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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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You do realise that the Nazis are in Ukraine.
Surely you aint that stupid?
The only stupid one is you, you fucking thick Putinist apologist.

The "Ukrainians are Nazis" line is pish of first degree.

For a country whose leader is of Jewish descent they are doing an awful shite job of it.

Equating the Azov brigade with Ukrainians as a whole is like using Combat 18 as being representative of the UK population or Siol nan Gàidheal being representative of the Scottish nationalist movement.

It's utter nonsense.

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26 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The only stupid one is you, you fucking thick Putinist apologist.

The "Ukrainians are Nazis" line is pish of first degree.

For a country whose leader is of Jewish descent they are doing an awful shite job of it.

Equating the Azov brigade with Ukrainians as a whole is like using Combat 18 as being representative of the UK population or Siol nan Gàidheal being representative of the Scottish nationalist movement.

It's utter nonsense.


Why is that arsehole still getting free reign to spread his fucking poison on here? He makes H_B seem quite reasonable in comparison.

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40 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The only stupid one is you, you fucking thick Putinist apologist.

The "Ukrainians are Nazis" line is pish of first degree.

For a country whose leader is of Jewish descent they are doing an awful shite job of it.

Equating the Azov brigade with Ukrainians as a whole is like using Combat 18 as being representative of the UK population or Siol nan Gàidheal being representative of the Scottish nationalist movement.

It's utter nonsense.


The Azov battalion and Zelenskyy are funded by the same oligarch, Kolomoisky. Fascism always begins as a weapon of capitalists.

An Azov battalion commander was awarded hero of the nation status this week and we have seen photographs of NeoNazi combat units with NATO supplied weapons systems even before the invasion. Neonazism in Ukraine is undeniably different to the far right in any other European country.


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There are a lot of very right-wing groups all over Eastern Europe, many who would class themselves as neo-nazis.

Ukraine has them, Russia has them, they are abundant in Hungary - trying doing a Legia Warsaw match and you’ll see plenty.

It’s strange given what the Nazis did in Eastern Europe 70 years ago, but possibly a consequence of adapting to the freedoms these countries have enjoyed since the wall came down.

I recall fairly indiscriminate attacks on Scotland fans in Kyiv in 2006, but it was a particular group of people responsible and hardly a representation of the whole country.

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8 minutes ago, tarapoa said:

There are a lot of very right-wing groups all over Eastern Europe, many who would class themselves as neo-nazis.

Ukraine has them, Russia has them, they are abundant in Hungary - trying doing a Legia Warsaw match and you’ll see plenty.

It’s strange given what the Nazis did in Eastern Europe 70 years ago, but possibly a consequence of adapting to the freedoms these countries have enjoyed since the wall came down.

I recall fairly indiscriminate attacks on Scotland fans in Kyiv in 2006, but it was a particular group of people responsible and hardly a representation of the whole country.

They had maybe 3 years of being bossed around by the Germans and 45 by the Soviets. Very different folk memories to us.

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The Azov battalion and Zelenskyy are funded by the same oligarch, Kolomoisky. Fascism always begins as a weapon of capitalists.
An Azov battalion commander was awarded hero of the nation status this week and we have seen photographs of NeoNazi combat units with NATO supplied weapons systems even before the invasion. Neonazism in Ukraine is undeniably different to the far right in any other European country.
No-one is denying that there are elements within the Ukrainian forces that are neo-Nazi but it's fucking tinfoil hat stuff to extend that to the whole of Ukraine.

It's absolutely lazy analysis.

Demonising Ukrainians (or Russians for that matter) does no-one any favours.
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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The Azov battalion and Zelenskyy are funded by the same oligarch, Kolomoisky. Fascism always begins as a weapon of capitalists.

An Azov battalion commander was awarded hero of the nation status this week and we have seen photographs of NeoNazi combat units with NATO supplied weapons systems even before the invasion. Neonazism in Ukraine is undeniably different to the far right in any other European country.


You are beyond parody, Eastern Europe has a severe issue with Fascism and Racism, Ukraine is no better or worse with its problems but your desperation to blame the West for absolutely everything blinds you to the obvious fact that Putin is a wrong un. I say this as someone who acknowledges that the issues in the Middle East are completely caused by us due to the Sykes Picot agreement & the Balfour Declaration, Ibn Saud & the Wahhabists would never have gained primacy if we didn't betray Sharif Hussein. What Putin is doing now is every bit as bad as what the European powers were doing back then & no amount of tinfoil hat wearing or wild conspiracy theories is going to alter that fact.

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3 hours ago, steve55 said:


This is from 2018 about Pentagon biolabs all over Ukraine and Georgia:


Here is link, it is in English despite Arabic title:



"Where should we hide our top secret bio labs Buddy?

Put them all in the country most likely  to be invaded by our direct enemy. They'll never look there.

Brilliant, do it.

God bless America."

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