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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by people of know who have moved aboard who are very preachy about it.

It's as if somehow I've made a terrible decision by choosing to live in Scotland and that where they live is definitely much better. I don't just mean the day to day lifestyle but they seem to post pictures on various forms of social media of themselves with some lovely scenery as if they're out exploring every weekend. The same people never ventured out the central belt of Scotland

It's quite possible their life is initially better and they probably are out exploring every weekend as everything is new. It soon wears off! No matter where you are, living a normal working life you do become desensitised to your surroundings and then the usual mundane existence sets in.

Unless your on an expat contract, living overseas can be extremely tough at times (depending where you stay), especially if you do not have residency.

I've lived overseas for 12 years now and wouldn't contemplate returning to the UK. They're many factors, but the biggest one is waking up to a blue sky everyday and the temperature never going below 24c and usually above 30c. I'm afraid Scotland can't compete there.

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4 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

If anyone abroad needs an assistant accountant with a few years experience and only needs English speaking, I'll get the beers in.


You had me at "get the beers in". Although frankly, I have no need for an assistant accountant, experienced or otherwise. And I can't pay you anything or give you a place to stay. But you know...if you're getting the beers in then you're welcome to come to Colorado.

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I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by people of know who have moved aboard who are very preachy about it.

It's as if somehow I've made a terrible decision by choosing to live in Scotland and that where they live is definitely much better. I don't just mean the day to day lifestyle but they seem to post pictures on various forms of social media of themselves with some lovely scenery as if they're out exploring every weekend. The same people never ventured out the central belt of Scotland

The only thing worse than someone going on about how great it is to live abroad are those who spend their whole time abroad talking about how great their own country is - Americans in particular are terrible for this but I've met a fair few British who are close behind t.b.h. - and it seems the further south you go in the UK the greater it is!

I am where I am now because it's cheap enough to allow me to get by - there are plenty of pros and cons but I suppose for me the pros are outweighing the cons otherwise I'd go 'home'.

Ask me 5 years ago if I'd consider returning to Dundee, I'd have said 100% no chance - now it's more like 99% no chance, so who knows?
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10 hours ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated by people of know who have moved aboard who are very preachy about it.

It's as if somehow I've made a terrible decision by choosing to live in Scotland and that where they live is definitely much better. I don't just mean the day to day lifestyle but they seem to post pictures on various forms of social media of themselves with some lovely scenery as if they're out exploring every weekend. The same people never ventured out the central belt of Scotland


Was there on Saturday, 7th biggest statue in the world.  25km from the house. So, we could take the car and back for winetime  in the evening.

Actually, amazing, was a little cool at 35 degrees, well what do you expect, we have winter here too.

Take Care, hope Chrimbo isn't too stressful.


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3 hours ago, hk blues said:


The only thing worse than someone going on about how great it is to live abroad are those who spend their whole time abroad talking about how great their own country is - Americans in particular are terrible for this but I've met a fair few British who are close behind t.b.h. - and it seems the further south you go in the UK the greater it is!

I am where I am now because it's cheap enough to allow me to get by - there are plenty of pros and cons but I suppose for me the pros are outweighing the cons otherwise I'd go 'home'.

Ask me 5 years ago if I'd consider returning to Dundee, I'd have said 100% no chance - now it's more like 99% no chance, so who knows?


Any photos of the pros you talk about, friend is asking? Not the fat ones though!!

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17 hours ago, Trackdaybob said:

It is never actually about work though is it?

It's about who's been a bitch or somebody has gone and bought those shoes. You know, the ones she wanted but can't buy now because someone else had already gone and bought them. The bitch :lol:

I seen my wife get upset that someone we know has "stolen" the name she was gonnae name our daughter.

This is made 10X worse by the fact my wife isn't even pregnant.

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1 hour ago, irvine_buddie said:

All the news outlets using the phrase "so called" Islamic State. If that's their name then call them it, if they don't agree that they're a proper "State" then call them something else.


Can they not also now assume that after several years of saying it, that pretty much everyone is aware of their name, and doesn't really give a tuppenny tug whether or not they are "so-called" or otherwise.

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1 hour ago, irvine_buddie said:

All the news outlets using the phrase "so called" Islamic State. If that's their name then call them it, if they don't agree that they're a proper "State" then call them something else.

I've had this rant before.  The so called BBC are the worst for it. 

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2 hours ago, irvine_buddie said:

All the news outlets using the phrase "so called" Islamic State. If that's their name then call them it, if they don't agree that they're a proper "State" then call them something else.

They tried calling them Daesh for a bit but nobody knew how to pronounce it and it didn't catch on. It's the Arabic acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which sounds like the Arabic word for "trample" and also "sows discord", so it really annoys IS when people use it.

Edited by welshbairn
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Moved into a new house, have five days to report faults and have the buyer sort them out. 20 year old boiler leaks gas, just something needing tightened up. Red light comes on, gas system just needing bled. Two days later a red light starts flashing, Google tells me that's due to a faulty part, a part which is no longer available. All we need to do is get a plumber out to condemn it and we get a new boiler.

Girlfriend goes into work and gets "advice" of fellow women. Gas board come out despite no smell of gas, turn boiler off, leave thinking im a fucking idiot. Turn boiler back on, no red light. Probably have to wait two days for red light to come back on, and that's outwith the five days meaning we'd have to shell out ourselves.


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So essentially you let the mrs call the shots on this issue leaving you a few grand down???

We pass the new house on the way into her work. So had popped in, seen the light flashing, and decided to call plumber after 9 when they open. I dropped her off at work and drove back to the house, and in that time the gas board had been called and were coming straight out.

Fwiw I don't blame her either we're both new to this and taking advice from folk. It's the people who have no idea about these things but feel a need to get involved despite being thick as f**k that annoy me.

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We are supposed to return to work on the 4th of January. However work 'very kindly' gave some folk the option of coming back on the 3rd if they want (they get the day added to their holiday entitlement instead), in order for them to 'get caught up' (f**k know how as nothing has been happening this week) or to 'get prepared' (for what I don't know as the students don't return until the 9th). Disgustingly, there are actually quite a few mugs who are coming back on the 3rd. Absolutely cretinous behaviour and just sad as f**k. 

I've taken the 4th, 5th and 6th off. 

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