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British Values

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Struggling to articulate this a little, and not sure how specifically/quintessentially ('member that banner?) British a phenomenon it is, but a strong mob mentality & wistfully thinking of yourself as being in a Silent Majority.

Maybe the mob mentality thing is a hangover from medieval times? Or people getting to express their most horrifying, base instincts - but its ok cos its a criminal! Like Instead of braying and chucking rocks at those accused of being petty criminals, now its all comments sections on various online channels.

Where people seem to try to one up each other on who can come up with the most cruel and unusual punishment for, say, the McCanns, or Lucy Letby (a full spectrum of relatively mild comments, i.e. "lock them away and frow away the key" right the way through to "THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE DEATH PENALTY BROUGHT BACK THEY SHOULD CHAIN THESE MONSTERS UP AND LET THE VICTIMS FAMILIES SORT THEM OUT WITH AN AXE IN A DARK ROOM THATD BE JUSTICE"

Also getting caught up in whatever is going on in the states and doing a shite knock off of it. Boris aping Trump etc.

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4 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Struggling to articulate this a little, and not sure how specifically/quintessentially ('member that banner?) British a phenomenon it is, but a strong mob mentality & wistfully thinking of yourself as being in a Silent Majority.

Maybe the mob mentality thing is a hangover from medieval times? Or people getting to express their most horrifying, base instincts - but its ok cos its a criminal! Like Instead of braying and chucking rocks at those accused of being petty criminals, now its all comments sections on various online channels.

Where people seem to try to one up each other on who can come up with the most cruel and unusual punishment for, say, the McCanns, or Lucy Letby (a full spectrum of relatively mild comments, i.e. "lock them away and frow away the key" right the way through to "THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE DEATH PENALTY BROUGHT BACK THEY SHOULD CHAIN THESE MONSTERS UP AND LET THE VICTIMS FAMILIES SORT THEM OUT WITH AN AXE IN A DARK ROOM THATD BE JUSTICE"

Also getting caught up in whatever is going on in the states and doing a shite knock off of it. Boris aping Trump etc.



Quoting myself but aye, this is the more american/canadian version of it. Worldstar etc.


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35 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Struggling to articulate this a little, and not sure how specifically/quintessentially ('member that banner?) British a phenomenon it is, but a strong mob mentality & wistfully thinking of yourself as being in a Silent Majority.

Maybe the mob mentality thing is a hangover from medieval times? Or people getting to express their most horrifying, base instincts - but its ok cos its a criminal! Like Instead of braying and chucking rocks at those accused of being petty criminals, now its all comments sections on various online channels.

Where people seem to try to one up each other on who can come up with the most cruel and unusual punishment for, say, the McCanns, or Lucy Letby (a full spectrum of relatively mild comments, i.e. "lock them away and frow away the key" right the way through to "THIS IS WHY WE NEED THE DEATH PENALTY BROUGHT BACK THEY SHOULD CHAIN THESE MONSTERS UP AND LET THE VICTIMS FAMILIES SORT THEM OUT WITH AN AXE IN A DARK ROOM THATD BE JUSTICE"

Also getting caught up in whatever is going on in the states and doing a shite knock off of it. Boris aping Trump etc.

Fantasising on Facebook about your family being raped/murdered so you can go full Charles Bronson/Dexter Morgan on the culprits (who will usually be part of an ethnic/social group you don't like).

This is really disturbingly popular, and genuinely feels as though a percentage of the population are just praying for an excuse to commit horrific acts of violence.

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Posted (edited)

I wonder if there's a pattern when there hasn't been a major war for a while, it's been an unusually long time, of old men getting frustrated at not sending young folk off to kill and reek havoc, and be slaughtered, so they need another outlet for their rage at humanity, like some vigilante OAP section of a bee colony who only kick in when the Queen gets bored, and start executing ne're do wells and other unsavoury or unusual bees.

Edited by welshbairn
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Complaining about queuing 

Complaining about the weather


General racism

What a deplorable wee island we share.

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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I wonder if there's a pattern when there hasn't been a major war for a while, it's been an unusually long time, of old men getting frustrated at not sending young folk off to kill and reek havoc, and be slaughtered, so they need another outlet for their rage at humanity, like some vigilante OAP section of a bee colony who only kick in when the Queen gets bored, and start executing ne're do wells and other unsavoury or unusual bees.

How can you have a sombre military parade to commemorate the fallen if you don't have the fallen?  How can you celebrate the survivors of a conflict if you don't have the conflict that they survived from?  The Second World War was too long ago and the Falklands War was a bit underwhelming.  It just won't do.

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3 hours ago, Fullerene said:

the Falklands War was a bit underwhelming. 

So much so that it wasn't actually even a war, as neither side officially declared war on the other. BROKEN BRITAIN.

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3 minutes ago, Alan Twelve said:

So much so that it wasn't actually even a war, as neither side officially declared war on the other. BROKEN BRITAIN.

That seems to be the modern way - just don't say it's a war and you're fine.

Americans like to say that they didn't lose the Vietnam War because they didn't officially declare war on Vietnam, which strikes me as the big-boy version of "doesn't count because I wasn't trying"  :P

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10 minutes ago, Alan Twelve said:

So much so that it wasn't actually even a war, as neither side officially declared war on the other. BROKEN BRITAIN.

Awful manners to not officially declare war, wouldn't of happened in the good old days.

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"British Muslims are wonderful, peace-loving, community-minded people, certainly in the north-east where I’m based, we have fantastic communities and they are a really important part of our social fabric.

“There are a very small proportion for whom they want to challenge those values that we hold dear in the UK, which are British values, and there we need to continue to work in community to bring those people to this.

“The UK has incredible values of freedom of speech, freedom of choice … these are incredibly important values, but they have to be nurtured and looked after, and where there are those who would threaten them we need to make sure that we deal with that.”

Yeah, but if they're British muslims then surely their values are British values on account of them being British? This is all very confusing.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

That seems to be the modern way - just don't say it's a war and you're fine.

Americans like to say that they didn't lose the Vietnam War because they didn't officially declare war on Vietnam, which strikes me as the big-boy version of "doesn't count because I wasn't trying"  :P

They also didn't lose the War of 1812 although Canadian History books say they did.

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Whenever British values are mentioned I think of Captain Edmund Blackadder's military career

"He claims to have joined the army in 1886, when "if you saw someone in a skirt, you shot him and nicked his country". He joined the 19th/45th East African Rifles, when Britain was fighting colonial wars during the Scramble for Africa, a time when "the prerequisite for any battle was that the enemy should under no circumstances carry guns". He described the military as having been "little more than a travel agency for men with unusually high sex drives". He was hailed as the 'Hero of Mboto Gorge' in 1890, where he had faced "ten thousand Watutsi warriors armed to the teeth with kiwi fruit and dry guava halves". 

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8 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

East India Company

Jardine Matheson

Tate & Lyle

British Honduras Company

Red Sea Telegraph Company

Huzzah !!!

Also the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.  51% owned by the UK. 

When the democratically elected Prime Minister of Persia decided to nationalise the company, the UK and USA got rid of him. 

Democracy is great but not for other people.

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