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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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37 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Today I saw two PhD students present talks with titles they can't pronounce properly, and I'm not talking about pedantic 'lock vs loch' or 'Moray vs Murray' type things,I mean to a level I had the see the words on screen to know what they were referring to.

Needs examples, really.

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Manchester to where? Unless it's Aberdeen or Inverness, there's not much point. The train is far easier.

Aberdeen or Inverness would be worth it but I'd go by train to Edinburgh or Glasgow. Manchester is a particularly shitty airport. If you really haven't flown before, it's dead easy to make it smooth. 1. Put any liquids or gels under 100ml in a clear plastic bag, any over 100 ml throw in a bin. Before going through security put everything from your trouser and shirt pockets into your jacket pockets, but keep your boarding pass and passport handy. When you get to the trays for security, put your jacket in, the bag of fluids, shoes and belt, any laptop, tablet or phone, and your passport. Walk through the scanner, pick up your stuff and go to the bar, checking the telly for your gate number on route.
P.S. I see St Wilson agrees with the first bit. If he lives in Montrose I'd be tempted to fly to Aberdeen though, and train.

I would back myself not to be a complete idiot, it's the stories of other people that concern me.

It would be Manchester to Aberdeen then Montrose I would be doing. I'm not sure why I haven't considered it before but now that I'm gonna be staying down here for a bit, I think it's gonna be the easier option for weekends home.
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1 minute ago, Aidan said:



I would back myself not to be a complete idiot, it's the stories of other people that concern me.

It would be Manchester to Aberdeen then Montrose I would be doing. I'm not sure why I haven't considered it before but now that I'm gonna be staying down here for a bit, I think it's gonna be the easier option for weekends home.



Probably cheaper too if you book in advance.

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Probably cheaper too if you book in advance.

I was looking at both flights and trains for next month and there's not much difference between the 2 really. The main bonus is gonna be the shorter travel time, and the fact that I don't have to piss about in Preston and Edinburgh
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6 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

The 1 I hate is when someone deliberately cuts up the wrong lane because they don't want to wait in the queue for the correct lane. Inevitably some old dick who takes a month to do everything and leaves massive gaps is where the arsehole cuts in.

I actually fantasise that everyone blocks the arsehole and he ends up raging and even further down the queue. Never happens though :thumbsdown

Spot on. Claypotts junction at Dundee is bad for this, I turn into a seething mess when I see it, on the plus side, its good when you block the c***s and don't let them in.

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Spot on. Claypotts junction at Dundee is bad for this, I turn into a seething mess when I see it, on the plus side, its good when you block the c***s and don't let them in.

A pal of mine, who is genuinely a good guy, does this every morning. Just brazenly cuts in at the last minute - with no fucks given.

I don't get to see it and I'm incensed by it.
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Spot on. Claypotts junction at Dundee is bad for this, I turn into a seething mess when I see it, on the plus side, its good when you block the c***s and don't let them in.

This is half the reason I moved to Dundee to be honest. Every fucking morning this had me seething.

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It is. I was pulled up at Bristol airport earlier this year (after having to take my shoes off, be scanned, searched and my bag X-rayed) and was made to empty out my rucksack. I'm somewhat lazy so hadn't emptied it in quite some time so had various laptop/tablet chargers, headsets etc as well as a pile of paperwork.

As my work paid for my rucksack, it has 4 massive zipped pockets that were basically full, and the contents filled 3 trays. I had my gear swabbed and it came back that my laptop lock apparently contained traces of an explosive chemical.

I got a 10 minute grilling on who I was and then they let me through after I signed a declaration. I had travelled, and have travelled since, with it in my bag without issue. Good to know that as long as I sign a form I have permission to blow a plane out of the sky.

As has been said, Bristol is by far and away the absolute worst for security in my experience, they are jobsworth c***s to a man. I have probably visited that airport more than any other in my time (Glasgow excepted, obviously), and I reckon at least one in three times I've had an issue.

I went through Stansted last week for work, first time I have had to go through one of those 3D scanner things. Was tempted to drop one in it for the next poor, unsuspecting b*****d that went in, but realised there was no doors so no point.
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I would back myself not to be a complete idiot, it's the stories of other people that concern me.

It would be Manchester to Aberdeen then Montrose I would be doing. I'm not sure why I haven't considered it before but now that I'm gonna be staying down here for a bit, I think it's gonna be the easier option for weekends home.

If it's not your work that's paying for it then I wouldn't recommend flying to Manchester, you'll get onto one of the fabulous Loganair 70s jobs. If it's anything like from Inverness it's fucking expensive as well.
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Bristol Airport security are jumped-up jobsworth p***ks who could do with a real security threat from time to time just to make them realise what constitutes threat and what doesn't. Bullied at school and too thick for the army. Napoleon Complex as standard. 

Completely agree, they are absolute wankers.
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1 hour ago, WeAreElgin said:


If it's not your work that's paying for it then I wouldn't recommend flying to Manchester, you'll get onto one of the fabulous Loganair 70s jobs. If it's anything like from Inverness it's fucking expensive as well.


I fly 2 or 3 times a year to see friends in North Wales from Inverness, so it's Manchester or Birmingham. The prices vary, and Birmingham's usually cheaper, but if you book ahead it's usually under £100, sometimes £80. The planes are fine, it's only an hour or so, and I prefer the service you get to Easyjet or Ryanair.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

My brother :thumsup2

I have to hear about the wife's work every day.

Is their a nice way to say I don't give a flying f**k?

The problem is always some other woman as well.

Imagine we had womanfolk running the world with all their. We'd all have been wiped out with nukes years ago.
"Women need a lot of blood to flow through to their baby centers, which leaves less to the brain, you see?"

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5 hours ago, Lisa Cuddy said:

Bristol Airport security are jumped-up jobsworth p***ks who could do with a real security threat from time to time just to make them realise what constitutes threat and what doesn't. Bullied at school and too thick for the army. Napoleon Complex as standard. 


I'd agree with that. And the food in the terminal is outrageously fucking awful.

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9 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

My brother :thumsup2

I have to hear about the wife's work every day.

Is their a nice way to say I don't give a flying f**k?

Every evening I have to go through this with my girlfriend and then when she asks how my work day was I just say something along the lines of.. Same as every other day.

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Even worse than cars cutting in, is at the lights at Glasgow Royal. Cars coming along Alexandra Parade that can’t be bothered waiting in the right lane go right, go through the lights in the left lane, do an emergency stop followed by a sharp right U turn. Seen a few near misses with this.

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