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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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NATO used cluster bombs in Yugoslavia in 1999. Dutch planes dropping them on a hospital was a particular lowlight and the RAF's efforts alone left thousands of unexploded "bomblets" lying in Kosovo and Serbia. The work in clearing them since has been mostly done by the demining charity Halo Trust. It's funded by various governments, USA being the largest donor with other major contributors being UK, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands and Canada. The work isn't expected to be complete until 2024, a full quarter of a century after the cluster bombs were dropped. So its a long process and no doubt an expensive one. As was the case with Kosovo and Serbia, Ukraine is not going to have the resources to organise or fund its own state demining come the end of this war. Again it'll need done by international charity. Well a potential upside to USA's recent decision to supply Ukraine with cluster munitions is that it'll hopefully engender a greater sense of responsibility in USA to fund the demining later. Some info: https://declassifieduk.org/cluster-bombs-for-ukraine-a-warning-from-kosovo/

Edit: This too, on work Halo Trust is already doing in Ukraine: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/19/ukrainian-farmers-improvise-to-clear-their-land-of-mines

Edited by FreedomFarter
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A lot of Western countries have neglected the production of ammunition because they assumed they or their allies would never fight a war like this again. A few months before the war Boris Johnson said to the defence select committee that we wouldn’t see wars in Europe with tanks driving across battlefields again. Reverse Nostradamus.

Anyway, a UN report has detailed the widespread sexual violence and torture used in Russian occupied territory. 


The only way this will stop is to hold those responsible accountable, those on the ground, their commanders, those directing the operations.

A minor but related point is that plenty  of the complete weirdos in the west who support Russia due to their self absorbed politics, contrarianism or general inadequacy lap this stuff up. If you search back in this thread you can find posters, some banned some not, salivating over castrations or the destruction of civilians.


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Usually a good sign when Igor Girkin is worried about what is just around the corner:

Three more villages to go after Staromaiorske before they can attempt to break through the Russian main defensive line. After that there is nothing much prepared all the way down to the Sea of Azov from what I've read.



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9 hours ago, TommyDickFingers said:

Russians showing off the new lancet loitering munition today.

Quite the piece of kit if it works as advertised. Many reasons to hope it doesn't obviously, one of which would be getting to reuse the pic in the compo faces thread later.


It looks like garden storage.

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9 hours ago, TommyDickFingers said:

Russians showing off the new lancet loitering munition today.

Quite the piece of kit if it works as advertised. Many reasons to hope it doesn't obviously, one of which would be getting to reuse the pic in the compo faces thread later.


Looks like Wall E has been radicalised.

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