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Microsoft Windows, how I hate thee, let me count the ways


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9 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Why is it so vile and so utterly unfair on users? I hate it at work and that’s why I use Mac in real life. 

My son though uses Windows and I am never done with fixing absolute nonsense on his machine. 

I use both. I dual boot Mac OS and Linux on my Macbook air from 2012, and I just got a new Windows Desktop which runs Windows 11 and it works just fine. Both have pros and cons. 

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Windows was great for many years, then Vista was released, which was risibly bad. A brief resurgence with 7, and initially 10 was OK until a series of absolutely shite security updates rendered it basically unusable about five or six years ago. The final straw was being told to copy and paste a lengthy bit of code into a system file anytime i needed to access the internet. I bought a Mac in a fit of total rage and other than work, haven't touched windows with a ten foot bargepole ever since. It's fucking shite. 

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About time we got back to a command line interface and coding our own device drivers in assembler to sort out the men from the boys.

The only thing that really annoys me about using Windows is Microsoft's habit of moving things around behind the scenes for no obvious purpose, but five minutes spent on Google normally sorts that out.

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Microsoft can pretty much do what they want at this point as they have a captive audience & majority control of the OS market. Your average computer user either doesn't know about the problems with windows or doesn't care to change from what they know. There are people however who require windows for their work as the software they use may not be available elsewhere or have suitable alternatives on other platforms. Mac is something with a high barrier to entry financially & Linux is seen as something only for nerds. I haven't ran windows for several years & I can't say I miss it at all.

Edited by GNU_Linux
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5 hours ago, scottsdad said:

It has never improved upon Windows 98 (second edition). I used to use linux a lot and for the life of me cannot remember why I stopped. 

Our work systems are all integrated with Windows and MS Office 365. 

Games. Thats why I stopped. I used linux for a while, years ago but had to switch back to windows when I got back into PC gaming

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