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Is Boris Johnson the worst PM of all time?

Richey Edwards

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People are saying Johnson is totally useless and couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery and yet there he is organising one in his own back garden during lockdown while still at work.

Seems no one is going to give him credit for anything.

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As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.

He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. 
May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless.

Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.


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As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.
He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Dear Christ...... Binning pandemic regulations coz "instincts"..........
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5 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

He'll be remembered as being even more of a cűnt than you. Think on that. It's some fucking bar.

1. He still hasn't "got Brexit done".
2. He won a massive majority based on a raft of manifesto promises which he has spent the last couple of years breaking, one by one. Feel free to mention anything that has been implemented from that manifesto.
3. He isn't even bright enough to lie consistently.
4. Finally, on pandemic response. Much public money was spent on vaccines which work, but I don't hear you trumpeting about the public money spaffed up the wall on vaccines which were found to be unsuitable. The "superb" rollout of the vaccination and booster programmes was due to a Herculean effort on behalf of NHS staff and an army of volunteers (mainly , Public Sector), not that fucking empty shirt - he was too busy getting pissed with his staff. That the only thing he continues to claim for himself as a success is a result of a massive socialist response from the public aiding an institution he is denied to destroying would be beautifully ironic were it not so fucking disgraceful.

He does lie consistently. He just doesn't keep his lies consistent.

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17 hours ago, NotThePars said:

I think at the moment it's Cameron. Johnson edges it clearly on optics but the coalition wrecked untold levels of disaster on this country and it hasn't been fully reckoned with. Johnson has laid the groundwork for a lot of reckless and horrific policy to go through though.

Every PM since Thatcher has been a disaster for this country, however. 

When is the last time a Prime Minister wasn't a disaster? Wilson?

At some point you have to reckon with the fact that while the individuals are disasters, the whole system that perpetuates these idiots is worse.

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.

He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. 
May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless.

Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.


He didn't get Brexit done. It's ramifications will run for years and probably end up breaking the UK apart. It will take a grown up pragmatic PM to tie up all the economically disastrous  loose ends he left which right now resemble Maw Broon's knitting basket. 

He bungled the pandemic. Failed to lock down quick enough, didn't take the scientists advice seriously and generally always looked as if he was making it up as he went along. His incompetence probably cost in excess of 50,000 lives and we were lumbered with the worst Covid figures in western Europe.

Whilst Starmer is basically a pretty dull man he would read the detail (and the room) and know when to take advice and when to shut up. You are right that big picture people need detailers in the background, the trouble with Johnson is that he ignored the detailers completely and came out with nonsense and outrageous lies on a near daily basis. He's the worst and most incompetent PM in my lifetime by some distance.

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.

He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. 
May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless.

Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.


No such thing. Fucking lemmings the lot of you. 

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2 hours ago, HTG said:

My view is that you normally need a bit of time after the end of a premiership to get an overall view of how terrible a PM has been. 

Cameron's legacy now is probably worse than in 2016 as we see the absolute clusterfuck unfold. 

May's attempts to manage Cameron's clusterfuck looked (and were) dreadful at the time she was being pummelled in the HoC on a weekly basis. But what's happened since provides a bit more context and she's potentially benefitted from that in terms of legacy - even if still shite. 

Johnson is an absolute impostor in every level. The stuff he's pushing through beyond his pandemic mgt is frightening. I expect his legacy to be comfortably the worst in my living memory. 

Tony Blair's approval ratings in 2007 were pretty good. Plummeted since. 

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2 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.

He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. 
May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless.

Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.


Wasn't it you who admitted that the English conservatives view Scotland with contempt?

Or something like that.

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1 hour ago, AndyM said:

He didn't get Brexit done. It's ramifications will run for years and probably end up breaking the UK apart. It will take a grown up pragmatic PM to tie up all the economically disastrous  loose ends he left which right now resemble Maw Broon's knitting basket. 


A PM isn't needed for this, a technological solution to the Irish border problem is. Which is decades away and its absence undermines everything the Brexiters have been promising. 

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He delivered Brexit and, in a couple of months time, he will have successfully guided us out of the other side of a global pandemic.

By the end of 2022, at least one of the Express, Mail and Telegraph will be talking him up as one of the greatest Prime Ministers.





The thoughts of the Express, Mail and Telegraph may not represent the thoughts of this poster. Or reality.

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3 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think.

He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on.

Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. 
May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless.

Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.




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