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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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An area where Russia is way ahead of the West (along with their 'allies' China, Iran and North Korea) is a capacity for cyberattacks. Having already caused chaos with them in Estonia before (as well as Ukraine previously), they have another weapon to use to destabilise Western economic systems.

With their army not doing so well, it might be that they roll out the cyber hackers as well.

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Just now, Jedi said:

An area where Russia is way ahead of the West (along with their 'allies' China, Iran and North Korea) is a capacity for cyberattacks. Having already caused chaos with them in Estonia before (as well as Ukraine previously), they have another weapon to use to destabilise Western economic systems.

With their army not doing so well, it might be that they roll out the cyber hackers as well.

They better not f**k with m

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51 minutes ago, Jedi said:

An area where Russia is way ahead of the West (along with their 'allies' China, Iran and North Korea) is a capacity for cyberattacks. Having already caused chaos with them in Estonia before (as well as Ukraine previously), they have another weapon to use to destabilise Western economic systems.

With their army not doing so well, it might be that they roll out the cyber hackers as well.

Because they do it more often and semi publicly doesn't mean they're better at it, the point most of the time is nobody knowing it's you, and it's even happened. Screwing up the Iranian nuclear enrichment programme for a while was pretty sophisticated for the time.


Stuxnet was designed to remain undetected for a long time and to consistently burden and degrade the centrifuges. In short, its operation meant that for a short time (about 15 minutes), the virus changed the frequency of rotation of the IR-1 centrifuges slightly above their safe speed, then it restored the normal state of operation (for ten to twenty days), after which it slowed down the frequency of rotation of the centrifuges below the speed needed to enrich uranium (for about 50 minutes) and again returned to the normal state (for ten to twenty days). This sequence was constantly repeated (Lindsay, 2013). The employees of the plant in Natanz were, therefore, given the wrong information that the centrifuges were operating normally when, in fact, they were accelerating and slowing down.

According to Albright et al. (2012, p. 16), the operation of the Stuxnet virus caused the destruction of around 1,000 centrifuges at the Natanz site, which could have delayed Iran’s nuclear programme by about 1 year.


Edited by welshbairn
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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

We should send over the DUFC commentary team.

Not sure if it will be of any help but at least we’d be shot of the useless, boring c***s.

I think there's enough biased, hyperbolic and inaccurate reporting in Ukraine without us adding to it

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4 hours ago, Jedi said:

An area where Russia is way ahead of the West (along with their 'allies' China, Iran and North Korea) is a capacity for cyberattacks. Having already caused chaos with them in Estonia before (as well as Ukraine previously), they have another weapon to use to destabilise Western economic systems.

With their army not doing so well, it might be that they roll out the cyber hackers as well.

I think they will have already rolled them out, you wouldn’t wait on the army if you have another tool at your disposal. In addition to Russia being heavily hacked at the moment and they possibly spend their time firefighting that, I suppose it also depends what side they are actually on now as well. 

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It occurs to me that Russia must have its own share of gammons who yearn for the good old days - when you couldn't travel anywhere, you couldn't buy western goods except on the black market and you had to queue for hours to buy anything.

They must be loving this.

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5 hours ago, Jedi said:

An area where Russia is way ahead of the West (along with their 'allies' China, Iran and North Korea) is a capacity for cyberattacks. Having already caused chaos with them in Estonia before (as well as Ukraine previously), they have another weapon to use to destabilise Western economic systems.

With their army not doing so well, it might be that they roll out the cyber hackers as well.

They started off doing exactly this but are having to use their skull defensively because anonymous are kicking their c***s in. 

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7 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:
11 hours ago, doulikefish said:
Other countries close by with Migs are Bulgaria and Slovakia I wonder if they will be next to "donate"
Being reported that Poland have "sourced" some f16s as replacements 

AlJazeera reporting that the Polish offer of jets was made entirely unilaterally by Poles and that this arrangement has been described by Pentagon as "completely untenable".

The Poles trolling the mighty Americans, you love to see it.

Then announcing his to the world, boxing in the Americans is genius.

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52 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

It occurs to me that Russia must have its own share of gammons who yearn for the good old days - when you couldn't travel anywhere, you couldn't buy western goods except on the black market and you had to queue for hours to buy anything.

They must be loving this.

There’s a big puffy faced gammon c**t at the wheel.

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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

The weird thing is that RT didn't show it unedited with the question from Rubio, much more damning. He asked her a feed question, "Do Ukraine have any chemical or biological weapons?", expecting a straight no so he could do his follow on about Russia potentially staging a fake attack. She was flustered after his attack about the Venezuela visit and came out with the stuff about Ukrainian bio research labs. Rubio quickly got it back on track with the Russian staged thing, but gave a quick wtf look at her. A comment on shite propaganda, I think there's zero chance of the Americans having any, far less 24 biological warfare labs in Ukraine. What would be the point when they have far more secure facilities at home?

A number of this 'research' work are illegal in America, hence the reason they (Obama) outsourced work to Wuhan.

How would America respond if China had biolabs in Mexico and were arming Mexico to the teeth...

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11 minutes ago, steve55 said:

A number of this 'research' work are illegal in America, hence the reason they (Obama) outsourced work to Wuhan.

How would America respond if China had biolabs in Mexico and were arming Mexico to the teeth...



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8 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:
11 hours ago, doulikefish said:


AlJazeera reporting that the Polish offer of jets was made entirely unilaterally by Poles and that this arrangement has been described by Pentagon as "completely untenable".

Let's hope that's the case, because this action risks spreading the conflict in a dangerous way over a frankly trivial amount of fighter support. 

7 hours ago, TommyDickFingers said:

There is probably 8 or 9 countries in spitting distance of Ukraine that fly F-16 and maybe double that further afield.

There's probably none quite so stupid and desperate to make itself a historical martyr yet again as Poland though. 

Poland has a land border with Belarus and looms over the key Baltic base of Kaliningrad. Those are two  potential tripwires that can set off WW3. It should therefore be nowhere near offering military aid: Poland is already doing its role in a NATO capacity by simply keeping its borders open for refugees and as a conduit for supplies. 

Poland and other neighbouring states can supply credits to Ukraine's government to purchase equipment from a third country if they want to affect the military situation. That degree of plausible deniability is crucial to lower the risk of the conflict escalating. 

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29 minutes ago, steve55 said:

A number of this 'research' work are illegal in America, hence the reason they (Obama) outsourced work to Wuhan.

How would America respond if China had biolabs in Mexico and were arming Mexico to the teeth...

Were you microwaved as a baby? 

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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Apparently it's the particular type of oil that Russia has that makes it hard for America to source elsewhere, the heavy stuff. Venezuela has loads of it, thus the high level visit a couple of days ago to Caracas by US Government people to mend fences tankers, shirley. 


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