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School Libraries

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Anyone got kids at school in North Lanarkshire? The council have decided to delete school librarians and in future all libraries will be run by teachers and pupil volunteers. Given the impact this will have on vulnerable pupils and pupils in deprived areas, I would urge you to sign this petition to help in the fight against this brutal cut. It has nearly reached 1000 in less than 48 hrs.




Also, any good stories about your own experiences of school librarians? I'm sure there are some crackers.


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5 minutes ago, Baggio said:


Also, any good stories about your own experiences of school librarians? I'm sure there are some crackers.



I almost went on a date with a school librarian I met online. But in the end I didn't.

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10 minutes ago, Baggio said:

Also, any good stories about your own experiences of school librarians? I'm sure there are some crackers.

We had a midden of a librarian at secondary, I think Roald Dahl modelled Miss Trunchbull on her............................anyhoo, she was the talk of the steamie when word got out that a young history teacher had been glueing her flyleafs together........................(fnaarr)

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Primary school had a well stocked library. I used to sit reading the Hamelin Book of Ghosts which was macabre.

At my posh secondary there were two libraries- fiction and non fiction. 1st-3rd Year I read all the geeky sci-fi and then I became too cool for school and never went near the place 

Non fiction library was full of ancient books. I remember getting a book about boxing out because I wanted to sort out a bully (the Queensberry rules weren't much good in the end-he kicked the shite out of me tbf but I got some respect after because I'd stood up to him).

My mate nicked a few books to use at Uni ..

Librarians are an odd lot..

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What happened?
Did she bring her cats on the date?
I imagine that when it became clear he'd never read a book in his life she ran a mile.

Anyway, unsurprising responses so far.
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My memory of our school library is pretty hazy, I think it was good though.  I was recently in the library of the school my wife teaches at and also our local public library and I think the one in my school had more books than both of those.  It also had the internet, which for the mid/late 1990s was pretty cool - you used to have to queue up to use it for five minutes.  There also used to be an area upstairs that only sixth year pupils could go to for study during free periods.

The school has now been knocked down, not sure what the library is like in the new building.

From having a partner in education, this seems pretty par for the course.  There aren't swingeing cuts in one go but things are just gradually reduced and reduced, chipped away at reducing effectiveness until people can't remember that things used to be better.  Luckily enough her school is a 'good school' in that it's in a decent catchment area which mitigates the impact of the cuts but I wonder, as the OP says, what the changes are like for people in places like Castlebrae or WHEC in Edinburgh.

Edited by ICTChris
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The only decent thing about our school library was that it housed 1 of the 5 computers that constituted our "School Computer Network".  Five RM Nimbus desk tops which would be rendered useless if you removed the network cable and placed a small bit of paper in the socket and replaced the cable.

Not that anyone ever did that, three times a day, every day, for 3 weeks causing Mr Lambert (Lambo) to nearly have  nervous breakdown trying to work out where the fault in the network was.


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My school library was the very first time I used the internet. This must have been 1992 or 1993. 

We were taken down to the library by our computing studies teacher who had spoken for a little but about the "information superhighway". It took ages but what he booted up was a live feed from a traffic cam in San Francisco. It refreshed every few seconds and the image was grainy as hell. But the fact that this was live, was somehow very exciting. 

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51 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

I go to university and there is a library in the university.

The books in it aren't very exciting though. Though I found a book called "Cannabis" which might be up your street.

You should look out for a book called Construction of the Forth Bridge. Its riveting for the most part. 

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

My school library was the very first time I used the internet. This must have been 1992 or 1993. 

Is that not a bit early?

Anyway, news like this is always regrettable.  Savage cuts in funding serve to make things a bit more shit.  This is one more example.

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