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Charlie Reilly - We've apparently signed him for next season from Albion Rovers. His stats are absolutely unreal considering their position.

Why didn't he make the cut with you guys?

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32 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Charlie Reilly - We've apparently signed him for next season from Albion Rovers. His stats are absolutely unreal considering their position.

Why didn't he make the cut with you guys?

This but for George Stanger please. We’ve apparently offered him a PCA. 

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3 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

This but for George Stanger please. We’ve apparently offered him a PCA. 

We were apparently watching him earlier in the season too.

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2 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

Charlie Reilly - We've apparently signed him for next season from Albion Rovers. His stats are absolutely unreal considering their position.

Why didn't he make the cut with you guys?

Probably down to us being in the Premier (sigh) when he was coming through. Went to Airdrie, got some game time but maybe ask their fans why he left them for Rovers. Seen a few Rovers games this season, he is a stand out and is two footed. Even if Rovers stay up, I fear for them next season without him and probably young Joe Bevan too who has been amazing in recent weeks.


Edit: I didn't realise Airdrie was a loan. Signed for Partick which I have absolutely no recollection of, so it didn't work out for him there. Maybe just too young.

Edited by Owsley
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Reilly: I really liked him at reserve level and thought he had a good chance of making it, but I'm sure I read on here from Airdrie or Thistle fans that he was quite lacking in terms of game intelligence (which is to be expected of a young guy with little first team football). I'd have kept him around in 2020, but if he did, I suppose his career might not have sparked into life like it has. 

Stanger: I was rooting for him to succeed, but I thought he struggled in his brief moments in the first team. He was a young guy with very little first team football - and was stuck in limbo between RB and CB - and was a tad unlucky that he was toiling at a time when Jamie Hamilton (2 years younger) was excelling in the Premiership then briefly in the Championship. Good physical attributes, seemed to have a strong mentality and was decent-ish on the ball, but he just regularly looked like he had no idea how to defend. That comes with game time and coaching, though, so there's every chance he's improved.

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I stuck on Luton v Middlesbrough last night and saw Carlton Morris get his 20th Championship goal of the season. Do we think Tiehi will have a similar impact down south once he returns to Fulham? Yes IMO. 

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Accies under 18's still top of the League after last night's thrilling 3-3 draw against Celtic at NDP where they could have won it in injury time but for a misplaced pass in injury time by Ryan One.

Young Lewis Morgan is currently keeping Ben Black out the team and looks a prospect as does Gabe Forsyth with two goals last night.

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Cove get a backs to the wall point at Dens. What a difference from our lamentable display ( probably still not fit after the over the top celebrations the previous Sunday). They could still finish 8th if we, no laughing at the back, win at Arbroath. We deserve bottom. Hope the cup win was worth it.

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Far too many folk are trying to be edgy about the cup win. Winning the cup was class! We're almost certainly gonna go down having won it and we almost certainly would've gone down had we lost to Rangers' kids in the first round, so why not win the thing and at least have one genuine high point among the eight years of depression?

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1 minute ago, FuzzyBear said:

Would anyone be surprised if we did a Cowdenbeath/Brechin and ended up in the Lowland League in 2 or 3 years.

I think the trajectory of the club will become clear in the summer, but that seems more likely than a return to the Championship does. 

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9 hours ago, accies1874 said:

I think the trajectory of the club will become clear in the summer, but that seems more likely than a return to the Championship does. 

Don't agree tbh. The quality in League 1 next year will be utterly dire. If the club can get their act together there is a better opportunity to bounce back than there would have been in recent years.

The club is the revenue generator for the charity shite, so if they want that gravy train to continue then they need to give it some attention.

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Cant see us winning at Arbroath and even if we did, you can pretty much guarantee that Cove will also win against Morton and down we go never to be seen again for years.

Until McGowan and his happy band of hangers on f**k off out of the club, we are doomed to spend years in seaside leagues with an ever dwindling support

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12 hours ago, accies1874 said:

Far too many folk are trying to be edgy about the cup win. Winning the cup was class! We're almost certainly gonna go down having won it and we almost certainly would've gone down had we lost to Rangers' kids in the first round, so why not win the thing and at least have one genuine high point among the eight years of depressio

Saying we'd probably have gone down anyway is daft, if we'd held on last week we could still have finished 8th. Look at the fixture congestion this last month, the cup just added to it. Plus Shiels has been out ever since the final. He's not great but he was a fixture in the side that took ten points from twelve. With him out, Rankin has played folk out of position because he doesn't trust young McGinn. It also baffles me how we could hold out with ten men for forty minutes in the final but couldn't hold on for four minutes last week. The league game was far more important.

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McGowan is going to tell us that they actually found the missing £ million down the back of one of sofas in board room. All is well with club and he will invest this £ million in the first team for next season. Lets all celebrate with a Nero vodka

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