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Cost of Living Crisis


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How can anyone bring themselves to vote for these utterly horrendous and repulsive c***s?

British public have been completely brainwashed by the Tory media. Simple as that. The media have successfully turned the average Brit against anything that is remotely considered ‘left’. They continue to misreport stories and cover issues up. It’s got so bad that Tory MPs could go and take a shit on peoples doorsteps and get away with it. A lie about how they thought the doorstep was actually a toilet, then an apology, and then move on.
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That tweet's a fake but, as with so much about this complete brain vacuum and the rest of this mob, entirely believable. Satirists across the country must be taking up alternative employment in droves.

The only reason they're not bouncing Fat Boy just now is that there's no-one, absolutely no-one, in their ranks who they could present to the electorate as someone who could run the country more competently than Keir Starmer.

Yes, that Keir Starmer.

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4 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Cons + 5

The Tories must thank Satan every day that the main political issue* in Scotland is whether it remains locked in the UK or not; if not for that, they’d suffer far more than they will due to Johnson, his puppet Ross, and the assemblage of far-right c***s who now form the party.

* The only only only issue, even in council elections, if they’re to be believed - the only one that must be talked about.

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35 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Absolutely disgraceful and the government cut their benefits by £1000. 

I hope they read to stories of disabled people up and down the country and feel shame and reverse the decision.

But it's more likely that further cuts are on their way.

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

Absolutely disgraceful and the government cut their benefits by £1000. 

I hope they read to stories of disabled people up and down the country and feel shame and reverse the decision.

But it's more likely that further cuts are on their way.

I hope you are right about that but in light of the Chancer of the Exchequer's recent decisions I don't see it. 

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