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The Queen of the South thread

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Well it appears that there wasn't booing of individual players.
That directed at a performance at the end of a half probably isn't designed to do much good.  Instead, it's a legitimate expression of dissatisfaction with what's been served up to those paying for the privilege of watching.  There should really be something reciprocal about the relationship between team and supporters after all.
Anyway, the discussion is still kind of redundant with reference to yesterday, because there was next to no real evidence of the phenomenon anyway.

Why do it if it’s not going to do any good?
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I'm a bit surprised to see booing mentioned, queens fans seemed to react to the match in a very similar manner to the pars fans, quiet grumbles but a general acceptance that we are destined for to be mid-table nobodies waiting for the end of the season when we can hopefully address our issues and be better next year.
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I would never boo a player during a game.

How can Naysmith say to boo him rather than his players . Murray we have sent a far better player out on loan in Stirling .Yet to see anything from Murray in his 25 games he has played .Great to play young players but if they are not good enough surely you should not play them.

Dykes is a player who can do most things but the most important thing he can't do is score goals just has no goal threat never looks like he will score .

We have to many defence minded players in our team play not to lose rather than to win .


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Instead of fans expressing their dissatisfaction at poor performances by booing players and management why don’t they instead throw rotten fruit in the general direction of the pitch?
If it was good enough for theatre goers throughout the ages then it’s good enough for football fans.
Personally, I think the whole “booing” fiasco is a deflection tactic by an incompetent manager trying to cover up his own inadequacies.

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Murray is a strange one. Off the bench he has shown a great deal of promise and has been very unlucky not to get his 1st career goal on many occasions. When he has started games though I think we can all admit hes not had the same impact. He needs to bulk up and be braver but he has attributes to work on. To be fair the football served this season is so poor I dont even think the fans have given Naysmith the boos he desrves. His recent signings in the summer/january are in the main not played and those that do havent impacted positively bar Fordyce and Kerr and to an extent Kane although he was mysteriously left out most of the time.  We may have attacking players but we sure as hell dont play attacking football. Its better to win 1 in 2 than draw both with a fear of losing. The centre mids dont have a creative bone in their body and this has been our main problem this season. Naysmith goes for functional type players  and those that are creative seem to have it coached out of them. There is no freedom and everything is really stale and boring. You have to think where wed be if we didnt have Dobbie. It aint a good thought.  Abit of ambition and positive vibes from the manager would help so much. I mean just look how Steve Clarke has lifted the whole town of Kilmarnock. Clear signs of progression and nothing seems impossible. How nice would it be for us to have that feeling? Instead we are predictable, safe and bloody boring! Get bloody rid of this negative clown!

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2 hours ago, kleinfaethetoon said:

Appears to be the manager who has started this booing debate maybe now he is turning to criticising the paying public instead of his players. I heard grumbles but no booing towards individuals.

I can only imagine he's referring to one or two isolated shouts he heard from behind him in the main stand.  I was there myself and now I think about it, I think someone did shout to "take him off" when another cross went behind.  

There really was no sense however, of the players being besieged by negative comment.  

If Naysmith's primary concern is the welfare of his young player, he'd serve him better by not highlighting and then wildly exaggerating, instances of him receiving a little stick.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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2 hours ago, kirkyblue2 said:

Does anybody believe we can get promotion through the playoffs? 

Do you mean this season or ever?

Not that it has a material effect on the answer, mind you.

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No i see the playoffs as a keeping interest in the season. I think we can advance one or two rounds but not the whole way. 

Going by Saturday the players have lost interest in this season so I can't see the fans keeping their enthusiasm. If this season was a computer game I'd have quit and started next season already.
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