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Woman finds wads of cash, hands it in

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I lost my wallet at TRNSMT a few years ago. Thought I'd give Lost & Stolen a go, described the wallet and some kind soul had actually handed it in so there clearly are good folk out there 



The c**t took all the cash, drugs and my return train ticket out before handing it in but it's the thought that counts 


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Iv handed stuff in, and benefitted from my stuff being handed in in the past. So I'm very much morally duty bound to be a hander innerer. I'm in the circle.

I suppose there is probably some set of circumstances where I might hip the cash, but I can't think of them. Maybe a confirmed Old Firm fan....

As for finding my own shit, I always felt that if someone did the good deed of handing in my wallet with all the cards and stuff that causes grief to replace, I wouldn't whine if any cash was away.

Times I lost out.... Well I lost a phone once on holiday, and didn't bother dealing with it. I returned home to a 700 quid bill.

Not ideal.

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Haven’t found any wads of notes anywhere, but a wee while back, was out for a trip to the Falkirk Wheel. Walked up the path from the main car park, got to the canal, turned left, and sitting on the first park bench to my left was an Apple iPhone. Picked it up and it wasn’t passcode protected, so I figured if I went into their ‘contacts’ I could call one of them to ask them to let the owner know I had found the phone sitting on a bench near the Falkirk Wheel, and I was about to hand it into the reception there. I hadn’t thought the next bit through properly. First contact was a woman’s name, so I dialled her… she picks up ‘Hello Dad!’. Me - ‘this isn’t your dad, but I’ve got his phone’…. Soon as I said it, I fcuking knew it sounded like I’d kidnapped her dad in some sort of Liam Neeson movie scenario. Not my finest opening gambit, but I managed to blurt out the rest of the story rapidly, before she screamed, fainted, or had me arrested. She laughed, he got his phone back, all good. 😁

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One of my mates (now ex mate as he fell out with our group of friends after getting into a fight over how best to cook stovies) once found a bag of money down an alleyway in Glasgow. He had gone to have a piss behind a bin after Caley had played Celtic. He kept it and spent it all, I think there was about £300 in it.

When I was in sixth year at school someone in my year found £200 hanging out of a cash machine with no-one around. He kept it and spent it on a new pool cue. Later that week he was listening to Moray Firth Radio when they had a sad story about a pensioner who had lost some money she’d been saving up to buy a special present for her granddaughters birthday. He obviously didn’t feel bad as he kept the pool cue. What was some old biddy going to do with it anyway?

Edited by ICTChris
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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Heartwarming story here. Annie Skinner was leaving a supermarket in Swadlincote when she happened upon an envelope with £3900 in it lying in the car park. Rather than pocket the cash trustworthy Annie immediately contacted the police who traced the owner. The owner then gave Annie a substantial reward and she also got a box of milk tray.

Here’s Annie with the police


Well done Annie.

Have any P&Bers ever returned a large amount of money they could’ve kept?

Have any P&Bers ever lost a (completely legitimate) envelope full of cash only to have it handed in by an honest citizen?

Have any P&Bers seen my big envelope of cash? I dropped it somewhere.

Look at the state of the copper on the right. I doubt he'd strike fear in to the heart of the Young Team.

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1 hour ago, Arch Stanton said:

3 months later, if unclaimed, the item/money is yours.

Does anyone know why this is the rule? And why the polis don't just hold onto it, is it to get folk to hand stuff in?

I remember being at school and we have the community polis in talking about even 1p shouldn't be picked up, I imagine if you tried to hand in spare change everytime you saw it they would quickly lose patience with you.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Alli said:

I once went to a bank machine after someone who was taking a while. When he walked away about £300 come out the machine. I shouted "Mate, whats happening with this machine?" He said it was acting weird and never gave him the money he withdrew. I then said "This must be yours" with a cheeky wee grin and handed it to him.

H took the money and walked away. No thank you. No acknowledgement.

From that moment onwards I decided you can all GTF. Finders, Keepers.

I've returned phones and wallets a few times, barely an acknowledgement far less a reward. If I found a bag or envelope full of cash with no name I'd probably keep it, depending on how broke I was at the time. Assuming that it was criminal booty it's probably more likely they'd find out it was you by handing it in to the police than by discretely taking it home.

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11 minutes ago, 101 said:

Does anyone know why this is the rule? 

Yes, it isn't. They now ask you if you wish to leave your name so if claimed the owner can leave reward.

Cash, certainly, is handed to charities after a set amount of time.

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When I was in P6 I found a £1 coin in the playground but I kept it and bought a bag of sweets.

Bear in mind this was around 1990 so £1 was a lot of money back then.

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20 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Look at the state of the copper on the right. I doubt he'd strike fear in to the heart of the Young Team.

I think he may be the star of Channel Five hit TV series Traffic Cops 


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My missus found £20 on a bus and tried to hand it to the driver who then proceeded to look at her bemused and tell her to keep it, I myself would've been straight to the boozer for a few free pints.

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20 minutes ago, 101 said:

Does anyone know why this is the rule? And why the polis don't just hold onto it, is it to get folk to hand stuff in?

Seems a good rule to me unless the police just pocket it. It's obviously to encourage people to hand it in and hopefully return it to the people who lost it.

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Just now, welshbairn said:

Might have nightmares tonight with that smiley sticker.


Over the CCTV screen as well, probably in breach of some kind of guidance otherwise why produce it with a wee screen

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Very unexciting but when I was 15 or something a mate of mine walked into a flat I was in and put his cash out on a table to count it out, he counted £10 over and then said "wait did I scoop someone elses" and I said I had a tenner on the table, he handed it over and I gave it straight back because he had bought scran the day before and he was pleasantly surprised at this and said I was a very good friend. 

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Seems a good rule to me unless the police just pocket it. It's obviously to encourage people to hand it in and hopefully return it to the people who lost it.

It isn't the rule or drug dealers would just start handing random bags of money in knowing they'll get it back as it was always "theirs".

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2 minutes ago, throbber said:

This is my thinking exactly - there would still be cctv in the car park so i doubt you would get that far with the cash anyway. f**k knows who on earth carries that sort of money around a supermarket either.

If it was someone dodgy would they ask for or get access to the cctv? 

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I worked in a laundry years ago and as i walked past one of the tumble driers i thought i caught a glimpse of a €50 note spinning around. Sure enough there were loads of them in it going round and round. 
Turns out it was my own bag of washing that the boss let us dry in the machine. The wife had left her €800 euro in her housecoat pocket. They were nice and clean and dry though.
Taking money laundering a tad too literally.
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