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What was Michael Matheson actually doing ?


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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:


Michael Matheson breached MSPs code of conduct in relation to his iPad bill.

I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.


He has already been punished so nothing to see here. It really can't have been important with the news being released one hour after FM questions 

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50 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

He has already been punished so nothing to see here. It really can't have been important with the news being released one hour after FM questions 

I disagree, what punishment has he had ?

He resigned.  

He paid back his debt.

What a waste of time an investigation into the fuckinnng blatantly obvious.

Simply confirmed as a fraudster and liar. 


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2 minutes ago, superbigal said:

I disagree, what punishment has he had ?

He resigned.  

He paid back his debt.

What a waste of time an investigation into the fuckinnng blatantly obvious.

Simply confirmed as a fraudster and liar. 


Agreed. If we this in our workplace we would likely be sacked and police may be involved.

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20 hours ago, superbigal said:

I disagree, what punishment has he had ?

He resigned.  

He paid back his debt.

What a waste of time an investigation into the fuckinnng blatantly obvious.

Simply confirmed as a fraudster and liar politician. 



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Apparently too sick to attend Parliament but doing work in his constituency.  When is this fraudster and liar going to be shown the door?  Anyone else would have been ousted by now and Useless has the cheek to defend him and  get on about the Tories.  People in glass houses comes to mind.

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11 minutes ago, Hard Graft said:

Apparently too sick to attend Parliament but doing work in his constituency.  When is this fraudster and liar going to be shown the door?  Anyone else would have been ousted by now and Useless has the cheek to defend him and  get on about the Tories.  People in glass houses comes to mind.

Absolutely disgusting. Doing constituency work. Dock his salary.

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What a nonsense.

Anyone who has ever went outside free international roaming destinations knows that one of the first things you do on arrival is buy local sim cards at the airport for your devices.

Matheson didn't know this or maybe just forgot.


He admitted it, paid back the money and resigned. End of.

It's hardly UK politician levels of truffing we are talking about here.


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1 hour ago, git-intae-thum said:

He admitted it, paid back the money and resigned. End of.

Quite clearly he didn't admit it.  He spent weeks fabricating stories to cover up what happened.  He broke the rules and then gets a £12k pay-off whereas in any other job he would have been sacked.

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Don't know how many times I have to post this. £40 million brexit plus £42 million immigrant bill = £82 F*****G million that the unionists have wasted but according to their sums £11k is greater than this. Unionist bigoted arseholes.

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4 hours ago, pawpar said:

Don't know how many times I have to post this. £40 million brexit plus £42 million immigrant bill = £82 F*****G million that the unionists have wasted but according to their sums £11k is greater than this. Unionist bigoted arseholes.

You can say it as many times as you want but it isn't equivalent.  This incident was about integrity of which the SNP have put out there that they are not corrupt, dishonest and are entirely for the people of Scotland.  If you don't measure up then you should be resigning and certainly the FM should be sacking you if you don't have the decency to do so.

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5 hours ago, pawpar said:

Don't know how many times I have to post this. £40 million brexit plus £42 million immigrant bill = £82 F*****G million that the unionists have wasted but according to their sums £11k is greater than this. Unionist bigoted arseholes.


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14 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

What a nonsense.

Anyone who has ever went outside free international roaming destinations knows that one of the first things you do on arrival is buy local sim cards at the airport for your devices.

Matheson didn't know this or maybe just forgot.


He admitted it, paid back the money and resigned. End of.

It's hardly UK politician levels of truffing we are talking about here.


He didn't admit it though, in fact if it wasn't brought to light he'd have never tried to throw his kids under the bus before paying it back

And its not like he didn't know about the bill until it came to light, it was months and months after his expenses were claimed for

Every single politician is a lying fucking crook, they'll all do what they can to skim off the public as much as they can, he is no different and they should all be done for it

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  • 1 month later...

Swinney needs to drop this defence of Matheson and get him binned ASAP.

The public don't care about the process, all they see is a liar who tried to get away with an £11k bill.

Swinney will be back tracking by the weekend.

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Swinney on very dangerous ground if the Tory motion to remove Mathieson as an MSP gathers traction. I get why he would be kean to avoid a byelection but his robust defence today is going to leave his own position shoogly to say the least if the motion (assuming Dross isn't bullshitting) goes against Mathieson as it surely could do with the Greens support no longer guaranteed and bearing in mind this might not be seen along party lines.

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10 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Swinney on very dangerous ground if the Tory motion to remove Mathieson as an MSP gathers traction. I get why he would be kean to avoid a byelection but his robust defence today is going to leave his own position shoogly to say the least if the motion (assuming Dross isn't bullshitting) goes against Mathieson as it surely could do with the Greens support no longer guaranteed and bearing in mind this might not be seen along party lines.

It 100% shouldn't be seen along party lines.  I'm not sure that taking a position of "he may be a liar and attempted to defraud the public but at least he is our liar and fraudster" is the best look.

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This whole situation would've been avoided if Matheson had just fessed up and admitted what had happened. It would quite rightly have led to negative publicity and demands that he pay it back, probably also demands he be sacked, but the error itself could be forgiven even if it was a really stupid one. Instead he tried to claim it was work related when it wasn't and set the process underway in which a host of others, including the former FM, ended up being burned his lies. 

IMost of us would've been sacked long before now if we'd tried to do what Matheson did. I know MSPs aren't sacked in the same manner that most of us would be familiar with, but the impression they get away with it just lingers as a result. All that's there to see is a man that should no longer be in the position he continues to be in. 


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Swinney making himself look totally foolish and incompetent.  But he paid back the money due - aye only after he was caught out and obviously would have paid nothing back if it had not been disclosed to the public. That is the crux of the issue.  If Mathieson had any decency he would resign now but it appears he will keep his snout in the trough as long as possible.

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