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That's bizarre; I just started watching Forgotten Shine Restoration's videos, where they take huge lumps of rust and turn them back into immaculate pipe wrenches, or whatever they originally were. Mesmerising.
I guess we've both coincidentally Googled "polish my dirty great tool".
Must be the algorithm because I have started getting these too. Watched a guy make a stainless steel 8 ball. It was amazing.
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On 07/04/2022 at 22:46, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I've been into old tool restoration videos.  My Mechanics work is incredible.


I linked him a few months ago on this thread. His standard of craftsmanship is unbelievable. Have you seen the video where he turns a steel bar and a brass bar into a perfectly spherical 8 ball? (I see that’s been mentioned a couple of posts up).

I done quite a bit of lathe work when I was an apprentice and watching him makes me want to buy an old lathe for myself and stick it in the garage. It’s a shame he doesn’t post more frequently as it’s my favourite channel on YouTube, I have a look every couple of days to see if he’s done anything new.

His most recent video where he machines the petrol lighter is very good too. 

There’s a few other restoration channels I watch since mymechanics has been so quiet, but they aren’t even in the same stratosphere as him skill wise. They don’t have the same attention to detail or the machining ability, and even sit thinking I could do it better myself. 

Edited by IrishBhoy
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On 09/03/2022 at 10:25, Albus Bulbasaur said:

That guy is impressively creepy and off putting I know there are some allegations around and I'm not sure of the validity but I've never been surer in my life that he is a wrong un, something really off about his behaviour. 

If you think Bald and Bankrupt is bad, take a look at this Dale Phillip character who makes videos of a similar nature, although in a more ignorant and self entitled way. He thinks by turning up with a go-pro in his hand he can do whatever he likes and the locals will fall at his feet.

He almost certainly has no friends and I can see why to be honest. He’s found the perfect job for himself as a ‘solo traveller’ as I don’t think many people would be able to put up with the guy for more than about 20 minutes. 

On Bald and Bankrupt, I actually find a lot of his videos very educational. He also speaks Russian fluently and most of the time manages to come across politely when he’s conversing with the locals. It’s also interesting to see some of these ex Soviet countries that were thriving inside the USSR, that have now became wastelands with no industry and the people with no hope. 

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2 hours ago, IrishBhoy said:

I linked him a few months ago on this thread. His standard of craftsmanship is unbelievable. Have you seen the video where he turns a steel bar and a brass bar into a perfectly spherical 8 ball? (I see that’s been mentioned a couple of posts up).

I done quite a bit of lathe work when I was an apprentice and watching him makes me want to buy an old lathe for myself and stick it in the garage. It’s a shame he doesn’t post more frequently as it’s my favourite channel on YouTube, I have a look every couple of days to see if he’s done anything new.

His most recent video where he machines the petrol lighter is very good too. 

There’s a few other restoration channels I watch since mymechanics has been so quiet, but they aren’t even in the same stratosphere as him skill wise. They don’t have the same attention to detail or the machining ability, and even sit thinking I could do it better myself. 

I haven’t seen anyone better than My mechanics.

LADB Restoration has some decent stuff as a filler.

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14 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

I haven’t seen anyone better than My mechanics.

LADB Restoration has some decent stuff as a filler.

Yeah I get a few of them recommended to me but as you say nothing compared to mymechanics. A few of his videos have 30 million+ views so maybe he is away spending his YouTube earnings and that’s the reason for the lack of videos. 

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On 09/04/2022 at 05:10, IrishBhoy said:

If you think Bald and Bankrupt is bad, take a look at this Dale Phillip character who makes videos of a similar nature, although in a more ignorant and self entitled way. He thinks by turning up with a go-pro in his hand he can do whatever he likes and the locals will fall at his feet.

He almost certainly has no friends and I can see why to be honest. He’s found the perfect job for himself as a ‘solo traveller’ as I don’t think many people would be able to put up with the guy for more than about 20 minutes. 

On Bald and Bankrupt, I actually find a lot of his videos very educational. He also speaks Russian fluently and most of the time manages to come across politely when he’s conversing with the locals. It’s also interesting to see some of these ex Soviet countries that were thriving inside the USSR, that have now became wastelands with no industry and the people with no hope. 

I watched 30 seconds of that and was hoping he got abducted, chopped up and woven into a jute jacket by some Kolkata back street nutter.

Why he talk like that to man? They speak better English than him. Utter fannypad.

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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

I watched 30 seconds of that and was hoping he got abducted, chopped up and woven into a jute jacket by some Kolkata back street nutter.

Why he talk like that to man? They speak better English than him. Utter fannypad.

Fannypad. There's a word I haven't heard in quite some time, however it reminds me of a dark tale from my childhood (i.e. the 60's). For a couple of years, I went to Sunday school along with two of my cousins. After SS we'd go back to my house and play until my uncle came to pick them up. This particular Sunday we'd spent most of our SS time learning and singing 'Kumbaya' and we even chanted it while walking back to my house, where we played Hide n' Seek for a while and one of the cousins managed to contort himself into the top shelf of my maw's linen cupboard where he found a box of Dr.White's sanitary towels. We were bemused by these objects but we each took one, putting our hands through the belt loops and pretending we were accordion players. We went marching into the living room chanting "Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya" and playing our fannypad accordions.

My maw just about had a f*cking aneurysm and I got one of the biggest hidings I ever had.

However, when I asked her what these Dr. White things were for, she didn't have the wherewithall to explain................stupid bat.


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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

I watched 30 seconds of that and was hoping he got abducted, chopped up and woven into a jute jacket by some Kolkata back street nutter.

Why he talk like that to man? They speak better English than him. Utter fannypad.

The way he says 'my friend' ALL THE FUCKING TIME boiled my pishe.

That video, was about nothing, it was completely shite.  It was titled Market Mayhem, f**k off you c**t!

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10 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

This particular Sunday we'd spent most of our SS time learning and singing 'Kumbaya' and we even chanted it while walking back to my house

Certainly would have made the second world war seem friendlier.

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I quite like fitness YouTube videos debunking other fitness YouTube videos.  In the last few months a primary subject of this is The Liver King, a guy who publishes videos of his workouts and promotes an 'ancesteral diet' featuring raw meat, organ meat (titular liver) and raw fertilised eggs.  Lots of people have called him out about him clearly being on steroids but his platform continues to grow.  I saw it as a bit of a laugh but then I saw this video today by Zach Telander, who is a weightlifting coach.  Apparently Liver King is making up to $2,000,000 A MONTH selling his range of supplements.  Two million a month.  Insane for someone who is clearly lying about how he looks the way he does and whose supplements are most likely bullshit.



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Key and Peele classic. I feel like these guys need more UK exposure, one of those things that seem to be heavy big in the US but less known over here. They are hilarious. Could spend hours watching their videos. 

This is also a personal favourite...


Edited by Albus Bulbasaur
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MyMechanics posted a new video of himself restoring a doorbell last week. Another very good watch and a high level of craftsmanship. 

For anyone interested he seems to have another channel which until a few days ago I was completely oblivious to. The channel is called ‘MyMechanicsInsights‘ and it has plenty of videos for me to catch up on. 

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