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General Election 2024

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52 minutes ago, Highlandmagar said:

I wonder if the armed forces would want this? A year's National Service seems a,waste of time for them. They must prefer a longer service, to train a more professional outfit. And after a year? What do those 19 year oëds come out to?



Personally, I am at the ready to serve my country in a new Dad's Army!

Absolutely not. The Armed forces don’t have the capacity to absorb thousands of nee recruits. The ability to train, equip, house, feed and use an influx of conscripts does not exist. The training culture and methods are also not designed for large numbers of people who don’t really want to be there. And in the event that some of the people who join up become useful soldiers them they leave after a year, just as they become good assets for the military.

I mean, this won’t be happening but it’s about the worst policy imaginable in many, many ways. That Sunak came up with this a couple of days into this campaign is amazing. What the hell will they be saying before polling day? Bring back proper bin men?

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Being North of the border, I can't remember a more uncertain political landscape in which to vote.

Growing up in my hometown, it was Labour that you voted for back then, without even thinking about it, you didn't even think twice. Starmer's intentions make me increasingly nervous.

It is possible to think that the SNP give Scotland a brilliant deal but yet still don't want independence. You know the SNP can't/ won't separate this. Will there be a defection in voter's after recent laptop and embezzlement scandals?

The Tories.

Totally at a loss what to do if I'm being totally honest. I suspect I won't be alone in that regard, moreso up here.

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There are currently 717,000 18 year olds in the UK. This policy proposes that around 5-10% of those will do military service, that’s 35,000 people.

The British Army currently has 75,000 active servicemen and women. The idea that it has the capacity to take in around 50% of its current manpower every year is laughable.

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Just now, Fullerene said:

Maybe the idea is to use these "volunteers" to do all the crap jobs that used to be done by foreigners.

It absolutely is. Nobody's noticing the "...but you could also do community service" line tagged on to the headline of preparing the kids for WWIII.

The pensioners in favour of this will be horrified when their nursing home is staffed by teenage "volunteers" with a grudge.

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20 minutes ago, BukyOHare said:

Being North of the border, I can't remember a more uncertain political landscape in which to vote.

Growing up in my hometown, it was Labour that you voted for back then, without even thinking about it, you didn't even think twice. Starmer's intentions make me increasingly nervous.

It is possible to think that the SNP give Scotland a brilliant deal but yet still don't want independence. You know the SNP can't/ won't separate this. Will there be a defection in voter's after recent laptop and embezzlement scandals?

The Tories.

Totally at a loss what to do if I'm being totally honest. I suspect I won't be alone in that regard, moreso up here.

Cheer up! There's always the Liberal Democrats!

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Mandatory national service for all 18 year olds!

To maintain our fabled sense of British fair play surely a two child cap would be more just and equitable.


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They need to get our of the ECHR before capital punishment can be brought back.

I remember the mainstream Tory crew used to find it amusing when you'd mention their leaders' fascination with reducing human rights (for some). Oh no, we'd never withdraw from the ECHR - alarmist nonsense. After fourteen years preparing the ground, it's now in the press on an almost daily basis, with people scrabbling about looking for reasons why it would be illegal under international law, or that it couldn't happen because of the Good Friday Agreement.

Meanwhile the people running the country focus their efforts on subverting international law, and barely consider the Good Friday Agreement at all.

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2 hours ago, sparky88 said:

I'd almost like it just to see them try and give exemptions to EPL footballers.

They're allowed to spend a year on an island with Danny Lennon.

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I am completely against the idea of compulsory military service (and voluntary, come to that) but maybe the 'community service' idea has legs.

Perhaps Labour could 'steal' the Tory idea and tweak it.

Why not earlier than 18?    For school leavers with no prospects, for example?     

I have no idea how this might be organised. 

France has ' Service Civique' but it is voluntary.

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41 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I was just about to post the same thing.

Give it a fortnight.

^^^ wants to get his affairs in order…

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I think we all know (as does Sunak himself) that this is just, another, desperate attempt to get all the auld right wingers who may have gone to Reform to keep voting Tory.

It wont save him, or his party from whats coming their way, but might make a few amusing headlines in the Daily Express or whatever.

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