seems pretty straightforward a case of discrimination. Shocking too, in this day and age 
The news either didn't make much mention of the other cases or I've made an arse of this.

It was covered extensively by the local press (The Courier and Evening Telegraph) at the time, not so much nationally.

It was definitely featured on Reporting Scotland when it broke a few months ago or whatever.  

As for the OP - ooft.  

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

The thing which has really sunk the nursery is the family who submitted two applications - one in an Indian name and another in a non-Indian name. The non-Indian name was accepted.

The nursery has been caught red-handed here.

I think it was Muslim names. Might be the owners are of Indian background (India V Pakistan racism) or might be they have a member of staff how just likes white folk.

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3 hours ago, Detournement said:

The nursery owners say the report found no evidence of discrimination and they are taking legal action.

Given Humza's track record of lying I'd take his statement of being found justified here with a pinch of salt. 

The nursery owners are also Asian but if the Yousafs have proof of the different applications then it's hard to rule out discrimination. 


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7 hours ago, Detournement said:

The nursery owners say the report found no evidence of discrimination and they are taking legal action.

Given Humza's track record of lying I'd take his statement of being found justified here with a pinch of salt. 

You think the journalist who found them rejecting kids with Muslim names whilst welcoming kids with western names with open arms was also in in this conspiracy to bring down Little Scholars?

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Indo/Pak racism is the worst I see in my day job. A significant number hate each other with equal venom. 

I wouldn’t have put it past Humza to have forced the issue just to assert his position, nor the nursery proprietors to have told him to GTF just because he tried it on. 

The nursery were wrong. But I do believe there merit in their technical defence that the Care Inspectorate is funded by SG so they’re not entirely impartial.  Who wins? Naebdy. 

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5 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

Indo/Pak racism is the worst I see in my day job. A significant number hate each other with equal venom. 

I wouldn’t have put it past Humza to have forced the issue just to assert his position, nor the nursery proprietors to have told him to GTF just because he tried it on. 

The nursery were wrong. But I do believe there merit in their technical defence that the Care Inspectorate is funded by SG so they’re not entirely impartial.  Who wins? Naebdy. 

They refused to accept the applications of several children with Muslim/Pakistani names, multiple times, saying there was no space.

They then accepted applications often the the same day, with kids with “white” sounding names.  

It’s discrimination, simple as that. 

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