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Oxford Street disorder

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7 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yes I agree its very much happening. I would never advocate smacking a child or whatever, but there is a clear sign that there is a large number of kids growing up just now who have never heard the word no or a bit of discipline. 
We have massive amounts of kids in the city centre causing problems every weekend and there is no money available for diversionary activities, indeed all there is is cuts. 

I think it is mostly a sign of far too many kids growing up in poverty/trauma and a lack of early intervention as opposed to a direct discipline issue. It has directly correlated with an increase in poverty and the pandemic IMO. The amount of kids not attending school from a very young age following the pandemic is at mental levels too. The life of a growing number is literally drink/drugs and causing mayhem and that’s it - so many seem to be getting into incredibly vulnerable situations with drug dealers too. 

But anyway, continuing cuts to Education, Police and Social Work certainly isn’t going to help. Social Work departments are another where understaffing is at dangerous levels - we all know that when the shit hits the fan that no one ever looks further up the tree to the actual root cause though! 

A depressing situation all round tbh, with so many factors feeding into it. 

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37 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Yes I agree its very much happening. I would never advocate smacking a child or whatever, but there is a clear sign that there is a large number of kids growing up just now who have never heard the word no or a bit of discipline. 
We have massive amounts of kids in the city centre causing problems every weekend and there is no money available for diversionary activities, indeed all there is is cuts. 

Just checking... is there an "n" missing from that last word?

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27 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I think it is mostly a sign of far too many kids growing up in poverty/trauma and a lack of early intervention as opposed to a direct discipline issue. It has directly correlated with an increase in poverty and the pandemic IMO. The amount of kids not attending school from a very young age following the pandemic is at mental levels too. The life of a growing number is literally drink/drugs and causing mayhem and that’s it - so many seem to be getting into incredibly vulnerable situations with drug dealers too. 

But anyway, continuing cuts to Education, Police and Social Work certainly isn’t going to help. Social Work departments are another where understaffing is at dangerous levels - we all know that when the shit hits the fan that no one ever looks further up the tree to the actual root cause though! 

A depressing situation all round tbh, with so many factors feeding into it. 

You'd need to look down the tree for the root cause...

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21 hours ago, RawB93 said:

Two boys in Dundee got 3 years each for posting a Facebook status...

Man that's wild I always presumed the people would've got a slap on the wrist, all internet trolls better pour out some henny. 

As an aside there was some trend on Twitter recently of random celebrity interactions and this picture popped up on my feed rather coincidentally 

Duggans son on the right hand side. 


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22 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Briefings have been provided to managers that its officially burst. If an office can close it will close type stuff. I believe stuff will start to hit the media soon about the scale of it all. But some of the confirmed stuff already in the press is that traffic cover overnight will be 2 cars in Glasgow, so if there is a fatal crash in Inverness or the need to provide a fast escort to an ambulance carrying a dying child there will be no one to help. 

Saw this in press but assumed it was deliberate exaggeration i.e. 'Washington Monument syndrome'.

How can we possibly - nation of 5M people - £1.5bn police budget - only afford 2 traffic cars nationwide overnight?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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1 minute ago, HibeeJibee said:

Saw this in press but assumed it was deliberate exaggeration i.e. 'Washington Monument syndrome'.

How can we a nation of 5M people possibly only afford 2 traffic cars nationwide overnight?

Because the Police have been massively defunded. Some of the things being briefed on are mad. Should hit the press soon. Spoke to my MSP earlier, they dont have a clue how bad it is. 

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29 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Because the Police have been massively defunded. Some of the things being briefed on are mad. Should hit the press soon. Spoke to my MSP earlier, they dont have a clue how bad it is. 

Just so as I can point my pitchfork in the right direction, can I ask if this is the fault of SNPBaaad or dem damn Toarries in Westminster? (Politics thread for this pish, I ken).  

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2 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

I thought the police budget went up by 6% this year ?

The estate is in a disgraceful state because theres no investment in it, they’ve spent millions on electric cars but not got the charging infrastructure. The IT system used in Strathclyde for example is 30 years old for crime recording. Apparently the electricity bill for first quarter has exceeded £2m more than last year and the entire years overtime budget was fucked by the Grangemouth stuff last month.
There are loads of reasons that headline figures like that dont amount to appropriate funding. 

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21 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The estate is in a disgraceful state because theres no investment in it, they’ve spent millions on electric cars but not got the charging infrastructure. The IT system used in Strathclyde for example is 30 years old for crime recording. Apparently the electricity bill for first quarter has exceeded £2m more than last year and the entire years overtime budget was fucked by the Grangemouth stuff last month.
There are loads of reasons that headline figures like that dont amount to appropriate funding. 

Fair enough. It's a similar story throughout all of our hollowed out public services and people are rightly going to look at year on year front line staff reductions alongside year on year budget rises and wonder what is going on.

For example...

23 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

they’ve spent millions on electric cars but not got the charging infrastructure. 

This seems very much a 'you' (as in the polis/senior management, not you personally) problem rather than a budget one.

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48 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Fair enough. It's a similar story throughout all of our hollowed out public services and people are rightly going to look at year on year front line staff reductions alongside year on year budget rises and wonder what is going on.

For example...

This seems very much a 'you' (as in the polis/senior management, not you personally) problem rather than a budget one.

Yes but in that example they’ve got to go electric with the fleet, its government policy to phase out ICE vehicles, that said its only one very small part of the problem. But anyway yes i think the public are going to see the impact of the cuts. 

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4 hours ago, No_Problemo said:

I think it is mostly a sign of far too many kids growing up in poverty/trauma and a lack of early intervention as opposed to a direct discipline issue. It has directly correlated with an increase in poverty and the pandemic IMO. The amount of kids not attending school from a very young age following the pandemic is at mental levels too. The life of a growing number is literally drink/drugs and causing mayhem and that’s it - so many seem to be getting into incredibly vulnerable situations with drug dealers too. 

Birthday caird pish. There's no evidence to show that a 'growing number' of young people's lives are suddenly embedded in drink or drugs. By the time they reach 18-25, consumption of alcohol is significantly lower than previous cohorts - and there's no reason why this would suddenly reverse before 18. The 1980s and 1990s were by all measurements more dangerous in these respects than the current environment as well as the attitudes of young people themselves. 

The reality is that many parents are prepared to abdicate their legal responsibility to stop their sprogs' antisocial behaviour because no consequences ever blow back to them. Solve that and you keep antisocial behaviour to an acceptable level regardless of irrelevant 'but..  poverty!' special pleading.

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